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Notices scrote to roastie ratio



I’m stumped


Better ask the smartest dramatard for help on this one fellas.


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If you were a foid would you go anywhere near that place?

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That diarrhea lake is one of india’s most romantic spots. Who could turn that down?

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Why there so many dad bods, I thought Indians were skinny


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They can afford to eat more food and can do it without physical labor. Blame computers.

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this is pretty funny. keeping little notebooks of the :marseychonker2: police


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abruptchaos might be the next heckin' bigoted subreddit that gets y'alled. look at this post about 'germans' from a couple days ago

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Those aren't indians, they're German you doofus

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I would like to go to my Holy Lands. One is Cambridge, England where the greatest human prophet, Mr. Charles Darwin, first published the actual bible of the human race, "On the Origin of Species". Then I would go to Stratford-On-Avon, England to visit the birthplace of William Shakespeare, who plumbed the depths of human intellect and emotion regarding war, power, ambition, tragedy, comedy, history and romance from every human perspective from the lowliest clown to the most powerful king.

I would suggest that you fill your life with science and the natural world. The only power religion has is its promise of an afterlife. The only way to combat the fatigue religion and myth creates is to fill your life with the rich diversity of nature and with facts instead.


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