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[(((Christians))) React] Prayers for Texas Elementary School and families after mass shooting- 14 children, 1 teacher killed


Bad thing happened, how do the christians of reddit respond? The sub's biggest lolcow strikes again, and he knows exactly who is responsible:

Does anyone even care? Seriously. Massacre after massacre after massacre. Thoughts and prayers after thoughts and prayers after thoughts and prayers. But this nation has done and will do absolutely nothing about it. Why? Just why?

:marseylolcow: : Nope. Republicans in America are banning CRT, math books, and teaching history, but they've made guns even easier to get. This country is a dumpster fire.

Yep, its the republicans fault!

How about actions? Prayers aren’t working.

:marseylolcow:: I agree. But actions won't happen because one political party is blocking any gun reform or healthcare improvement.

But some people are starting to get tired of his relentless agendapoasting. (I wonder how long this comment will stay up)

Way to go /r/christianity, pinwheeling this immediately into a circlejerk about how much y'all despise conservatives.

Way to go, not saying a darn thing about the 14 kids who just died and making it about personalized whine-fest about your feelings on political posts. FFS.

You'd have a point if most of this thread was actually about praying for the dead children as Enjolras55 pretends it is in the title, but 85% of the conversation in here and the obvious intention of the title is to vent hatred at political opponents (people like Gnurdette being the exception to the rule with her characteristic good-heartedness). This political trashposter pretends its about praying for the kids and families, but then all he says in the replies is "frick republicans, frick republicans, conservative Christians are scum." The idea that this thread is actually about the dead kids is a farce, and I'm not dishonest enough to pretend that is the case. To pretend that I'm responding in bad faith to a good faith thread is absolutely fricking asinine because this thread was never made in good faith to begin with.

And there is another objection, but this is quickly rebutted.

Had me at first, thought you could perhaps write a post that wasn't anti-Christian. Alas. This is indeed a tragedy, though.

:marseylolcow:: Why? I blame Republicans for this

I would just hope that you would become less anti-Christian, that is all. I'm sure you do blame conservatives for this.

I don’t see where he said anything anti-Christian. Which part specifically do you feel is anti-Christian?

Oh no, it looks like our cow has made a real big mess! The mess is so bad he might stop being a christian (wait a second, don't look too closely at that...)

:marseyjanny: : My first thought is: Oh, Lord, not again. And I have to suspect that God says: Oh, humankind, not again.

:marseylolcow: : It's tough for me to wrap my head around this stuff and God's existence. I get the arguments about free will, and God can't stop every evil act, it's just hard to believe he's actually there, watching this happen, and not lifting a finger.

Will the jannies clean this up? Are y'all behaving?

Hopefully the mods don't remove this

:marseyjanny:: I have no interest in removing this. I am so sick of this shit. I hate having to worry whether or not my students might get shot at school. I have no words, only anger.

In fact the jannies are making messes of their own, bad jannies!

Politicians are full of sh*t. Please don't preach to me about voting democrat. I will puke. They're all evil, corrupt, money-grubbing thieves of the common people. Big, fat federal government talks a lot, does nothing, and when moving, does everything wrong. We have a sick and broken country. Voting will not help anything. Trust no one. Facts and results speak for themselves.

:marseyjanny:: What a sad heap of bullshit that is. This is the kind of handwringing that makes nothing get done in this country. "They are all evil!" Bullshit. How dare they want people to not have to go broke going to the hospital. How dare they want to not let children keep getting shot in schools. How dare they want black people's votes to count. For frick's sake, "voting will help nothing?" Oh yeah, curling up into a ball in your house is going to do SO much more. Facts and results speak for themselves. What are you even going on about?

One of our jannies get tangled in a mess that's too confusing for him!

Republican noozman Alex Jones (just ask his buddy Tucker Carlson) says its just another false flag by paid crisis actors nothing to see here. Alex Jones and Tucker are both strong christian Trump loving men.

:marseyjanny:: Source?

Source for Tucker calling lifelong conman Alex Jones a reel noozman? https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlson-gushes-over-conspiracist-alex-jones-says-hes-a-better-journ*list-than-nbc-and-cbs-reporters Thats after years of slandering the Sandy Hook families as paid crisis actors whose children never died or even existed. Christians love getting their nooz from crooks and conmen.

:marseyjanny: : Are you saying that "he will just say this is a crisis actor thing" or that "he did..."?

Did i touch on a sensitive spot for you?

It looks like someone is upset because he couldn't behave in a previous thread.

lol and here come to catholics rushing to the defense of their fellow child molesters in christ.

:marseyjanny: : Removed for 2.3.

Thread is still developing, two hours in with 103 comments as we speak. I predict another 200-300 in the next few hours.

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F indeed for those kids.

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how does he do it

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If these Christianedditors actually read the book of Job they would get some answers to why God lets bad things happen to good people. Namely, because sometimes He makes little bets with Satan just to prove a point and if you ask Him about it he'll pop up in a storm and say

:chadjesus: You didn't make all this don't give me shit about my divine plans beyond your puny understanding :chadjesus:

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I've never seen a less Christian response to a tragedy. It's actually impressive how little faith that sub shows.

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the amazing part isn't just that these clowns are un-Christian, it's that the grandparent post comes much closer to the real spirit of Christianity in a two sentence shitpoast

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How the come the school shooter who shoots at fricking elementary school kids ends up having some of the best accuracy? Why can't this be the time they can't hit a god darn target?

Frick this gay planet bro. The kids from that school are gonna be fricked, we're gonna end up having so many carps on the internet now

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Well kids are famously easy to kill

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You’re basically the Nostradamus of Reddit comment predictions

Trans lives matter

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ok but have you consired the other possiblity? and do you have a sourcde?? I dont think you do XD

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Flairs of the OP and top two commenters:

OP: funny blue star

Poster 1: rainbow cross

Poster 2: euphoric A

It never even began for that sub

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Republicans in America are banning CRT, math books, and teaching history

I thought they werent teaching it in schools? Also lol we’ve seen the math books

because one political party is blocking any gun reform

Rightoid shoots up a school = rightoids are the problem because their ideology is literally murder

Leftoid shoots up a school = muh guns so rightoids are still the problem

This is like blaming richard ramirez’s crime spree on immigration or that parade truck guy on black supremacy. A wing cuck isnt thinking darn no healthcare/jen psaki is a b-word, better shoot some kids without being either deranged or most likely a poorcel

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