The great replacement of Eurocucks can't come soon enough.
The history of Brazil - Summary on a Map - YouTube

!macacos !historychads is this accurate

Happy September 7th! :marseyflagbrazil: :marseysalutebrasil: Brazilian Independence Day :marseyflagportugalgenocide: :poortuguesecopegenocide: :marseywerebackbrasileiro:

On September 7th 1822, the Crown Prince Pedro proclaimed Brazil's independence on the shores of the Ipiranga river becoming Emperor Pedro I !historychads

Ladies and gentlemen, dramatards and dramatardettes, please stand up for the National Anthem of the Federative Republic of Brazil!

Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas

De um povo heróico o brado retumbante,

E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,

Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante.

Se o penhor dessa igualdade

Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte,

Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,

Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!

Ó Pátria amada, Idolatrada, Salve! Salve!

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido

De amor e de esperança à terra desce,

Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,

A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.

Gigante pela própria natureza,

És belo, és forte, impávido colosso,

E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza

Terra adorada, Entre outras mil,

És tu, Brasil, Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo és mãe gentil,

Pátria amada, Brasil!

Deitado eternamente em berço esplêndido,

Ao som do mar e à luz do céu profundo,

Fulguras, ó Brasil, florão da América,

Iluminado ao sol do Novo Mundo!

Do que a terra mais garrida

Teus risonhos, lindos campos têm mais flores;

"Nossos bosques têm mais vida",

"Nossa vida" no teu seio "mais amores".

Ó Pátria amada, Idolatrada, Salve! Salve!

Brasil, de amor eterno seja símbolo

O lábaro que ostentas estrelado,

E diga o verde-louro desta flâmula

Paz no futuro e glória no passado.

Mas, se ergues da justiça a clava forte,

Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta,

Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte!

Terra adorada Entre outras mil,

És tu, Brasil, Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo és mãe gentil,

Pátria amada, Brasil!


:#marseyflagbrazil: :#marseyflagbrazil: :#marseyflagbrazil: :#marseysalutebrasil: :#marseysalutebrasil: :#marseysalutebrasil: :#marseywerebackbrasileiro: :#marseywerebackbrasileiro: :#marseywerebackbrasileiro: :#marseyparty: :#marseyparty: :#marseyparty:

Pizzashill hate rant ('BASED :marseynull:' parody)

Original post

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Reading novels is a girl activity I used to read hella as a kid tho it's acceptable for kids
Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #65 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers. I started "Metropolis: History of the City, Humanity's greatest invention" by Ben Wilson.


@Aevann can you pin pls. Also on an unrelated subject, tomorrow it's 7 de Setembro, Brazil's independence day, can the site theme go green and yellow for a day? !macacos :marseyflagbrazil: :marseysalutebrasil:

Reported by:
  • THOMAS : :marseyglow:
  • pet : some of you guys are alright. don't go to this place Sunday
  • DickButtKiss : Fun fact - this was the exact location of the start of the killing spree by the DC sniper...

I feel like it may be a mistake to post it here but frick it, we'll do it live!

A bunch of us !grillers are meeting up and barhopping, come whenever because we'll probably be out all night. DM me with any questions, maybe we can make a group chat but idk how to do that lol

!metashit don't miss out on this once in a lifetime event


Game : Idol Showdown

PRIZE POOL : 60k MB [1st place 32k; 2nd place 22k; 3rd place 6k]

Date : 14th of September, at 8 pm GMT

By popular demand.

This is a very recent Vtuber anime fangame :marseyneckbeard: Pretty kuso from what I heard :soyjakanimeglasses:

Heads up, it's a steam game

Sign-up link:



!fightclub @Horned_waifus_shill @JewishShrek and !g*mers

Reported by:
  • Corinthian : This is pretty good but I'm not sure if I'd say it's an amazing betatorium. :marseythinkorino:
leave this pinned for the weekend [BET THREAD] Brasiliguana's amazing election betatorium

Do you like betting on the American elections? GOOD, because this post is chock full of bets. We are two months away so I decided its time (it might be too soon, TOO BAD)


