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The reason transgender is real, but transracial isn't is because gender dysphoria is real, but whatever the race eqiuvalent of that would be isn't. It's that simple.

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I haven't seen any evidence that racial dysphoria isn't real. I suffer from it myself.

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Umm yikes, are you trying to imply that dysphoria is necessary to be trans? Sounding pretty truscum to me. You can be trans without being dysphoric, sweetie.

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are you trying to imply that dysphoria is necessary to be trans?

Yes, becaues it is necessary.

You can be trans without being dysphoric, sweetie.

100% wrong. Transitioning is the treatment for gender dysphoria. Anyone who doesn't have gender dysphoria isn't truly trans, they might just think they are.

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Yikes, did not expect to see this kind of transphobia on this website!

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This is not transphobia, this the truth that not everyone is trans who think they are, it was known even back when The silence of the lambs was made, just read this quote literally spelling it out:

Hannibal Lecter:

Billy is not a real trans-sexual, but he thinks he is. He tries to be. He's tried to be a lot of things, I expect.

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Anyone who doesn't have gender dysphoria isn't truly tran

Gatekeeping a mental illness? That's not very inclusive of you

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What about r-slurs like me? (non-binary)

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There are clearly many people intensely and pathologically dissatisfied with their race

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My skin is fair but my peepee is big as if my skin was dark. This causes me a great amount of racial dysphoria

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being trans is more than just being dissatisfied with their race, transgender individuals have neurological development that more closely resembles their gender identity than the gender they were assigned at birth. that is the cause of the dysphoria.

In conclusion, FtMs showed evidence of subcortical gray matter masculinization, while MtFs showed evidence of CTh feminization. In both types of transsexuals, the differences with respect to their biological s*x are located in the right hemisphere.


This does not happen to the human brain in regards to race because race does not exist aside of superficial differences. You can´t italianize your brain.

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Why isn't this used to diagnose gender dysphoria

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theres more to it but it’s pretty clear that there are neurological differences in trans people, and that those differences are in places where there is demonstrated neurological sexual dimorphism. The science isn’t at a point yet where you could put someone in an MRI and say “ah, look, the MRI says they’re trans!” but it strongly suggests that one day we may be able to do so.

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We should wait for that science before chopping kid's tits off. Adults getting spray tan and perm should be more accepted and held to lower standards of evidence than sterilizing children

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Because that would be transmedicalism, which is problematic.

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transgender individuals have neurological development that more closely resembles their gender identity than the gender they were assigned at birth.

This is bullshit. At a macro level, trans brains look like the brains of their biological s*x. TRAs always point out some specific region and then claim that this overrides everything else. Also, you guys always forget the same studies were done on homosexuals, with homosexuals also having opposite-s*x brain patterns. As we've seen with desisters, trans people may just be homosexuals. I'd be curious to see a study that factors in sexuality when they do the trans brain scans. Do the autogynephiles actually have different brains (aside from the austim)?

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If "androphillic transgender women" (i.e. homosexual males) "have a brain structure similar to cisgender women's," that still doesn't tell you if their brains are different from homosexual cisgender males. From your own article:

It should be noted that in homosexual men the volume of the INAH-3 was reported to be feminine.

Similarly, it's also peppered with sentences like:

MRI studies show that ICV in adult (Rametti et al., 2011b) and adolescent (Hoekzema et al., 2015) untreated homosexual MtFs is similar to male controls’.

Moreover, GM, WM, and CSF volumes in homosexual MtFs do not differ from those of control males and are significantly greater than those of control females (Table 4).

With respect to MtFs, Hulshoff Pol et al. (2006) found that before treatment subjects’ brain volume was consistent with their natal s*x.

So overall, MTF brains look like cisgender male brains. You strags just focus on one area (WHICH COULD BE LINKED TO S*X ATTRACTION) and claim there is a distinct trans brain phenotype. And note, this is one area that comes from doing a bit of p-hacking ("However, the results should be taken cautiously because of the small sample size and the brain statistical maps showing significance were at an uncorrected level (p < .001).")

Again, where are the studies looking at gynephilic transgender women and androphilic transgender men?

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Yeah when you control for sexuality, :marseytrain2:s brains look like those who share their actual biological s*x and and sexuality. Several studies on this. They also point out that the part of the brain that deals with body processing is fricked up. Like people with body integrity dysphoria.

It’s literally cope all the way down

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I think I've read about this exact study before and the brain differences in androphilic trans women are consistent with being homosexual and male. Might even be in the Wikipedia article about it. No similar study has ever been done on transbians or the like.

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That's basically it - all the brain differences TRAs ascribe to them being female are actually because of them being attracted to men.

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Oof, did you really just attempt to imply that there's such thing as a male or female brain? I just can't.

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but whatever the race eqiuvalent of that would be isn't

Denying race dysphoria will result in thousands of suicides of transracial children.

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The closer we get to historical child mortality rates the better

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no wonder weebs are mentally ill. imagine reading that drivel

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How do you know it isn't real? Don't people like Dolezol(sp?) or Sean King prove that wrong? How is what they have any less verifiable as being a psychological issue than gender dysphoria?

