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On the Deuxrama Question :marseydeux:

I am a lurker who's been watching from the sidelines for several months now, but between the Day of the Login Screen, and the Deuxrama issue, I can remain silent no longer, so I am going to use my first post to speak out on this issue.


Deuxrama as a separate site is not only a stupid idea, but may in the process ruin rDrama forever. This recent :chudsey: purge has been, to my knowledge, orchestrated to drive people to Deuxrama, and in doing so merely turn rDrama and Deuxrama into two separate bastions of wingcuckery, that will just eternally sneed at each other. Excess CHUDness might get rDrama removed, but I presume :marseydeux: has the same host, and will likely get both sites removed if it gets taken down, so it's pragmatically useless. It also gets unfunny when in excess, and so and the goal is NOT unrestricted :chudsey: or :marseyfreezepeach:, but instead to avoid a division into two wingcuck communities that eternally sneed at each other, and the concept of a separate rDrama-related :chudsey: site. If you want to be a wingcuck, SRD and Kiwifarms exist for that. I can't just sit and watch as this site runs itself into the ground. We must not become /pol/, but we must be careful not to lean into :marseybardfinn: too much. Wingcuckery is a two-sided peril, after all, and Deuxrama was a r-slurred idea from the start.

I propose a balance system for a hypothetical Chud Award/Leftoid Award ratio, wherein say 10:1 - 10 dramanauts chudded for every dramanaut leftoid-awarded, and an excess in one direction will make the opposite award cheaper, subject to rebalancing by Carp and the other admins, e.g. if we get an influx from twitter, this ratio could be flipped on its head, while if this site gets mentioned on /pol/, it could be made 20:1, to maintain a proper wingcuck balance ratio. This could be a better solution to rDrama's political balance problems than creating a chud exile site that brings all the cons of being a chud site to rDrama (deplatforming, chuds finding it a :marseyfreezepeach: place from other chud sites) while also turning rDrama and itself into bastions of wingcuckery. Drama comes from difference, after all. What use to the world is another /pol/, or another SRD?

I also have noticed a sore lack of :chudsey: longposts, and I'm planning on making a few long-winded posts of that style as well - starting with a dissection of the question "What is a Woman?", and why it makes those who believe TRANS LIVES MATTER sneed so much. Plenty of :chudsey:s like to take small potshots in the comments, but I notice few tend to elaborate. I will try to fix that, or shout TRANS LIVES MATTER trying.

And now, finishing this first post, I ask myself the question all lurkers becoming posters must ask ourselves - am I still the lol-milker, or have I become the :marseylolcow:?

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Welcome to rDrama, you wrote a well thought out post that looks like shit on mobile. Overall I agree with all your main points and about 90% of 2LSnakes.

Your main point bears repeating, it's important that rDrama doesn't fall to Wingcuckery (of either kind) and splitting it into two sites will inevitably lead to that. What I find most frustrating about the current state of affairs is the usual tactics you see on Reddit. Where you accuse the other side of being <insert boogieman=""> for talking about <current thing="">.</current></insert>

Reading some of the cryposts yesterday the inference is that if you post any drama regarding :marseytrain::marseystinky::marseyrobber: then you are a rightoid. That kind of framing forces people into in-groups and out-groups and I don't consider trans-trenders, hobos, or crime posts to be political by nature (although the commenters and reactions certainly can be) I consider them inherently dramatic. But! if you can force that association you can immediately turn it tribal and go "PEOPLE WHO TALK ABOUT X ARE Y'S AND Y'S SHOULD BE BANNED/SILENCED" etc. I really hate that shit and I don't want to see it take root on rDrama. rDrama isn't meant to be a place to circle-jerk your political position, either find some common ground and be a centrist, or be a radical centrist and adopt the opposite position of a wingcuck and bait them all the way down the comment chain with accusations of sealioning and gish galloping.

Carp has a good essaypost about why free speech killed Ruqqus. Jannys should crack down on any unironic /pol/ posting that would affect the site getting delisted. But I'm not a fan of anything more than that let alone janny-abuse. If the cabal is desperately concerned about too much of one-side posting then make it easy for the users to fix it.

Too many rightoid wingcucks? Chud awards are 100 coins all month. Better yet, have a rightoid award that makes them say "Hillary should have won 2016" and you'll make Berniebros seethe as well.

Too many leftoid wingcucks sneeding and not posting drama? Give them an award where they can't post until they make a non-text drama post that gets 30 UpMarseys. Content problem solved.

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Reading some of the cryposts yesterday the inference is that if you post any drama regarding :marseytrain::marseystinky::marseyrobber: then you are a rightoid.

No, that is kind of rightoid, but leftoids have institutional power these days, so we see MUCH more of their r-sluration in action in Current Year.

Carp has a good essaypost about why free speech killed Ruqqus. Jannys should crack down on any unironic /pol/ posting that would affect the site getting delisted. But I'm not a fan of anything more than that let alone janny-abuse. If the cabal is desperately concerned about too much of one-side posting then make it easy for the users to fix it.

Rightoids have been exiled from 109 sites!

Too many rightoid wingcucks? Chud awards are 100 coins all month. Better yet, have a rightoid award that makes them say "Hillary should have won 2016" and you'll make Berniebros seethe as well.

Too many leftoid wingcucks sneeding and not posting drama? Give them an award where they can't post until they make a non-text drama post that gets 30 UpMarseys. Content problem solved.

That's what the CHUD:Leftoid award ratio is supposed to solve - jannies set how much suppression of each side of wingcuck is ideal in relation to each other, the prices are set, and the market of dramacoin takes care of the rest.

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>No, that is kind of rightoid

Nah, it's not; unless you live in a grass-less bubble. Here's an example, I'm a leftoid, so is about 70% of my friend group. I can't think of a single one that is in the 'homeless can do no wrong' camp. It's not a left vs right issue aside from the wingcucks on twitter and weirdos in portland but they're opinion amounts to nothing. Homeless guy burning down mailboxes and pissing on pedestrians isn't political, it's inherently dramatic.

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Someone can be generally leftoid while having some rightoid opinions.

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In general I agree, but that issue isn't inherently left-right political and if you think it is you are succumbing to wingcuckry.

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Well, the left and right have taken sides on this issue, it just so happens that the left is wrong on this one πŸ’…

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No, extremists on one side have made it an issue, that does not make it an issue for every person on that side. Again, that is wingcuckery.

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