It has been brought up to my attention that there could be a deadlock WITHOUT a tie (like a third party fricking it up), so in this case, I will award the win to the tie, consider tie as "nobody has a majority", thank you

In the sticked comment there will be a bet for the POPULAR VOTE winner and 50+ other bets for who wins EACH GOD-DARNED ELECTORAL COLLEGE DISTRICT

You will have a month to bet until I close all these bets and we wait for the election, by then someone will have made another election betting thread when its closer too, so don't worry. !bets !goombling !goomblers !pings !metashit

King Cobra has a meltdown and gets the shotgun out; in general the boy is down bad

I don't feel so good Cobra bros

Transcript Here


Josh: "...frustrating"

pause with NAL's loud nose breathing

NAL: "But why can I listen to everything you say but you can't listen to what I have to say and you th..."

Josh: "You won't listen to what I say so why should I listen to what you have to say? RESPECT is a two way street."

NAL: "Josh, I do listen to you, I told you about fricking I don't know movies so if I have to ask you a question... you literally just bashed my head against the wall and tried to kill me."

Josh: "If I was trying I would have succeeded."

NAL: "You said that the fricking first time in March. What have I done to you that your trolls haven't done that you you weren't..."

Josh: "I'd ask you the same question, Jessica. What have I done that your trolls haven't already done to you?"

NAL: "I have never splashed alcohol on you I'm indescernible"

Josh: "I was trying to be cute with you and you want to make it about this humongous bullshit nothing fight."

NAL: "What do you mean..."

Josh: "You gotta pick a fight about nothing and I'm sick of it."

NAL: "How is it a fight about nothing when I asked you when I'm sitting here wearing brand new clean fricking pants, a brand new shirt, please don't spill anything on it I'm gonna wear this."

loud footsteps towards phone

NAL: "How am I supposed to assume what you're thinking?"

Josh: whispers "I'm so fricking tired" cowbell noise

NAL: "WHAT? So you're going to shoot me?"

Josh: "No, I'm going to shoot myself."

NAL: "I don't know why you're fricking choking me when I've done the most for you. I told you I'm not a movie person. I don't care if it's a western or scientific, I have fricking questions. If you are not ready for that then don't fricking..."

*Phone is picked up by NAL, camera facing her hag face. Looking fricking beady and sanpaku eyed, what the frick. Turns phone to also record Josh in selfie mode. Josh is holding a shotgun, sounds like it's a double barrel that he just closed. NAL continues recording herself and Josh while she is in the hallway."

NAL: "you you you tell me not to assume all the time so I don't I I straight up tell you I don't understand something I'm gonna ask questions. few second pause I I don't know why I'm not allowed to ask questions without you trying to fricking hurt me. I have't done ANYTHING to you, you you fricking tell me all the time 'no this, no that'. Yes I literally sat at your dinner table and I told you my outfit is clean, my shirt is clean, don't do this to me. I don't want to fight with you, because because I ask questions I deserve to be choked and killed? few second pause Because I ask questions I deserve to be choked and fricking killed?"

Josh whisper?

NAL: "So you'd rather do this to yourself because of trolls, than a woman trying to fricking love you..."

Josh: "It's nothing against the trolls, if you want to blame the trolls then look at your fricking trolls."

NAL: "I'm not blaming them I'm talking about your trolls, I said you'd rather do this..."

Josh: "This has nothing to do with my fricking trolls." shotgun barrel opening/shutting sound again

NAL: "Let me finish my thooouught."

Josh: "No frick this, I'm done, Jessica. Have fun with your fricking life. "

NAL returns and picks up phone again

NAL: "What do you mean have fun with my life when I'm literally trying to love you and you're fricking... looking insane eyed holy frick I'm saying you would rather do this because of me?"

Josh: "Not because of you, it's piling up because of everything. I can't do anything right IN MY FRICKING LIFE."

NAL: "I didn't s..."


NAL: "I didn't say that Josh and you fricking blame me for everything."


NAL: "I d..."


NAL: "I don't blame you for everything so stop that."


NAL: "Throwing alcohol on me is not flirting."

Josh: "YES IT IS. Okay?"

NAL: "No it's not."

Josh: "Can you not read my body language? You fricking stupid cuuunt."