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It’s because the conditions have never really existed for it to be a thing so it’s never been documented and studied. The fact that one is in the DSM while the other isn’t, is not really a good argument if you’re trying to describe the fundamental difference.

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We don’t measure racial dysphoria, there fire it doesn’t exist…

Wow, way to out yourself as a chud. Scientists are famously racist, hence the reason they haven’t bothered classifying it, learn and do better sweaty

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You don't even need gender dysphoria to be trans these days. Why does racial dysphoria and the existence thereof matter?

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Because only those with gender dysphoria are real trans. Trans lives matter.

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All trans lives matter, including transracial ones, racist chud

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process to have racial dysophoria "become" real:

  1. Have r-slurs have mental breakdowns on twitter and say they are valid

  2. rich people notice and want social points for """"helping people"""" by doing absolutely nothing about it but whine

  3. people learn to profit this

  4. dsm is updated.

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What if I just really, really wanna say "neighbor" in public without getting beat up?

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NukaZeus begs to differ

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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You have not met mayos living in the PNW, have you. The levels of racial dysphoria there are truly pathological enough where racial reassignment surgery would do wonders.

Trans lives matter, especially transracial lives

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the race eqiuvalent of that would be


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I'm not gonna read all that :marseylongpost: but dude is right and its fricking funny watching people sperg out on how its totally different. if anything lets say for example some black kid got raised by white people and feels "white" makes way more sense than some 25 year old r-slur who has never experienced what life as a woman is like feeling like a "woman" because "dress go spinny"

From my heart in ink still bleeding: have this comment. Thanks for reading.

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If the lived experience of a black man is different from a white man because of the racial construct, then it implies that the lived experiences of men and women are also different. Hence someone who's AMAB cannot claim to be a woman without contradicting their claim that gender is a social construct. Obviously this implication makes redditors uncomfortable.

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thats what i'm saying, and no sane person would ever say men and women have the same experiences. the way trains "feel" like a woman is just some weird fetish shit like 99.98%. the .02% are the ones with insane parents that raised them as a woman or some shit. that i can understand

From my heart in ink still bleeding: have this comment. Thanks for reading.

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The actual biological differences between men and women are like 10000x as pronounced as the differences between the various races.

I do love how the main counterargument to transracialism is basically "bad faith argument" lmao

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The actual biological differences between men and women are like 10000x as pronounced as the differences between the various races.

TBH that could also be an argument as to why transracialism isn't real - the differences are so small basically nobody feels strong enough "race dysphoria".

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The biological differences are tiny if any, but the social differences aren’t. Race is even more of a social construct than gender.

It’s not like black people have XZ chromosomes.

If your dysphoria stems from being assigned a different social construct at birth, then you should be able to change to a different social construct, race or gender.

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Okay, here is how it works, you have a mental map of what each part of your body is supposed to be, and when you have the map that is the wrong gender then what is on the map and physical reality is different and when your brain observes and detects the mismatch it creates the distress, that ruins your life, it's not about "feeling like other gender" or what ever, because that doesn't really have a meaning, but it's the distress caused by the brain detecting the mismatch.

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If its just body parts, then couldn't they get the surgeries etc while still presenting as their natal gender? If it were about body parts, wouldn't genital surgery be the most common form of medical transition, instead of the least?

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It's not just the body parts itself, the part of the brain that deals with the connections between concepts, your thinking brain is also involved because that's where it is supposed to map to.

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Why would it be impossible to remap the confused brain? I thought it was a social construct anyway. :marseyhmm:

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@QuadNarca don't say it's impossible, but there hasn't been found a way too do that, trans lives matter

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Once trans-racialism is allowed, then we'll get trans-ageism and pedos will feel justified in fricking kids.

This is all an illuminati program to make the world safe for pedos.

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I always figured the puberty blockers push was so that people would still be prepubescent at 18:marseydepressed:

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Cute that you think this isn't already out there.


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Imagine having all that power and wealth and still having to shit in a wooden hole with no running water.

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Heard Romans used a communal sponges on a stick to wipe their asses with.

Edit: see pic for examples


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Dramanaut meetup circa 22 AD :marseysmug::marmseylegionnaire:


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Why are there so many pictures of Romans taking a shit on the internet?

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They were fighting climate change, because the aliens that built the pyramids warned them. They forgot to pass that info on for the future though, and we forgot :marseycry:

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winterfell has hot spring water pumped through the walls

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So they’re the only place with bidets. But this lady is a Tyrell and they wipe their butts with roses I believe.

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we'll get trans-ageism

We're almost there, bucko. It's called "age play," and one method of expression is furbaby/fur cub nonsense (as seen with Aimee Chellenor).

Eventually, it'll no longer be a fetish, as they let looose their age-old arguments for introducing minors to it.

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:#marseypedo:'s are oiling the slippery slope as we speak

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Glad to see this is finally catching on. Rachel Dolezal was done dirty and history will recognize her as a pioneer of trans-racialism.

