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The search terms are just a single word. So people searching "transgender law" get clocked as train porn lovers

brilliant science

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Yeah the raw data doesn't say much either: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/kristin1812/viz/TransgenderPornGoogleSearchPopularitybyMetroArea/DMATopKeywordsGrouped?publish=yes

All search volume data came from Google trends. Daily hourly trends data by DMA (Metro Area) was collected from June 1, 2022 to June 19, 2022. Because the data was pulled by hour, aggregate values will likely not match what you see on trends.google.com because the web interface shows daily (not hourly) totals. Hourly data was acquired programmatically using PyTrends for each day in the range. It should be noted that data from Google Trends is on a 1-100 “popularity score” scale which is a comparative score of all 200+ DMAs for which Google Trends provides data. The values in the dataset reflect aggregations of this popularity score, not raw search counts (which Google does not provide).

Post got jannied already


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It also doesn’t provide any evidence about what groups are actually searching these things. All it shows is loose correlation to republican states, which means frick all

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The terms are considered slurs so no leftist would search them and the only one that questionably isn’t (femboy) has a zero correlation map and isn’t even trans!


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