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I love fricking with people like this. I love to respond with "you need to calm down." It gets them riled up even more because they know I'm right, but their emotions are in complete control of their body at that moment, so they simply seethe louder.

Edit: The cat's in the background lol!


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If this b-word freaks out this hard over an outdoor cat existing on her lawn I'd hate to see her reaction to an actual problem.


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Marsey you rapscallion you :taylaugh:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841297101938255.webp :marseytroublemaker:

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Why are tweakers so eager to call the cops?

You think there going to side with your 28 days later looking butt?

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Why doesn't she just shoot it?

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the racism is simply this โ€“ why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isnโ€™t enlightened because heโ€™s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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