Unable to load image

Formatting test ground


Edit: the preview didn't work with double quotes in the options in post creation. Works with comments though. It's the same for radio options.


Why are my poll options in code turning into options?

Code block without polls

Why can't I view the source of my own post? (Because the "Edit" button exists)

<input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="I love "Marsey"!"><label class="custom-control-label" for="I love "Marsey"!">I love "Marsey"! - 0 votes




$$This, the second one$$






https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841267957309232.webp Image from here


Testing adding attachments after posting. (The above Marsey has stray pixels on its outline. It's not final.)



Marsey looking at a bar chart. (This is also not the final image. I made a slight edit to the widths of the bars.)


/images/16552662945815616.webp /images/16553270243834093.webp /images/16553276711261084.webp





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cool thread

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First time editing

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I love rDrama !slots6666666

This is @NotYou

@NotYou this

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I typed 5 spaces before this line

 I also typed 5 spaces before this line, and added 5 spaces after
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I added 5 spaces after this line     

I am @NotYou

@NotYou hi

I am @NotYou

@NotYou hi

I am @NotYou

@NotYou hi

I am @NotYou

@NotYou hi

I am @NotYou

@NotYou hi

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Marsey is so cute

I love her

Don't you love Marsey?
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Join Deuxrama

This is an ad

You should join

Because why wouldn't you?
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Let me check



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What if I have 2 paragraphs in front?

No hats?

Marsey, do you trust fish?

"No." - Marsey

Why not?

"Because they've betrayed me in the past." - Marsey
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Let me check again

This is in triple backticks!!!!
This has 4 spaces in front
<b style="color:#f51c6a">Factcheck: [REDACTED].</b>

@NotYou @NotYou

@NotYou @NotYou @NotYou

@NotYou @NotYou @NotYou @NotYou




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I'm going to put the triple backticks in the indented linesMarsey, there are spikes on the ceiling and the floor!End

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The Motte once mentioned a bug that you can't reply twice to the same comment without refreshing, and now I'm encountering it.

This is indented with spaces
What if the triple backticks go after?
Marsey, are you afraid of fish?
"No, why would I be?" - Marsey
This is in triple backticks
Marsey would never murder anyone.
She's a good kitty.
Right, Marsey?
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Now I have 2 triple backtick fences!

What's worse, this or gambling spam?
At least this has more content than !blackjack10000
I'm back to typing 4 spaces
Marsey loves to go fishing
"Meow! I'm Marsey." - Marsey
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    Marsey is so cute
    I love her
    Don't you love Marsey?

Third time @NotYou

@NotYou three

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    If gambling were rigged in favor of me, I'd gamble more.
    How about you?

Hello my name is @NotYou.

What? How?

Factcheck: This claim hurts trans lives.

@NotYou is my name

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Indented with 4 spaces It was a wonderful day for Marsey When Zombie Wolf tried to run her over with a car! Bad Zombie Wolf! Luckily, Marsey dodged the cat and climbed onto a nearby tree. Frustrated, Zombie Wolf crashed his car into the tree. Marsey and Zombie Wolf were left injured. Platy witnessed this happen And started laughing at them both.

Some backticks (they break the above text)


Am I so unlucky that everything I write in the bugs/suggestions megathread is immediately proved wrong?

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Sorry, you have been blocked

You are unable to access rdrama.net

Why have I been blocked?

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

Cloudflare, why would you do this to me? I was legitimately trying to search for the phrase because I saw it in someone's flair! :marseytears:

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List of stuff I wanted to post on the bugs/suggestions megathread but haven't yet or probably won't ever post

Simps and haters is weird with private profiles (if Private is a huge simp for Public, why can't I go on Private's Simps for list and view the posts by Public that Private upvoted?)

Some profile thumbnail and dropdown issue, idk if it's browser related (Go to profile, click dropdown, make sure dropdown is over the thumbnails, move mouse out of dropdown, the dropdown will be layered below the thumbnails)

I can't write $$This stuff$$ in code because it'll get transformed into a poll option. Could it be like that for other formatting options too?


