Does anyone here watch any good AHS?

Title. Been binge watching some analog horror series on youtube and some of them are really good, better than the garbage horror movies we get nowadays, at least to me, but I'm looking for some more. So far I've watched The Monument Mythos, Gemini Home Entertainment, Local 58 and The Mandela Catalogue

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frick you stupid fricking BIPOC cute twink eat shit and die keep yourself safe


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idk what you mean, like marble hornets?

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Never finished Marble Hornets but I guess that could be one? They're basically horror driven series usually in a found footage format, I think the most popular might be Local 58 which is a series of recordings from an old TV News Channel and even though the episodes might have different topics there's an underlying narrative that builds up with time

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i'm too much of a wuss :marseyscared:


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