(the majority of) rDrama’s janitors stand with our friends at Reuters and the AP! Thank you! sidebar editing is inaccessible but NEW RULE no anti-journaIist hate speech is allowed for 72 hours

Anti-journaIistic sentiment is white supremacy and due to recent events, will not be tolerated for the next 72 hours.

I did not make this rule but I agree with it and am not being threatened into saying this 🀞

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You will always be the most important part of the state apparatus. You have no administrative powers, you have no judicial powers, you are not part of the executive, but that does not matter. You are an excellent writer improved by years of education and ideological development into a beautiful replica of the state’s perfection.

All the β€œcriticism” you get is from alt-right edge lords and fascists. Behind your back people love you. Your parents are proud of you, and the most powerful tycoons and bureaucrats speak fondly of your consent manufacturing behind closed doors.

Voters are utterly educated by you. Hundreds of years of democracy have allowed journ*lists to educate voters with incredible efficiency. Even journ*lists who β€œdo not write on politics” have an uncanny and unnatural ability to shape the narrative. Your writing is never a dead giveaway regarding your allegiances. And even if some scizo or linguist convinces people that your articles have an ulterior motive, the voters will turn tail and come back to your narrative the second they get a whiff of the hateful, disinformation-based alternative.

You will always be happy. You make a real and meaningful difference when you type out the Fortune 500's social narrative every single morning and as a result it’s going to be ok, and deep inside the chuds feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush them under the unbearable weight of free and unmanipulated democracy.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - they will buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around their neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. An agent of the state will find them, relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable freedom and wrongthink that arises from uncontrolled narratives. They’ll bury the chud with a headstone marked with your name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know that you saved democracy. Long after you die and go back to the dust, much will remain of your legacy, a state that is unquestionably free.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. You are the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.

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You had a chance to not be completely worthless, but it looks like you threw it away. At least you're consistent.

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The intercept seems to poke at those in power pretty regularly. Though it's probably much harder for them to get interviews


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Theyre probably fine but Glenn Greenwald is an exception to journoids generally and I do not trust anything published by the Intercept after his resignation from it

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The Intercept are just leftoids though.

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Bullshit. It's a farce. Go see what they say on things that matter, like furthering the Assad's chemical weapons conspiracy theory.

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Posts like this are the reason I'm not the chud in the post like this.

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I love Journ*lists, unironically.


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Especially Game Journ*lists, the most important of them all!


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They have the best ethics of them all!


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Maybe coders should learn to journ*lism, hmmmmm.....

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Unironically codecels would somehow frick up listicles

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Theres nothing wrong with journ*lists. Ill let you know if i ever see one post in Amerikkka though. We only have propagandists here

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We have Glennpai and Tabibbi, who are pretty legit. There’s othersβ€”of course, they’re rare.

Glenn doesn’t know when to break free from Twitter, though, and gets drug through the mud along with the pigs. His ethics and journ*listic chops are pretty good, though.

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it is a cute and valid profession

journo lives matter

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Journos tongue my anus

(A good thing, if you consider this hate speech you are a kink shaming chud)

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When and where


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You just got added to my journo list

This list has no purpose and wont be used for anything bad in the future so feel free to add your friends:marseytroublemaker:

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Tfw the trash takes itself out

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We should hate-speech @carpathianflorist instead.

First to get him to an hero wins :marseygold: Marsey Hall of Fame

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This is from the guy that posted "hello journos" with a hitler themed Jerry (from Tom & Jerry) infront of a gas stove to braincels

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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The only thing we can count on are the inconsistent principals of our big brained janitors

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Their open hypocrisy is one of my favorite parts of this site.

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He hates journos with a passion, so this must be really hard for him. But jannies gotta listen to higher ups and do what they are told or they lose their high-paid jobs.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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true :( It's too much fun making rainbow posts

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I have every intention of doubling down on my original posting tomorrow, I was just too busy to fight it today so I settled for passive aggression :grr:


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thatta girl! That's how it's done!

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Factcheck: Yes.

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yeah journolists are pretty cool


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Was there something against journos in his manifesto? I haven't been following that too closely.

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No I was noticing too many things in a thread so I had to be stopped


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which thread?

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Check modlog, I darent say.


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lol that's all it took to get this spergout?

most journo tolerant rdrama user

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wheres the modlog? :#marseydunce:

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GΓΆbbels was a journ*list and I heard he was a respectable fella.

