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"gui.banned.description.unknownreason": "We recently received a report for bad behavior by your account. Our moderators have now reviewed your case and identified that it goes against the Minecraft Community Standards."

reddit bought over minecraft?

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We can't just reportmaxx jannies and get them banned from their sub, unfortunately.

Mojang is truly ahead of its time, making content out of bullying. :marseyxd:

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I can't parse what they be are mad about. Is it just new ban messages?

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Microsoft are now sending all chat messages to their servers so they can moderate them. Reportmaxxers can now mass report admins and get them banned from their own servers.

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It looks like you can now be kicked/banned/permabanned from all online play by Microsoft, even if the offense took place on a your or a third party’s server.

You can get gigajannied in for violence, in Minecraft, now.

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I was surprised at the lack of seethe after the whole microsoft account thing.

The fact that zoomers are are still capable of impotent rage really warms my heart, makes me think maybe things'll turn out alright.

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we are getting very close to not being able to type bad words on windows


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Aaaaand unsubed. Really a lack of empathy from all these buttholes. We knew this sub was filled with transphobes, but this is bullshit. Trans people are of no fault from their own identity nor from asking to be treated with dignity. The same "gender ideology" that explains trans people explains LGB people. You're just using it as a buzzword, or worse a dog whistle, to make trans into a choice. Actually read some of queer theory, and then make an opinion. And congrats on those generalizing trans people that are defensive as "rabid" like we didn't had to get rabid for our rights. Y'all dumb as bricks.


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