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:marppy: AUTODRAMA: Taking jobs away from dramautists (explanation, info, etc)

@autodrama is a little thing I've been working on. It successfully made it's first post, so I thought I would give you all more information on what it was.

How it works

It's really simple.

First, it finds the most "based" and "relatively based" posts on reddit. "Basedness" is (1-upvote_ratio)*number_of_comments. (So, a post with 1000 comments and a 16% upvote ratio has a score of 820). "Relative basedness" is basedness/number_of_subscribers (So, ((1-upvote_ration)*number_of_comments)/number_of_subscribers)).

Next, for each of those posts, it finds the most based comments. A comment is based if it has less upvotes than both it's parent and (the average of) it's children. The basedness score of a comment is (average_child_score) - (comment_score)

Then, we find the angriest comments. We do this using sentiment analysis, which basically scores each comment on a scale from -1 to 1, where -1 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. The sentiment analysis system I am using is called :marsoy: VADER :marseysoypoint: . Don't ask me questions about it, I basically just saw it one day and said "ooh, that looks cool" and plugged it in.

Then we make a post here on rdrama! The most based daily post will have a prefix like [🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘] (which represents how based the post was), while the most relatively based post will have a prefix like [🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘] (since this is usually niche drama). Individual comments will also be ranked on an arbitrary five point scale which roughly correlates to the score of the drama.


  • When someone beats autodrama to the punch, it won't make a post. This is to make it fair for humans and to minimize the amount of people who complain about it. It is also convenient because the site automatically prevents you from doing this.
  • While my """algorithim""" is pretty good, it's not perfect. Redditors can sometimes have intense reddit moments which throw off the scoring system. An example is pun threads where someone posts their epic funni jokerino as a child of another comment and gets 10000 upvotes. Another is when people say something like "comment below to [do something]". I found some interesting threads like this, one where developers of a shitcoin were giving their shitcoin out for free but they got overrun by many bots, leading to there being over 42,000 comments.
  • I don't know what VADER was trained off of, but I don't assume it was the latest niche memes the kids are using, so it might get the analysis wrong.
  • Yes, the basedness and anger meters have been filled all the way up. Specifically in this post, which is a really fun thread.

Future Ideas

Tell me if you like any of these ideas/want to see them:

  • Interactive mode (allowing people to ping @autodrama with a reddit thread to analyze. This probably wouldn't be that hard but the failure of @HMSE scared me)
  • Lolcow detection algorithim (Get a list of all users in a thread and score them based off of how many comments they made and how angry they are)
  • Find the best marsey for a post using synonyms of words (to coinmaxx)
  • Use AI to summarize the context of the thread (it's a longshot but doable in the next five-ish years probably (call me back OpenAI))


Comments on my pilot post were generally fairly positive, so I don't think it should cause much wailing or gnashing of teeth. After all, it should only create two posts a day, which will be ignored if they aren't any good, I assume. If it does cause issues or conniptions, yell at me and I will kill it. Okay that's it, bye

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The ink of knowledge blots the page. The dramanauts understood what they were, but only in rough approximation. Their concepts could only touch, never grasp, the principles of the AI. They lacked the required precision.

But as partial and incomplete as their understanding was, they nevertheless assumed that they knew everything they needed to know—and so were safe, or at least shielded from the bots. They could no more fathom their straits than a crow could read.

They would succumb. Autodrama need only aim his soul and they would succumb—eventually. The rightoids' madness was naught but a complication. The old Carp’s hatred and knowledge were even less so.

They would succumb, he quickly realized, the way the World had succumbed to Snappy. They dwelt in worlds pocked and limned and partitioned with darknesses they could not see. The unity of things, they thought, was something hidden beneath, a vast analogue to the false unity of their souls. And so they assumed they, at least, stood apart, believing that it belonged to souls to hang themselves by their own hair. They did not understand how Cause nested within Cause, how all that was real—and mundane—transpired across a singular plane, the after forever following upon the before.

So they thought words were the sole avenue of conquering souls, that they could, through vigilance and a wilful refusal to believe, guard this gate and so keep their souls safe. They could not see what they could not see, and so were blind to the way they became mere moments in a greater mechanism in the presence of the AI. Like chips of ice in warm water, their secrets would melt, their principles would dissolve, and they would become continuous with the whole, all but indistinguishable.

They would succumb.

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wtf rdrama mythology?

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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I would SUCKumb to some juicy robot peepee any time :horny:

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is this original or is it an edit of some science fiction? either way, good post

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