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Trans Cheerleader attacked with misgendering violence, defends herself


Redditors respond appropriately.

>Sounds like the teammate hopefully learned to shut her mouth

Same redditor: "That’s funny well since that’s the case I’m glad I don’t tell men I’m trans"

>I would’ve back handed the b-word. You expect people to not be reactive when we live in a reactive society. All I hear is one girl got tired of hearing it and defended herself. Happens all the time.

This beautiful and sane woman is fighting chuds.

>-99 karma someone really is a b-word

oh no, what will the chud say?

>reddit points dont matter in the real world

disgusting, but our heroine has the last word

>Not if I keep downvoting 😉


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It’s crazy how we went from "trans women are men" to "trans women are women, just not biological women" to "trans women are biological women, just not female" to "trans women are females" in just a few years. I’m expecting by 2024 the narrative becomes "trans women actually have a more valid gender identity than cis women since they had to risk their life for it."

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