average ruqqcel vs average bruhfunnier

based on post below (WARNING: full of ruqqoid speak)


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Mom, the colonies are fighting again

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I would make Keanu chungus (wholesome!) the emperor for life and change the national holidays to be every 69th and 420th day past keanus rise to god. All holidays celebrated in minecraft (notice i said MINECRAFT instead of FORTNITE because i am an enlightened redditor and not a filthy tiktokker). I would also make heckin wholesome pupperinos the national animal and dislike of puppers gets sentenced to 100 mlems by the pibble (omg yaaaas) cutiepie corps. Then i would replace school and work with 6/8 hours of minecraft playing hentai (Literature for men of culture) ​and meme making. It'll be paradise.


Then i'd kill all Ε„iggers fΓ‘ggots and trΓ‘nnies because they're ugly, i guess

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dont forget amogus fridays

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If I were elected I would make essayposting a capital crime.

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Thank you, white straight male pokemon.

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Thank you for your support.

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If i were elected i would kill everyone who ever made a ruqqus account.

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I would take a big shit.

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I dripped some funnies into my seriouspost πŸ˜‹

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Frick you gaylord you gay little baby boy you suck peepee for change and you drink bath water and listen to the Beatles do that same gay shit you all want to be a gay even if you do shit on the web all you do is look at pictures of yourself wearing cloths and you are gayfrick you jay leno I hope you die when you are 18 years old and your mother dies or she will be the next one you have been fricking while you are alive a jayleno wannabe gay and now the knife is being shoved in your face you will be dead gay and your fricking mother dies just like if you were her little dog you will be killed and the b-word that raised you knows she is the one responsible and that she will get as much of a living out of this than you will then when the b-word see you dead she will cry and go to jail and get a rich gaylord paying for her to watch you die


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