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[UPDATE] Regarding the /u/Instagram account, Instagram Inc. might have lied to Reddit


You’d think of that username was so important to you, you’d seek actual legal advice rather than seetheposting about it on Reddit.

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This might end up turning spicier than I originally thought

Doubt it, because I'm sure the plebians at reddit will just bend the knee. But if this neurodivergent freak keeps making waves...

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Oh, you thought that was real? Yikes.

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This guy's going to lose his account because he is poorer than Instagram. Simple as.

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And this is a good thing. Taking nice things from disgusting poors warms my heart :marseywholesome:

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Kinda rooting for this guy just to spite Reddit. Holy shit though, Reddit is run by absolute fricking chimps with comedically bad optics. It's like they're constantly walking through a field of upturned rakes and stepping on every one of them.

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He's not going to win this one and reddit isn't going to do anything but take the name, so he can rant but at least he can set up a new name and have things transferred.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Yeah this is absolute bait and completely fake by somebody that didn’t bother looking up how law works. Even a paralegal intern wouldn’t frick up this bad, let alone a conglomerate lawyer for instagram

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Can someone do a trademark check of bardfinn

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

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If SRD is how you derive entertainment, then I assure you that you are, in fact, the joke.


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