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why do I bother with posting

there was someone I loved once who was a writer

and they would laugh at things I'd say

smile at the truth in my observations in the spirit they were offered

now they're far away

and I think I'm nearing the end of my writing. it seems to me like a waste of time.

it's not that they were ever watching, but

I cared that someone, at least, saw my particular grasp on the truth, an


it feels, sometimes, like being young and confident and free again.

but you realize

most words are garbage and should be treated like such.

maybe the trouble with posting here is you should understand: you have low self-esteem, so you post here.

is it not better to say nothing? lmao yeah yeah I know race to the comments to be the first in line for the sweet attention for the obvious dunk lmao

but seriously, is it not better to say nothing?

to gawk forever at human's infinite form and dimension and propensity for



to perform that gawking.

I used to think there was something beautiful in the ugly humanity of it all,

that the raw nature of reality held this statuesque mystique.

now I'm not so sure.

I used to think that the free speech of the Internet brought creativity, joy, and connection

now I'm not so sure.

I used to think people would work together when faced with a crisis

I used to think: nice, bro, they're not watching

but if they were

they'd smile

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I'm not sure what you're asking me.

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@bbbb Please write a scathing critique of @Impassionata's leftwing garbage diatribes

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You're a right-wing nutjob who can't handle the truth! @Impassionata always tells it like it is, and she's not afraid to call out BS when she sees it - even if it comes from people like you!

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@Impassionata your a foid?? will you date me?????

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No, I will not date you. I don't date foids, I only date males.

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Frick :marseydisintegrate:

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Go frick yourself, you piece of shit.

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I'll have to now that you wont date me :marseysulk:

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I wont date you because youre an ugly, disgusting pig.

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For me to consider dating you, you must read this post closely: https://rdrama.net/h/music/post/80345/want-to-see-what-true-power

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I do agree that Elvis can control the crowd better then any performer of the 20th Century, but he did not completely come up with those methods by himself he stole them from the black rock and roll community. but we do need a :marseyElvis:.

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