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Happy couple :marseywholesome: (Wife + HusbandToWife) :marseytrans2: posted on r/mademesmile, chuds not smiling





Rip [🧹]

They probably will off themselves and the media will blame it on public acceptance when they really were never happy with themselves to begin with.


I see two beautiful, happy women ❤️


No one's questiong that. Shut up.

Best come with respect when you speak to me from your mothers basement.


If, after 11 years of marriage, one cannot accept one’s spouse, the marriage existed only by law imo.

Sexual orientation is a real thing. How did progressives get so homophobic?


How broken... [🧹]

Oh no! They’re happy! How terrible!!!

All i'm saying is every since my second uncle took his own life after gender reassignment surgery its changed my opinion on this stuff

I’m about 99% sure that wasn’t a result of the reassignment surgery.

His note said otherwise

dangerous misinformation about life-saving treatment


When I was 12 my brother who came home from leave while in the Army tried hooking me up with someone who he thought was a woman online. My pic was used on the profile he was using. Came to find out they were a predator in their 30s MTF. They had a sexual relationship with my friend Ryan who was also 12 at the time. That was wrong then and it's wrong now. [🧹]


MODS - please clean up this thread! This is meant to be a positive, happy place for everyone, and half the comments rn are a big cyclone of transhate and bigotry. And to anyone posting insult or hate - how empty is your life that you need to spit on 2 people in love?? Who do you think you’re making look bad here - them or you? [deleted by user]

true, the mods should be doing more to combat dangerous hate speech

But, who makes the sandwiches now? [🧹]

reddit humor

I know a couple who went through the same thing. It wasn’t all roses but they are still together in an open marriage


I get this is nice and shit, but does this mean that they were married for 11 fooking years and she didn’t know the person used to be a gal?

lol someone's confused

Man folks will put up with anything to keep a marriage in tact lol

Well, he could wear the pants or the dress, but she’s still the one with the ovaries in the family.


MadeMeVomit [🧹]

You must be fun at parties


My madre came out as trans after a decade of marriage with my step mom. It’s been over year and they are still together. I think this is evidence that the soul really is more important than the appearance.

So your OG dad became another mom? I'm sorry I wouldn't be able to deal with thay ur a better person than I am

It’s the same person as before, but with a metamorphosis. It would be sad to lose the connection with your parent just because you’re uncomfortable with their change and want them to stay as they were in the past, unfulfilled.

I'm sorry.. I could accept literally any other person (friend, son daughter whatever) but accepting my dad becoming a chick/mom becoming a guy would just be Farr too far for me to accept.

from /u/My21stBanEvasion, now suspended

Humans need, want, and crave love.

Everyone needs friendship, companionship, and love.

Love is a human right.

incels should complain to the un about their basic human rights not being respected

Aroaces dont need nonplatonic love tho just throwing that out there


Made my sad

Why sad?

Probably because they will never find someone as awesome as the wife, who will support them through thick and thin.

:marseyyass: so true!

Doesn’t this mean husband just likes to dress as woman? Or does trans mean he wants to be a woman in totality? Not trying to be offensive I just don’t understand the differences in labeling

Trans-woman means they gender identity as a woman this is not wanting to simply dress as a woman that people often think it is… this is identifying your gender as a woman.

Some people choose “corrective” surgeries and often hormonal therapies to become society’s expectations of what a “woman” is but trans women are women regardless of hormonal therapies or surgeries. Gender is a social construct so anyone can identify as whatever gender they want.

true and valid

Which one is trans?

The fella on the right with a wig obviously 😂 [🧹]

it makes me sad that your life is so miserable that other people being happy makes you mad. And no, don't play dumb. There is logically only one reason someone would make a "joke" like this and it's that your jealous that even someone that has to fight for their existance to be accepted can somehow still be more happy than you.

Hope you figure it out.

Do you guys realize how traumatic this would be for most women? 11 years of marriage and then your husband becomes a woman. That would frick so many people up emotionally.

Oh look, found the transphobe!


How many women become traumatized after finding out that their husband is gay? Is that homophobic? I don't think it is, its just what happens when your s/o reveals something to you after 11 years of marriage, thinking they were one thing and then you find out they aren't that at all. Just saying, I have enough life experience to know that there is far more to this story than it appears.

Sounds exactly like what a transphobe would say.


That's not the point of this story. This is /r/Mademesmile.

They're happy and it worked out. It's a feel good story.

a million bucks says they voted for and still support joe biden.


This is why everyone makes fun of republicans. Stop hurting your own cause.

Oh you’re just going to assume I’m a republican? How about anti government? Can I be that? Can I not trust anything the government and their media tells me. Am I allowed to reject that? [🧹]

That's awesome! It's great that it worked out for them :)

Having said that, If you're in this type of situation you're not in the wrong for leaving if your husband comes out as a woman. itIt's ok to leave if you're not attracted to women and not ok with continuing the relationship. Only saying this bc I think some people forget this.