NAL: "Do you read my body language..."

Josh: "No, You won't read mine so why should I read yours?"

silent pause

NAL: "I try to read your body language all the time and you're like 'That's not what I'm do," like when you make a face and I I try to talk to you and then you always say 'nao nao', so why is it always on me, Josh? I try to..."


silent pause


NAL: "Well, it's not all about me, I don't FRICKING MAKE IT ABOUT ME, I don't..."

Josh: "BULLSHIT. IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE CAN FRICK OFF. I SEE HOW YOU ARGUE, camera pans down and NAL's gross breasts are shown for a second I'M NOT STUPID."


Circle of protection around the trailer and the phone

Navy chiefs do a little opsec fail

The chiefs mess all paid in and they set up repeaters throughout the whole ship lol. Strictly kept it to e-7 and above but no officers.

Turns out even criminal conspiracy and a court martial wont get you demoted from chief.

There was one who was but it was for sleeping with an e3 who worked for him and when they got caught she claimed r*pe

Video: Moment British model leaves knickers in Spanish supermarket | Daily Mail Online

A British model has been branded 'mental' and warned she should leave Spain for her own safety after filming herself taking off her knickers and leaving them as souvenirs in Costa holiday hotspots including a supermarket bread counter.

Bonus pics of someone else doing it

Bonus butt on arbys grill

I would never buy a loaf of bread with used panties dangling from them, but i thought maybe, just maybe one of yoy would so i posted this :marseywink:

Reported by:

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : That boy needs to find Christ and get out of Britain stat
Am so tired :marseymug: of islam :marseysalat: being shoved in my face everyday : atheism :marseyflyingspaghettimonster:

This sick religion :marseyluthercringe: (religion of peace :marseymuslimitsover: they say) is really :marseythinkorino2: tiring. I live in a muslim :marseyali: country :marseypalestineflag: i am financially independent. I dont want to get away from my country :marseycatgirl5: but also i cant get away from it. I am also gay, i just want to live happily have a family :marseyquagmire: and that is it, but no impossible, it is a dream :marseypillpopper: i will never :marseyitsover: ever achieve in my lifetime. My parents are the sweetest but they will never :marseyitsover: accept :marseyokay: me and i am tired :marseywoozy: of this. I dont speak to them a lot nor bond with them because of islam, i know they wont accept :marseyokay: me.

Wherever i go i have to pretend that i am a muslim, even when i go in a taxi, and always have to agree :marseyjeremiah: that islam :marseytaliban: is perfect, while muslims are generally one of the worst ppl you could meet, they are only this « decent » because they dont know their religion. I am just too tired :marseydeadinside3: of islam :marseyisisfemboy: being shoved in my face EVERY SECOND :marseygunnut: and at this point :marseyshesright: i hate hijabies and women :marseyuterus: wearing niqab for no readon… i cant control :marseyshadow: my hate towards it anymore. It is fricking :marseytom: up my life in all of its aspects.

Mid replies:

Hot takes:


Well, I've ranted in the past about these things. It's like, I'm nearly 22 and have been heavily involved :marseynorm: in both the fart and scat community. I deleted a previous acct for a multitude of reasons and I'm glad to sorta reset y'know? I'm a proud :marseyghosthappy: transgender :marseyliathomas: woman :marseypennymad: for the first :marseywinner: time in my life and I couldn't be happier. Unfortunately because of this, I've just dealt with lots of hurtful messages as of late. I tried posting :marseycomplain: in /r/girlsfarting and got permabanned without releasing they don't want trans :marseysaruh: women :marseyharpooner: posting :marseycomplain: in there. Some scat communities :marseyoctopus2: have this rule too, which is bizarre considering so few new posters exist these days. There :marseycheerup: is the one trans :marseytuckermilkers: scat subreddit but it feels :marseyvapecrying: lonely :marseysullen: and limiting. As being a consistent poster :marseyobamahope: on Reddit :marseyspez: for now nearly 4 years, it feels :marseyvapecrying: posting :marseycomplain: my poop often wasn't enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: or something. I don't know if I just didn't look feminine :marseytradwifedaisy: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: back then or what. But I'm happy :marseygoosecostume: with this new account as I now look the way I want to finally. I still love poop to no end, and love smelling it constantly, I just wish I had more options :marseystocksdown:

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : the first pic is just a worse version of New Yorks shitty park. u scrub
Africa in Movies vs Reality :marseyaware: except...?

:marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

less wingcucked and more mature /r/african resident acknowledges the continents shortcomings

"Both correct ,though if you drop a random pin in Africa you will most likely land on 2."

also more mature reflection


top voted post of the week :marseyxd:

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-09-07 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Social Security is Broken. This is why financial education is impor.../r/FluentInFinance (378K)62%2602
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Scared of racism/r/AskAGerman (124K)52%554
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Accurate af/r/Jordan_Peterson_Memes (63K)62%664
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘These stupid parades need to stop. They don't even throw out candy .../r/nwi (15K)55%502
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Megumi is a fraud because he used demon dogs instead of punching en.../r/Jujutsufolk (278K)59%538
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Red Dead Redemption 2 is a clunky game that takes way too long to g.../r/unpopularopinion (5M)64%605
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘AITA for not giving my wife half of everything in our divorce becau.../r/AITAH (3M)44%373
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘IOF have shot & killed an American activist in the illegally-occupi.../r/IsraelPalestine (92K)46%364
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘The creator of Star Trek: Lower Decks, Mike McMahan, tells critical.../r/Star_Trek_ (5K)49%299
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘If someone gave you 500usd per day so that you would never go out t.../r/AskReddit (49M)50%279

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘The creator of Star Trek: Lower Decks, Mike McMahan, tells critical.../r/Star_Trek_ (5K)49%299
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘These stupid parades need to stop. They don't even throw out candy .../r/nwi (15K)55%502
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Ugh../r/Greeley (5K)47%114
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Please tell me I'm not the only one that can't stand the older peop.../r/Prescott (10K)47%107
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Get your vaccinations for Covid!/r/NCL (12K)47%125
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘This Reddit?/r/MileHigherPodcast (10K)51%92
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Accurate af/r/Jordan_Peterson_Memes (63K)62%664
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Social Security is Broken. This is why financial education is impor.../r/FluentInFinance (378K)62%2602
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Scared of racism/r/AskAGerman (124K)52%554
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘IOF have shot & killed an American activist in the illegally-occupi.../r/IsraelPalestine (92K)46%364

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Hitler's Victory in Thüringen - Rise of Hitler 01

I'm personally more interested in a jerk to earn innovation where each individual stroke gets minted into a unique NFT

I also vape arch linux btw


I sadly couldn't find that stupid arachnophobe meme chuds always use to "destoy libs", but everyone knows which one I'm talking about. Now here is the 11232423th time it was disproven because it happened again.

Based. Now its impossible for me to see r-slur as anything ecxept r/slur

Here are thumbnails to make people second guess whats being posted

I got someone from Hinge to send me money by pretending this is me lol

!metashit pizzussy….neighbor style

The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis :marseymonke: -> :marseytinfoil2:

This is the theory that at some point in human evolution we came down out of trees and became semi-aquatic, kind of like seals or something. Scientists generally consider it to be r-slurred bullshit, but I'm not convinced that it's 100% wrong. Maybe we weren't like seals... we were like beavers! :marseymindblown: Think about it. Humans develop the intelligence and manual dexterity to build complex systems of dams and ponds and stuff, and that's going to give them a great advantage. We know that in certain places fish and shellfish could be a windfall of food for prehistoric humans. Is it so hard to believe that this drove our evolution a bit in certain directions? Where I'm skeptical is I would really need to have good evidence that humans are that much better at wading and floating than other apes.

(Stolen from /r/classified, where there's many hundreds of good posts to rip off and put on /h/spooky.)

They just don't do this shit anymore


An Edinburgh school has been accused of teaching "propaganda" to teenage pupils after they were told transgender people are regularly murdered.

Teaching resources seen by The Telegraph show that children are being told that "many" transgender people are killed "simply because they try to be themselves" in a lesson about hate crime.