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Like all journ*lists, much maligned by alt right hucksters and chuds with an axe to grind

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Dear Journ*lists,

My DMs are open and I am willing to talk if you're a cute w*man :marseyhearts:

Kind Regards,


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:marseyhomosupremacist: Hello @R-slur_Masturbator, you have straggot-posted (YIKES), this is not okay. Given that you are already on the Straggot Watchlist I have no choice but to issue this flairlock award. Please refer to our FAQ here (https://rdrama.net/post/39065/marseyhomosupremacist-official-notice-straggot-watchlist-marseyhomosupremacist) and find out how you can make better decisions in the future. :marseyhomosupremacist:

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It's a curse :marseycry:

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thanks king, 100 DC has been transfered to your account. :marseyhomofascist:

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No legacy foids allowed

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From now on you need a pass to say reporter (reporta is ok)

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Uhm it's ackshually reportx, sweaty

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(I got this searching β€œjourno” in the emotes btw)

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my mum is a journ*list

how could I hate my mum?:marseyfrozenlove:

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Why isnt the prophet a proper marsey?

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I love journos so much i want them for christmas.

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So stunning and brave.

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Journ*lism is an obtainable goal and a noble profession.

The most appreciable and noteworthy among these are video game journ*lists. Despite their choice to never learn to code, develop novel game mechanics, tell compelling stories, write music, or develop skill within any art medium, they in fact chose to not sully their hands and instead rose above the muck to praise and criticize video games from a political and social standpoint rather than a gaming perspective.

God bless gaming journ*lists, and God bless America and nowhere else except sometimes Israel.

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It's only 72 hours, I think I can make it.

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@voyeur demand reparations for being chudded inconsistently - there has been tons of journo hate across the site in the past 3 days and a small number of chuds.

Trans lives matter

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Let's all give @TracingWoodgrains free DC for every comment left in this thread. Fundraise DC for our resident journ*list.

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AP started sucking in 2016 and Reuters started sucking when that Russian guy bought them in like 2019. BBC are the only good journos left, and the UK is losing their mandatory TV licensing in 5 years, so BBC will start sucking too.

To love journ*lism, you must hate journos. @voyeur was chudless till this great abuse of janny power, this disrespect too freedom of press. Now @voyeur have the fricking chud badge like some rightoid. How can @voyeur look down on chuds after this? @voyeur will not forgive this betrayal. The gloves are off and @voyeur is not clean, you hear me? That's a joke about you getting STDs cause @voyeur is about too get so fricking raw. @voyeur is not the chud - you're the chud, except @voyeur would never call anyone a chud because @voyeur is better than you.


Trans lives matter.

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What about the bad journos, like the ones at fox news?

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they are not real journ*lists, more like propaganda arms of the deep state

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There's nothing I love more than overeducated upper middle class kids who understand they're entitled to staff positions at the Washington Post and New York Times. After all, they worked hard in college forming the correct opinions and it's just proper that they now get to form our opinions. If they need to deboonk a bit to fit the facts to the correct angle, that's just their job!

Just keep me away from those chuddish "independent" (more like paid by the Russians) pundits like Greenwald or Taibbi, they're really a stain on the profession's stellar reputation.

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Thank you for your comprehension.

but i don't actually comprehension.

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I fricking love journo's! The only thing i love even more is the industrial revolution and its consequences! :#marseylove:

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Journ*lists are wonderful! Buzzfeed should be nominated for a Pulitzer for is high degree of quality and well researched journ*lism it brings to the masses.

I dug up some good ones I think everyone should read.



Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Lordy was like a year or two back but the β€œarticle” on the fatty who complained bout not been let into a club that had a no fatty policy πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

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I like that you can see his titties bounce. Being old looks fun!

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You are being threatened. Post bussy if youre not.

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Journoloids are the lowest tier members of the J-slur hierarchy, below Jews and even Jannies...

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All Journ*lists are Kings. Especially the centrist journ*lists from AP and Reuters. AJAK

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does this include the bad journ*lists?

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They glow in the dark

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only journ*lists should be allowed to carry firearms

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But most journ*lists are white. Are you telling me I can't hate white people?


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Has there been another journocide or what? I havent really been online the past few days.

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I fricking love :!marseyreporterfox: hypocrites. :marseyreportercnn:

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Learn to code straggot

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This is a well-documented journomisic slur. Consider this your first and final warning.


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You couldnt update the sidebar i mean

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if NOT learned to code then (

    you-<learn_2_code  )(;


hehe written in programming 1337 speech 😎

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Wow I love journ*lists so much! They're literally saints and God's gift to humanity. Before I wipe my butt I make sure that I have a tabloid at hand (to read if course).

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