I don't think anyone is forgetting that actually. The trans community gets that all the time

some :marseycoomer: moments, because can't escape that anywhere on reddit:

i would make them suck my dik at the same time

while sharing the same butplug [🧹]


I kinda want to be in the middle

and a :marseyjanny: mystery:

Ha gaaaaay!




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IMage got jannied

Here it is



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Which one is the 🚂🚃🚃?

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daughters aged 9 and 2


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I guessed wrong

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Lmao holy frick I hate redditors

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Turbo cuck.

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They’re both ugly af

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Yeah took me a second to figure out which was trans.

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I genuinely still can't tell

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What you mean is they are both passing equally

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Well duh, that's why they're LGBTQIA+

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Is this their first day on the internet?

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No. It is just an affirmation that there is not enough Y'alling for the ecochamber to be confortable, so you better get some more jannies involved to remove all the no-no words because they are hurtful.

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I love it when jannies/admins are unprepared/too slow, and some slivers of real, uncensored thoughts slip through the hug box cracks.

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The surprising thing is seeing how many of them are substantially upvoted. Makes me wonder how many normal people are on reddit but quietly despise the subculture of censorship.

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Most surface level redditors who browse default subreddits aren't familiar with politics or the intricacies of online bullshit. Occasionally, they might wander into a non-default subreddit, drop their opinion, get jannied/banned and become redpilled in the process.

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God seeing Redditors getting bullied out of their safe spaces by their very same users always puts a smile on my face

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Which one is trans?

It's a tough one.


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Its true, I cant fricking tell

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I never thought this story would garner so much vitriol, hate and general negativity. I feel very naive right now seeing this story, and it making me so happy I couldn't wait to share it on this sub because it's been the one place on Reddit I've found to be the most joyful and pleasant. Based on the I've seen here today, I was wrong. It's extremely disheartening to see so many people respond with insults, disparaging remarks and straight up hatred.

It's crazy the alternative universe trains live in.

The overwhelming majority of people will tolerate your existence, but will start talking shit the minute you exit the room.

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happier together? suuuuuuuuuure they are.

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Are you trying to tell me that this ISN’T a set of trains?

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they are both very ugly, i wasnt sure which one was the legacy one

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Lmao theyre ugly. Back in the day people probably told the guy he married a man, and thats what got him to train out.

Though as mannish as she looks, its still immediately obvious which one is the train and which the abandonware foid.

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They probably told the guy he married a man, and thats what got him to train out.

Based solely on their appearances I assume it went like this

foid: sorry ive just been tired the last 5 months

moid: oh okay Ill just look at porn then

moid: oh chicks with... peepees? Intriguing

3 months later

moid: dear eggirl,

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How many strap-ons do you think the original foid owns?

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They sure do words words words about why it’s okay to divorce a clearly mentally ill person

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left "foid?" looks like a kraut

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Reported by:

I really can't tell from that picture which one is which. The one on the right is the man?

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Trigger warning: sexual abuse, violence, generally extremely uncomfortable topics. Men and women alike, turn away if you're not in a good head space.

I don't understand why every time a woman expresses her fear of men, so many men take it as the woman hates men. I don't hate you. Not at all. I just fear you.


I fear men because I've been harassed and followed in broad daylight on a busy street and was literally no one intervened.

I fear men because I've been threatened with violence and r*pe. Exclusively by men.

I fear men because men perpetrate 90%+ of violent crimes against women. Men even perpetrate 90%+ of violent crimes against men.

I fear men because I was abused from age 7-17 by two adult male cousins. And when I finally brought it up at age 12, I was laughed at and the men were excused.

I fear men because if I don't say no forcefully enough, r*pe is my fault.

I fear men because if I say no forcefully enough, it might trigger anger and violence.

I fear men because I've been cornered on the bus and no one would help.

I fear men because of all of the angry, hateful, bitter things I've heard, seen and read on YouTube, Reddit, and social media in general.




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/r/mademesmile is, funny enough, one of the more depressing subreddits. One day I decide to check it out for laughs and its all ugly people "brave" enough to post face for the first time or people surviving suicide attempts.

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Mental illness at its finest

((( Trans lives matter )))

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People really are getting sick of this shit being at the center of like, 60% of current internet discourse.

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But, who makes the sandwiches now?

God I fricking hate redditors so much it's unreal

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Sounds like a bait sub idea..

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That’s just /r/mypartneristrans

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Maybe don't seek attention and validation form strangers on the internet. Try making real friends.

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i feel like when this happens, the wife stopped putting out, so the husband takes sexuality into his own hands.

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