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One in 500 men carry extra s*x chromosome, research suggests | TRANSPHOBES BTFO


Haha turns out the XX/XY gender argument is total BS. Gender identity is much more complex than we thought. Try using your high school biology now chuds (◠‿◕).

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Most boys with the karyotypes 47,XXY and 47,XYY and girls with 47,XXX are never diagnosed.

woah turn out that having a :y: s*x chromosome make you a boy. who would have guessed?

Men with an additional X chromosome are often diagnosed when it has an impact on puberty and fertility, though it is also linked to higher body fat, cognitive problems and personality disorders. In the study, XXY men had substantially lower testosterone than XY men, a threefold greater risk of delayed puberty, and a fourfold higher risk of being childless. The effects of an extra Y chromosome are less well understood. XYY men tend to be taller as boys and adults, but appear to have normal reproductive function.

really interesting. We know why now


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Snappy gets it.

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We just need to use our eyes... to see how trans xueens and xings are valid :#marseytransflag2: No need for biology bunkem

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