Reported by:
  • Aevann : get her to make an account and say hi
USER WAS BANNED FOR LIFE FROM RDRAMA.NET I tricked a foid into marrying me

Bottom text lmao.


What did she mean by this?

Reported by:

@MoonMetropolis :marseywave2:


Joshua Ryne Goldberg (born May 14, 1995) is an American internet troll,[1] convicted of attempting a bombing on the 14th anniversary of the September 11 attacks[2] while posing as an Islamic terrorist affiliated with ISIS.[3][4][5]

Goldberg had many online identities and spent virtually all of his time on the internet.[7] In addition to promoting terrorism, he made thousands of troll posts advocating for liberal feminism, neo-Nazism, and other ideologies.


Credit to @Patsy for xeeting him


In case you all were wondering, /r/drama's description of me as looking like "Post Malone if the amount of weed consumed was estrogen" no longer stands. I now bear zero resemblance to any of the pictures that exist of me. In prison, I shaved my head bald and started working out.


!oldstrags !dramatards


Aella, the neurodivergent lesswrong prostitute that is now kinda Twitter famous for her r-slurred polls and for organizing an orgy for her birthday, is now in danger because some insane guy that tried to kidnap her is allegedly now out of jail lmao

Stuff from when he was originally imprisoned:

Destiny subreddit has a copy of him trying to get into her house

Aella's blogpost

Y'all uppity males can't behave and get banned. At least the bear mauls you in good faith.

r/ meme users try to understand the fear of SA challenge, impossible

but le r*pe

/r/meme user tries to understand that being in a forest with a bear is safer because i can either scare it off or play dead

I cant scare off a male feminist and if i play dead hes probably gonna r*pe me


I am a man. I would be safer alone in the woods with a bear than alone in the woods with another man.

Like, statistically.


*"risking" because not all bears are aggressive. An aggressive one would 100% manage to kill a person, but many bears are relatively shy or even friendly

as opposed to scrotes that are all bloodlusted, of course :marseyface:

This is true but that doesn't negate the idea that a bear may be less dangerous. Even grizzly bears aren't likely to attack you just because, they often hear people coming at a distance and flee. If you had antagonjsed both options, either take the man for a better chance at survival or take the bear to potentially be killed quicker if the man is unarmed. the quick death in question

Did a successful willpower test. I can now fast for 48 hours without food.

The bad news is that I am still a fat frick.

The good news is that I can now fast for 48 hours at a time and follow that up with still maintaining a calorie deficit in my diet.

My capabilities continue to improve.

I am assuming this puts me in the high willpower category.

For my next trick I learn to follow an organized routine every day.

Wish me luck boys.



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