Also mad props to the OP of this post for going full autist on the comments and matching the :marseytrain2:s at their own wordspam game. You can see them get backed into a corner and start falling back into traditionally right wing arguments that would apply just as well to :marseytrain2:s.

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Also Rebecca Tuvel, author of "In Defense of Transracialism" in 2017

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Rachel Dolezal was done dirty

In the sense that she rubs dirt on her face every morning before going outside.

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Please take your transracialphobia elsewhere.

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Weirdly, I violently loathe :!marseytrain:s but I felt bad for Rachel Dolezal.

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She was legitimately part of the black community (iirc) and just followed the logic that race is a social contruct to its conclusion; culturally she was black, and if race is a social construct why doesnt that make her black?

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Right? She did much less of anything to the black community than :!marseytrain:s did to literally everyone around them, but the same :marseytrain2:-enjoyers attacked her viciously despite their ideology clearly condoning her behavior if you follow the logic. Like she's clearly crazy but it still seems sad.

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Rachel Dolezal was done dirty and history will recognize her as a pioneer of trans-racialism.

in the future they will recognize the grave injustice that was made to thousand of trans-racial W2B (white to black) teenagers who got banned from social media for saying BIPOC

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It's all sociology, Therefore yes, it's all made up.

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Literally, also a lot of psychology paradigms are based on theorists of the 1900s-1960s who quite literally made up shit, I'm heading to the direction that even the psychology field is largely pseudoscience.

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Look up replicability rates in psychology lol, its clearly all made up (or at least so culturally biased that a study in one state is useless in another), even the most foundational studies cannot be repeated on second attempts.

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Social sciences be like: “we did a poorly thought out experiment with 5 subjects and no other research. It now defines the entire field.”

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Buddhism is the only true method of understanding the human mind, everything else is either grifting or cope


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I took AP Psychology and most theories have a theory stating the exact opposite, even theories like physical responses to emotion (3 different prominent theories). It's clear psychology is still in its infancy, I think it's equivalent to the point we believed in heliocentrism

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The best part is the the corporate industrial complex has a vested interest in transracialism succeeding. Gay and trans people won because HR realized that having gay white men was better for optics than straight ones, and trans people massively improved the ratio of M to F in tech. That’s why they don’t question when a white woman marks herself as latinx.

:#marseyblackface: the future is black!

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Dysphoria is a medical condition. Transition is its treatment. None of this is even remotely applicable to "transracial" bullshit.

Alexa, play “give the DSM five years” :tayflirt:

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The DSM already says you don’t need dysphoria to be trans. So their argument is out the window.

Dolezal would have been a prime candidate for racial dysphoria, though.

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We bullied psych nerds into changing DSM V so that being trans is heckin valid, and you havent bullied them yet, so we win until you do

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Thing is thing because it's in funny doctor book sweaty

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It's interesting that according to reddit scientists race is entirely a social construct, yet it's a reddit crime to identify as a different race.. because.. reasons

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I made a comment here to this effect a few days ago, caused a bit of meta sneed.

There are no good arguments against it—because they all devolve to “because it doesn’t feel right”, which is why Plebbitors hate it.

A bait sub would be great, I see enormous seethe generating potential.

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“It doesn’t feel right” is a based argument though.

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Yeah but it’s the same one that the rightoids use and it brings them closer to realizing that all this shit isn’t objective “Science!” but rather closely held personal opinions about behavior.

But if you claim to be basing your opinion on science and logic, and you reject transracialism because of nebulous ideas about “it doesn’t seem right”, it isn’t consistent with the notion of being on the side of science, logic, reason, and compassion.

Personally, I think transracialism is already kinda a thing. There’s a lot of people in the US that are like 95% Northern European but present as Native American or African American—maybe that’s due to the perverse racial politics of the US, but I’d think a few genuinely identify as the community they grew up with, etc

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bait sub

isn't that just stupidpol? their icon is literally rachel dolezal

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Nah, they just use her as a symbol of the r-slurred IDPol in the US.

TBH, she’s batshit crazy, but she did more for the community than 99% of Twitoids ever will lol

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Lol fair, I think some of it boils down to her actually believing her shit earnestly

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They aren't is the answer.

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Top comment:

It’s pretty straightforward. There is good evidence to believe that gender dysphoria exists and more importantly that transitioning is the best medical response to it.

There is no evidence to suggest that transitioning race is therapeutic.

Source? :marsoy2:

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Ok this one looks solid


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I’m literally black

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If gender is a social construct then race is 100% a social construct

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rave is 100% a social construct

Raves are constructed by molly and chemlights

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What no one seems to understand is that gender and race don't actually exist. How can you tell? Well, ask yourself this: what are the nonphysical qualities of a race or gender?

Humans don’t actually exist. How? Ask yourself this: what are the nonphysical qualities of a human?

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If you need polished rhetoric steal some from here. https://philpapers.org/rec/TUVIDO

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If transracialism isn't real then why do I like black women explain that chud

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black trans lives matter but the trans refers to transracial

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