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:wolfidea: :marseyexcited::marseygold: :marseyconfused::wolfthink::exclamationpoint::equals::marseyexcited:


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:h::e::l::l::o: If you can see this then this is alt text dude Marsey award lmao

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Edit: I'd better edit this comment before it's over a week old.

Bonus idea: Comments under draft posts can always be edited.

"Edit: I would like to inform you that @axolotl is now @floppa_enjoyer. And he has left the site. Because he was worried about being doxxed."
Comment made 5 months ago. No one will bother to read the edit.

"Edit 2: I just realized that it was closer to 6 months."

I probably could make comments like these if I wanted to. :marseyshrug:

Bonus idea 2: You can buy editing privileges in the shop. Each award allows you to edit one post/comment. Now mass overwriting is limited to the rich.

Bonus idea 3: Mass overwrites can be bought in the shop. Every overwritten comment is replaced with "I LOVE CARP". No edit logs are saved.

Bonus idea 4: Make a Snappy that archives every post/comment a week after it's made, but allow edits afterward.

Actually I don't think the last bonus idea is that bad. I can deal with my posts being archived as long as I can still make edits/corrections 6 months later (like on reddit). (It might actually be a terrible idea. I don't know.)

Edit 3: The comment I linked suggested logging every edit. Obviously, I don't want every version of a comment to be logged.

I like archives, but I'm not technically inclined enough to make one myself. I'm sure someone here can do it. :marseyshrug:

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I edited this comment


Edit: You can click "View more comments" on archive.org snapshots of rdrama.net. And since you can always make edits to comments under draft posts, I made this one 8 days after the comment was posted.

Edit 2: Vote pages show timestamps now. That means everyone will know if I vote on a 4 month old post. DD/Mon/YYYY HH:MM:SS isn't my favorite date format, but at least it's not ambiguous.

Lots of timestamps from January 1970 here. And they're all different. I wonder why. You can click the headers to sort the votes. If I click the "Vote Time" header, it sorts by day. So a vote from the 26th of June 2022 is at the top, and a vote from the 1st of June 2022 at the bottom).

I made this edit 10 days after the comment was posted. :marseynotes:

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Edit: Your roll: 1357 Your roll: 8241

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Gambling is rigged. But I also want my winnings to be positive. :marseyshrug:

They reset my winnings to 0. How could they? :marseymad:

Poll: Is this rigged?

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I have exactly 1000 truescore and can't view country club posts. A post from a month ago said the threshold was 1000. I'll check again when I have 1001 truescore.

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:marseythumbsup: It works. You need >1000 truescore to view country club posts.

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Ok I'm never gambling again. You can still gamble while Marseyed but can't write something invalid like !slots100000000.
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I lost 100 marseybux. I'll gamble coins until my winnings become positive or until my losses become too great.

According to Snakes, blackjack has the lowest house edge, but I don't know how to play blackjack :marseybeanquestion:. Which houses are the coins going to anyways? :marseyracist::marseyfurry2::marstolfo::marseyvampire:

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If you don't know how to play blackjack, slots is a fixed expected value E(X) = 0.99 (= 1% house edge). This isn't especially worse than blackjack, plus it doesn't rely on skill. If you keep bet sizes small enough, it's essentially a biased random walk. There exist (rare) scenarios where you slowly lose your entire bankroll without a single win, but in general you should oscillate around your starting bankroll and occasionally go positive (though lose as bet quantity goes to infinity).

Slots rolls a number 1–100 inclusive and pays out as follows: (cite)

 Roll  P(X)   X  E(X)
 1-60   60%   0  0.00
61-71   11%   1  0.11
72-87   16%   2  0.32
88-95    8%   3  0.24
96-99    4%   5  0.20
  100    1%  12  0.12
            Sum: 0.99

And House (((Vampire))), of course.

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Winnings: 42 :marseycoin:


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No longer Marseyed. :marseypixel:

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I need a 8592

Factcheck: This claim is both true and false.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

The 8-Ball Says: It is certain.


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