The information also implies that the Brexit referendum led to a "large rise" in racist murders in England.

On Monday, the City of Edinburgh council was unable to provide any evidence to back up the claims, with no known murder of a trans person ever to have taken place in Scotland.

'Deceptive mess'

A parent of a teenager at the prominent state school, which she asked not to be named to protect the identity of her child, claimed teachers were peddling myths spread by trans rights activists who regularly insist members of the minority group are facing a "genocide".

A worksheet states that pupils will face an exam on its contents and adds that young people "often" become criminals because "they tend to have a lot more free time".

The school is a member of a charter scheme run by the controversial charity LGBT Youth Scotland, which has faced accusations that it is promoting unscientific ideologies in classrooms across the country.

"The statistics being presented to children are a deceptive mess, with no context or anything to back them up," the parent said.

'Narrative embedded in schools'

"While they focus on trans people, there is no mention of the domestic abuse which many women face, or disabled people, who are a very vulnerable minority.

"To me, it just seems like propaganda and misinformation, which they are telling students to accept as part of a narrative being embedded in Scottish schools.

"They're shepherding children towards believing things that aren't true, which is the opposite of what education should be about."

More than half of Scottish secondary schools, and dozens of primaries, have joined the charter scheme run by LGBT Youth Scotland, an organisation that endorses puberty blockers and claims there are at least 17 different genders.

Members must agree to allow the organisation to train school staff and some have rewritten policies to state that parents should not always be told if their child socially transitions to live as a member of the opposite s*x, for example, by adopting a new name.

'Scared of being vilified'

The parent added: "Scottish schools and the government now seem obsessed with normalising the idea you can be born in the wrong body, which I think is really destabilising for many children.

"There are a lot of LGBT flags around the schools, pronouns everywhere. A lot of parents and pupils are completely sick of it, but nobody wants to talk about it because they're scared of being vilified."

The teaching materials state that "assigned s*x" is "based on reproductive organs", which for trans people do not match "who they are".

It adds: "Often transgender people have been abused and killed simply because of who they are."

While statistics on UK murders of trans people are not officially collated, a fact check carried out by Channel 4 News in 2018 based on available data found that in Britain, "a trans person is less likely to be murdered than the average person".

The school resource also states that since the EU referendum there has been a "large rise in the number of racist incidents in England against ethnic minorities" including murders.

Fiona McAnena, director of campaigns at the charity S*x Matters, described the school exercise as "disgraceful" and said it marked a "new low" in how s*x and gender was being taught in Scottish schools.

'Impressionable teenagers'

"It's hard to fathom how anyone involved in developing educational material can be so irresponsible as to tell impressionable teenagers the falsehood that people who identify as the opposite s*x are 'often' killed," she added.

"Whoever drafted this worksheet has ignored the many ways in which women are disproportionately victims of crime. It seems designed to sideline women and girls, and position every other group in society as more in need of sympathy."

Edinburgh council was approached for comment and said it was looking into the matter.

!chuds !transphobes :marseyeyeroll:


If you recall my post from a couple years ago that I'm sure you read with rapturous attention, there's a lot of bizarre culture war type stuff that goes on in Korea around the presidential candidates' wives (or in the case of Park Geun-Hye, when a woman dared to run, herself). The current first lady hasn't done herself any favors by being a total fricking weirdo who believes she has magic shaman powers to predict the future.

The leftoid opposition has been highly frustrated though at not catching her doing anything illegal. Most presidents of South Korea in this century have ended up in prison or jumping off a cliff to avoid it, and the next best thing is to put their family there. But while they can make some very cutting remarks about (not even exaggerating) her being a childless cat lady :marseysmug2: (they also did this to Park Geun-Hye) that unfortunately is not illegal yet. So some incident happened where, as I understand it, she was visiting a Korean-American church and a stranger walks up and hands her a $2000 LV handbag and they catch it on video. You might think that since the leftoid opposition leader was definitely involved in an $800 million real estate fraud scheme that this wouldn't be such a big deal, but half the country went apeshit over it. A bunch of investigations were launched against her, but the prosecutors decided not to file charges.

LV handbag selling for $3,300.

