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Is it dishonest to stay in the closet until after your homophobic grandma dies because she’s paying your college tuition?


Full of paragraphs of arguing

Technically, it’s lying by omission if it’s 100% certain that she would have stopped paying if she found out you’re gay.

But, darn. I really love the idea of having to make some kind of financial contribution to someone queer if you’re homophobic. Tax the homophobes!

I think you made the right choices overall, and as a queer person, I think we need every advantage we can possibly get in life. The deck of life is stacked against us by default in some ways. The dishonesty here allowed you to get a degree (Congrats on graduating!) but it also allowed your grandma to live out her bullshit heteronormative expectations, and it doesn’t seem like she was hurting for money. In my experience, the older people are, the harder it is for them to shift their worldviews. You probably wouldn’t have had time for grandma to unpack her homophobia and be more progressive with enough time left over to get a degree.

PS - To the people using the phrase “s*x life”, as in “your s*x life shouldn’t determine whether someone supports you, it’s none of their business”, I agree with the sentiment. However, please be mindful of the asexual community, and maybe change up some wording. There are queer people who don’t necessarily have s*x, and defining homosexuality entirely by people you’re sexually attracted or who you have s*x with excludes our ace friends at minimum.

What an edit :marseythumbsup:

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The only time Redditors don't outright hate their families is if they can try to milk some money out of them. They're totally The Good Guys™ though.


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Stealing from the bad guy republinazis is always allowed.

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Jesus fricking christ why do gay people feel the need to tell everyone in their life who they frick? The actual problem here is the OP is an ugly as shit Redditor who clearly needs validation from literally everyone. If I had an account then I would give such advice and probably would also prescribe HRT

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One of my uncles is gay, my grandma goes to church often asking to heal him.

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Did it work? :marseybeanquestion:

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No but another uncle divorced his wife and he doesn’t have a child so grandma is worried that the other uncle somehow turned him gay. But apparently it was always clear that the gay uncle was always gay since some in my family told when he was a kid he loved French indie movies and that’s very gay.

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Pence stopped going around to churches with jumper cables so I think she's out of luck

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Should have tried a more... Alternative method.

:#marseycrucified: :#!marseyflamewar: :!#marseypastor:

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Get that bag, king. :marseykingcrown:

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Tax the homophobes!


All of these people frothing at the mouth to feel oppressed. I'm going to graduate college debt free with my useless degree, but I can't tell my zillion year old meemaw about my s*x life :soycry:

Also from this person—

My parents drove me to a threesome in highschool (and paid for the condoms).


Is it weird to enjoy sucking your own boob when masturbating?


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My parents drove me to a threesome in high school

We really need to push the child-freetard angle a lot harder. Any parent like that has failed

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You know what they say. The pipeline from social media trend to progressive policy proposal is less than two years nowadays. I have no doubt some leftoid politician will be advocating for this soon (most likely by trying to tax churches or even having Britain style hate speech laws)

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having Britain style hate speech laws

I don't want to live in a world where my right to shitpost has been abridged :marseydramautist:

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Man... I wish I couldn't fricking read.

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The only reason to tell your family that you're gay is if you're planning to bring home a nice, presentable dude. Otherwise, why the frick do they need to know? If you have nothing to show for your sexual orientation, keep it to yourself.

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Grab that bag king

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Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!


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