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not the win the redditor thinks it is lmao

:#marseyvaxmaxx: :#marseydicklet:


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I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see believers in these conspiracy theories start to picket or harass children's hospitals just as they have picketed abortion clinics.

I'm shocked they haven't already started


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Im shocked i havent yet heard of a single irl fedpost committed against any gender clinicians yet.

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Violence is r-slurred

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Violence is good and wholesome as long as it isn't happening to me or anyone I care about

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There's a massive leap between talking shit and icing a bunch of doctors. For all the ink spilled and hot air expelled over abortions, there haven't been a lot of killings.

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>Anyone who supports that account is supporting domestic terrorism and I am not being hyperbolic. Proud Boys have stormed children's story hours because Drag Queens were there. Now hospitals are getting violent threats from dangerous extremists.

So let me circle back to that other post about how "OMG i was only kidding about stabbing the president, why are you taking my tweet so seriously?"

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They're completely right that the account is spoiled by calls to action and :marseylongpost:posting.

Would be much funnier and swallowable for normies if it didn't constantly feel like they were one tweet away from mentioning Q.

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That sort of neutral ground doesn't really exist in media, you rarely ever find someone doing the careful balancing act. You won't find someone motivated to do this stuff all day like Chaya without being overly ideological.

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But thats what other rightoid gimmick accounts like defiant L's do. You don't have to be politically balanced, keep agendaposting, just stop trying to journo on top of it.

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Can someone explain to me why a children's hospital that doesn't do gender affirming operations for kids would make videos promoting their gender affirming operations for kids? I've yet to really see that one explained

I see the "no their website says for 18+" but the videos specifically discussed kids

There needs to be a nationwide database compiling every single individual that has been identified to have ever sent threats that is easily accessible by any clinic or care center provider. Refuse care to these individuals

So much for healthcare being a human right. Do they realize that would also deny healthcare to a bunch of lefties? Death threats come from everyone. Pretty sure JK Rowling could get 25% of lefties in the US denied healthcare if that was a law

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They mad cause they haters, they haters cause they anus


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All libsoftiktok is doing is reposting the hospitals videos, how is that a conspiracy theory ?

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Wish the Supreme Court banned this.

I think lawsuits against doctors and hospitals might kill this off.

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There needs to be a nationwide database compiling every single individual that has been identified to have ever sent threats that is easily accessible by any clinic or care center provider. Refuse care to these individuals unless it’s a scenario where care is mandated by EMTALA. Publish it publicly and allow public pressure to force employers to fire them and make them societal pariahs if they aren’t arrested first.

If they had a spine, hospital admin should handle threats against staff with an iron fist. Lifetime bans from use of facilities unless it’s an emergency situation, at which point they should be booted immediately upon being stabilized. If they want to make death threats, I have zero issue with weaponizing healthcare against them.

>Med student

Do they still teach med students that thing that Hippocrates said? You know what nevermind I'm mad at the boogeymen of current year and want hospitals to be used as a weapon to force them into subservience

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They dont even take the Hippocratic oath anymore lmao

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Hippocrates would be considered a chud in current year :!chudsey:

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lol some of them are talking about how they wear bulletproof vests under their scrubs now. These people are unhinged

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