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  • collectijism : Slavery was socialism that’s why it died out. They weren’t even worth food and shelter

Black queen makes fake flyer showing slaves for sale in 1848, gets called out for font being 90 years newer and the date being a Wednesday, not Thursday in replies

Typeface was made almost 90 years later

April 12 was a Wednesday not Thursday

Someone brings up the involvement of God’s chosen people

Various other replies

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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>They said it wasn't real, but a representation of what a flyer like that would say

:marseythonk: Idk why this was even done since you can find countless real slave auction posters for real online like here is one from one google search


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