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this is the first time I didn't request a service tech to mask, I'm working on being okay with that


I'm willing to bet she has quite a long list of things she's :marseyairquotes: trying to be okay with :marseyairquotes:

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He didn't put booties on. He was wearing dirty work boots. I am a single woman with a lot of trauma/CPTSD, and I just got this feeling to not ask him to put them on as I didn't really feel all too comfortable; it's really hard to find your voice when there's a strange man in your house and you really need him to fix something. But this is an expectation I had. Shouldn't any maintenance worker automatically put those on? I mean, how is he 5-stars?

How could anyone date this?

8.) He asked me for cleaning supplies, towels, etc. I don't have that much. I mean, I had some beach towels, but the rest were towels I use for showering, many of them white.

How is she a homeowner and not have cleaning supplies? Earlier:

6.) Needless to say, he tracked mud throughout my entire house.

She lives in a pigsty and blames the plumber.

I want so badly to believe this isn't standard practice. I've had many plumbers here, and for one reason or another, I wasn't able to get any of them here.

It's probably a tough job, or she's a crazy foid who stills wears a mask and collects garbage in her house.

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how often this b-word blowing the shitter up that she doesn't have towels yet but has had multiple plumbers come thru

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for the record, CPTSD isn't real PTSD from a war or getting r*ped or something, it's PTSD that BPD foids give themselves with their own bullshit.

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what even are "booties"? Why the frick would I not wear my work boots for working, if some shit falls out your wall onto my foot I want steel capped boots

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I think she means the plastic covers painters wear over their boots, except she thinks all tradesmen wear them for some reason

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Last time i saw booties was 5 years ago at an open house.

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This is the start of a MAGA themed porno

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Well I'm telling you I'm not mad, I couldn't give a single frick if you believe me or not. Your opinion means literally less than nothing to me lol. But, so what what if I was mad? So fricking what? Aren't people allowed to be mad about shit?

You're probably some shit-kid that thinks they're 'too cool' to show emotions, so you just go through life expressing 'neutral' reactions to shit you love or hate.


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