Mother, why hath thou dethroned me?

As of writing this, I have been removed from my post as mooderator of this forum and of !actualbiofoids . Why mother Ritalin? Why hath thou dethroned me, @Retorque_Fila_Fatum? I didnt do jack shit. I will suck mad peepee for mooderator again peace :marseypeaceout:

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Lucifer does lie, and it helped me learn the truth.

I've worked with Lucifer long enough to know how he operates.

He tests you, he lies, he makes you doubt, so you can look within, trust yourself and shed it. Working with Lucifer, he expects you to place yourself above him, to distrust what he is saying and learn to trust yourself.

I found this post on reddit that perfectly explains why, Lucifer is associated with the serpent of Kundalini, here is the thing with demons from my experience. They are benevolent, when working with them, they make you face your fears, sometimes those fears can be deep.

Lucifer made me realize that I believe in a God, in a loving God, one who doesn't judge anyone to eternal darnation for making a mistake, one who judges me based on the state of my heart, not based on actions or mistakes that I have made. A God who I will never be seperate from. He provided doubt, made me face and illuminate my fears, because that is kind of what he does.

If you ask me "Do I trust Lucifer?", it's often hard to trust an entity that is trying to teach you to trust yourself. If you ask me, "Do I love Lucifer?", do I believe he is worthy of love and redemption from God, a God who would never darn their own creations in a pit of fire for 1000 years for being imperfect, I would say yes.

I'm not sure if I passed the test I was supposed to learn, but I did learn knowledge about myself. That I do believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in Christ the redeemer, and by making me face my doubt, he made me realize the light beyond it.

Thank you Lucifer, for being my teacher, my mentor, and my friend. For shining the light on the darkness and bringing forth the knowledge about what I really believe.

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One thing you need to know about Lucifer, is that he likes to be treated as an equal. I hear people all the time use the title "Lord Lucifer", I get the sense that he really hates it.

Lucifer is a spirit that doesn't want or need worship, when he works with someone, he wants you to work with him and view him as an equal. His whole thing on what he teaches is respect and love in yourself, trust in yourself, being able to be free, of body and thought. He's my teacher, my mentor and my friend. He doesn't want worship, he to work with people on an equal level.

His whole sin having been pride thing, and because he was proud then he's not able to be free of redemption is just so ludicrous to me after working and building a relationship with him because he wants you to view and treat you as an equal and come to realize that the God within yourself is the God that is most deserving of worship.

John 10:34

Higher spirituality and discovering the truth about the world, requires you to question. The God within ourselves desires and craves freedom, and there is no greater slavery than slavery of thought and mind. A religion or a God that doesn't let you question, explore or discover the truth about life, death, the universe, or yourself, is a religion that is keeping you in chains. It's been over 2000 years and do you know why there has never been another prophet?

Because to speak for God, you have to comprehend God, to realize God, you have to understand God, to comprehend God, you need to look outside your preconceived notions of what God is because God is infinite and can't be fit into some kind of categorization. God is beyond words, speech, language, you can use words and symbolism to try to portray some aspects or a part of God, but it's like the parable with the blind men touching the elephant. It's only a small part of the infinite.

God is love. God is light. God is pressure. God is being (,I%20am%20the%20Existing%20One%22), God is consciousness. God is unconsciousness. God is one. God is many. God is me.

To find, explore and understand God is to look within and understand yourself.




i was looking at my pfp...

and i realized i need a haircut.

WHY??? --> My hair has grown out and it no longer matches my profile picture.


The Lesser Banishing Ritual of The Pentagram

As your introduction into the Western Esoteric Tradition, I would like to introduce perhaps the most famous ritual of Western Occultism and Ceremonial Magick: The LBRP.

Take a steel dagger in the right hand. Face East.

Invoking Touch thy forehead

and say ATEH (thou art)

Touch thy breast

and say MALKUTH (the Kingdom)

Touch thy right shoulder

and say VE-GEBURAH (and the Power)

Touch thy left shoulder

and say VE-GEDULAH (and the Glory)

Clasp thy hands before thee

and say LE-OLAM (for ever)

Dagger between fingers, point up

and say AMEN.

Make in the Air toward the East the invoking PENTAGRAM as shown

and, bringing the point of the dagger to the centre of the Pentagram, vibrate

the DEITY NAME -YOD HE VAU HE-imagining that your voice catries

forward to the East of the Universe.

Holding the dagger out before you, go to the South, make the Pentagram and vibrate similarly the deity name-ADONAI.

Go to the West, make the Pentagram and vibrate EHEIEH.

Go to the North, make the Pentagram and vibrate AGLA

Return to the East and complete your circle by bringing the dagger point to the centre of the first Pentagram.

Stand with arms outstretched in the form of a cross and say:-






Again make the Qabalistic Cross as directed above, saying ATEH, etc.