Luxury apartments in Seoul. I think I'd rather have one of these myself. :marseyshrug:

Now the prosecutors are going after the leftoid's wife because she charged a couple dinners on the government credit card or something. (Something that I'm sure is unheard of in Korea. :marseylaugh:) This is pretty obviously retaliation because current rightoid president got where he is today by being head of the very powerful prosecutors' office.

So don't worry, Koreans aren't just tearing their country apart over the incels vs. women's lib psychos issue, they have a lot of other really dumb shit to get emotional about.


The report system on rDrama is very sacred and important aspect of this site.

False reporting is not only against site rules but also Talmudic law. (i.e., False reporting is anti-semitic)

Ban @Snappy admins this is unacceptable.

You have 1 hour or I LEAVE FOR GOOD.


!jannies rightoid infighting!


The defendants distributed drinks containing methamphetamine and milk, disguised as a "memory-enhancing beverage tasting event," to middle and high school students going to private cram schools in Daechi-dong, southern Seoul

Teenage girls in Asia can be really dumb about this stuff. Like there's some brand of green tea in Taiwan that's supposed to make your boobs grow and apparently it's very successful.

This is a good start...

The perpetrators subsequently blackmailed the parents of these students, threatening to report their children for drug use unless they were paid

...and that's the real genius of it. :marseythumbsup:

Unfortunately they forgot that in Korea they don't frick around about this stuff:

Article 58-7 of the Enforcement Decree of the Narcotics Control Act stipulates that anyone who doses or delivers narcotics to minors for profit shall be punished by a minimum of five years in prison and a maximum of the death penalty.

Hey, this Redactor0. We spoke last week. I've been trying to reach the Based Department... :marseygossipsmug:


Earlier this year, San Francisco resident and professional dogwalker :marseydogwalker: Terry Williams received two packages on his doorstep with racist threats and a doll of a Sambo character with a noose around its neck, covered in racial slurs:

Some of the slurs were cryptic. "I had to Google these words," Williams said, referring to a list of archaic or obscure anti-Black language like "rastus" and "macaca." Williams said he conferred with his 82-year-old father about some of the terms, and said that his parents, longtime residents of the neighborhood, are worried. "In 2024, I didn't think they'd target me and my family."

The GoFundMe has some more details on the slurs:

"Go pick cotton blackie"

"We found you"

"Chicken a la Noose"

"Alligator bait baby"

"Target on your back"

"Pre frontal cortex atrophy"

"Genetically inferior"




Contents were similar to the first package and contained a black face doll with noose. However, this time the threats escalated. With "Terry Williams" printed across the top of the doll's head, threats included "Get out of Alamo Square District", "Pure race whites rule the globe", "We will continue to exterminate you BIPOC slaves", and images of the KKK.

Just one week later, while Terry was at City Hall meeting with officials about the threats, his house caught fire, nearly killing his elderly parents:

"They said they couldn't get to my mom. My dad was trying to get my mom out. I wasn't here. The fire happened fast and thank God for the fire department," said Williams. When Terry arrived, he tried getting to his mom who was trapped on the second floor as smoke and flames consumed the building where his family has lived for decades. "I ran past everybody. I was trying to get to my mom. I tried to run past everybody. I ran through the apartment on the first floor. I tried to push past them and fight to try to get to my mom. They kept saying we will get your mom. We will get your mom," said Williams.

I'm too lazy to dig up the Reddit threads about the incident but there were quite a few nooticers who cast doubt on the story and how cartoonishly over-the-top the racism was, positing that it might be some kind of Jussie Smollett situation. They were, of course, downmarseyd to heck but now the police have announced they're seeking a black trans woman in connection with the case who has been reported as "missing" :marseysoyrope::

On Friday, the SFPD named a suspect in the case — 67-year-old San Francisco resident Martin Chartrand — and issued a bulletin asking for the public's help to find her. Chartrand's family reported her missing Aug. 23, according to the SFPD. Authorities urged anyone who sees her to call 911 with her location and physical description.

I'm inclined to think that he wasn't a conspirator in this incident and is an actual victim, but we'll see how this pans out.

How I feel about dramatards
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