[Map Porn] Greater China Empire

The Chinese nation state goes on nation building based on the fact that it succeeded in exterminating the Uyghur via sterilization resulting in increased productivity and GDP growth in the region via displacement of local population. After their first successes with concentration camps they went on to extend this process to other states internally. At the same time the Chinese nation state was hit by a constant population decline which they could no longer keep up with via increasing robot density in it's industries.

It had to suck in populations from neighboring states.

However, due to the sheer size of the Chinese polity and the regional isolation of it's culture found unattractive by the rest of the world; place it in a position where it could not develop a successful immigration policy which would bring in enough people to support everyone.

In any other middle income economy the solution would have been to bring in enough people to support the elite and the people one level below the elite. In China however, where the state considered itself to exist under the mandate of heaven combined with it's own communist ideals, it could do no such thing. If it could not sacrifice the quality of life of it's own people, then it would sacrifice it of outside labor.

It is with this mindset that China began it's Geographical expansion across the region, in a bid to have complete control over societies which would act as labor sinks to support the empire proper. To this end it first expanded into Mongolia which was extremely isolated from the world, and could be made to secede land and power via political and military pressure from both China and Russia. With it's land locked geography making it far harder for any western nation to come to their aid.

In the meantime, Kim Jong Un would die an early death due to health complications and would be succeeded by his sister Kim Yo Jong, who being far more beautiful and psychopathic, would be a comparative diplomatic success and more willing to follow eugenics programs in line with Chinese guidelines to exterminate all dissenters, the weak, and the poor. At the end of her reign she would be left with a populace whose only function is to produce goods for the Chinese state. When North Korea's population has decreased to less than 15 million, the Chinese state would begin to increase integration in a manner similar to what happened with the Xinjiang province.

With Kazakhstan in the west too focused on improving ties with Europe to maintain it's future, and turkmenistan falling under Turkish sphere of influence, the territories of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzthan would be primarily influenced and controlled by the China-Russia sphere of influence and would over time succumb to the same state of becoming China's new factory.

In Myanmar China would provide support to the rebels until the nation state was weakened enough from within for invasion. It would let the conflict continue for one generation following which it would fund a new faction with the expectation of letting them win and take charge under complete obedience and subservience to the Chinese state. As soon as this power wins it would be required to give part of it's land to China and in exchange have a free movement of labor agreement, to set precedent for Chinese claims to smaller kingdoms providing it tribute.

After the death of Putin it would be found that a devil's bargain was made, in which he and his cronies agreed to sell the Russian state to China in exchange for guaranteeing them their own fiefdoms. The Russian oligarchy would have their own territories ruled in name but all of it's resources over time would be extracted to serve the Chinese state. The end result being the Russian leadership forever in decline with all their people from their poorest regions sent to serve the Chinese state.

Taking the human resources of all these regions combined would place China in a position where it could continue to remain stable and avoid collapse for another two generations. At the end of this time period the Chinese state would see a rise in its general quality of life and it's GDP, and maintaining a population of a billion plus people at all times to be able to compete with the western powers.

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God of our fathers, known of old,

Lord of our far-flung battle-line,

Beneath whose awful Hand we hold

Dominion over palm and pine—

Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,

Lest we forget—lest we forget!

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