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This is quite literally what they ask for and they're still upset.


Woke g*mers b-word about getting exactly what they want. Corpo's stunned that attempts to appeal to this demographic are (once again) not going over as well as they hoped.

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Listen chud you don't need a problematic tool for this. You're just supposed to make every character a gay black overweight Muslim woman in a wheelchair who has had 6 abortions.

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They like to see corporations embrace globohomo shit, but they hate the thought of a bunch of mid-level execs sitting around a table and creating KPIs showing that globohomo shit will drive revenue. Even though that's obviously what happens - the problem here is that Activision is letting normies peek into the cringey reality of how this works.

Good (downvoted) comment from the /r/games thread on this:

I'm shocked and appalled that The Thing People Have Been Demanding More Of has been quantified in a way such that it can be determined whether there is More Of It or not

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You're exaggerating things. The engineer in Battletech isn't in a wheelchair and we don't know how many abortions she's had.

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They* have had

We don't know their pronouns, men can also have abortions

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Whoa whoa slow down, sometimes abortions can have men too. Without knowing specifically lets not jump to assumptions.

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men can also have abortions

Hey man I know it's Friday but are you drunk? I said that. Send me 50 DC to make up for it

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There you go

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Battletech was a really good game, but I waited 4 years before buying it on sale because of the pronoun cute twinkry some train on the dev team pushed. I just want cool mechs and space drama, not modern wokeshit.

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It's a bad game, it's broken (loading times), it's shit compared to MechCommander 2 from 20 years ago. And you're unironically posting that you didn't play it because of idpol reasons but now you like it because they fired a :marseytrain:. Wow, that's really impressive. I like you. No, I respect you. This is very brave of you.

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I didn't know they fired anyone, I just waited for a sale.

And the load times are shit, but they got the tone of Battletech just right. None of the modern PGI games get that right.

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