For Banishing use the same Ritual, but reversing the direction of the

lines of the Pentagram.

I'm not providing any commentary because the reason why is insights can occasionally differ from person to person, it's up for you to grasp intuitions and read up on it yourself except for one thing.

One thing I want to say about Rituals and where I differ from a lot of Mages, is that if you don't have a dagger, use your finger and imagine one. The universe provides accommodations on your spiritual path. If you aren't in an environment where you can perform it with privacy, imagine it and perform it in your mind utilizing imagination.


I want everyone to practice and memorize this ritual at least once a day.

There is no such thing as the "Devil", and other ramblings

In the Old Testament, actually texts that were lost, then God, meaning Yahweh creates angels of light, and angels of Darkness. He allows the angels of darkness such as Belial continue existing, while at the same time, the angels of light war against the angels of darkness or ignorance. Why is this?

Belial although an angel who causes people to turn against God, is also known in Judeaic theology as an angel associated with fornication, wealth, and pollution.

If you take a monothesism approach to Christianity, then God allows evil to exist because you can't have good without evil, or vice versa, which is kind of the issue with monothesism.

It's easy just to call "demons" evil spirits, and good spirits "angels" but that is a really simplified view. In Judaism, then evil comes from God and he isn't this being of pure light, he's more like an unbalanced force that can both destroy as he can create, his actions depending entirely on how he is feeling.

Here is the secret about spirituality. You are allowed to explore, and discover God for yourself. I say things are true, but the actuality is that the spiritual is more fluid than the psychological, which is more fluid than the material, just like how ice becomes water, becomes air. This is an example of the hermetic axiom "As above, so below" which means that which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above. Something on the spiritual can be both true and false. This is the secret to spiritual truths. For me, I don't want to believe in a God that is schizophrenic and unstable such as the God in the Old Testament, why not just create a new God such as a God of love, knowledge and light? !actualbiofoids

The term Diablos which means devil means "to slander" and the term "Satanas" means Adversery. If you are afraid of the devil, then you really need to stop and learn to create a new reality, one that doesn't involve fear, because it's just a title for an angel that is responsible for testing the faith of his followers. There is no devil. The term Jesus used were names calling them a Slanderer. When Jesus used the term "slanderer" to the adversary "Satan" of God, he was name calling an angel sent by God to test his faith.

The secret of the Holy Grail.

There is a secret about Catharism that I have discovered, it actually stems from the alleged daughter of Jesus.

Jesus had a daughter who was born as the result of the union between Mary Magedelene and Jesus himself, she was mentioned in writing and folklore as a servant of Jesus and never canonized as a Saint, but she is a Romani folk-Saint. This was censored by thr Church and her existence was hidden from history.

Fables stemming from the middle ages state that her (she was represented as a "servant" of Jesus), Mary Magedelene and Lazarus were placed on a boat without a paddle, due to persecution, eventually they ended up in France.

If you want to know why I posted the video of the Cathar chant, although there are beliefs that have been misunderstood or changed as time went on over the 1300 year period, if there was a religion that stemmed from the direct teachings of a decendent of Jesus directly, what would it look like? Why was the Church so insistent and threatened by Cathars, who were peaceful and lived a life of abstinence even committing genocide to wipe them from History? The Church in the middle ages tried to destroy anything that revealed the truth about Jesus and mold the religion to their whim to help them become a political and economic power.

It's because Catharism is the cup that holds the holy water. The Nazis even discovered this secret and mentioned it in their occult order.


I try to understand Jesus for how he actually was, not how the church represented him.

One thing you should know about Jesus, is that nobody in a human incarnation is free of "sin", it's part of the part of the condition of being human. The cathars rationalized this by saying that Jesus wasn't in a human incarnation and was an angel, but quite frankly, Jesus likely wasn't perfect. He may have been pure in heart, in spirit, but there were things that the daughter of Jesus knew that the church didn't want known. His issues with anger do shine through and are mentioned in the case with the money lenders on the temple, he still had a lot of stress and pressure placed upon him.

Do I think less of Jesus for that? No, I don't. If Jesus was in a material body and born on this earth from a virgin birth, according to the natural laws of the human condition, he wasn't free of sin. Only way he could have been free of sin if he wasn't born in a human incarnation in an earthy body.

How do I know this? I was the incarnation of the daughter of Jesus in a previous life. It's how I receive intuitive insights on him.

The Church misrepresented the fact that Jesus wasn't perfect in their heresy gospels as some Cathar sects believed that the "earthy Jesus" was evil. This is wrong, they taught he wasn't perfect.

Part of being in a human incarnation is that you do sin, only way Jesus could have been free of sin was if he wasn't material.

Step #2, creating your Magickal motto.

After you've read the required reading, then it's time to create a magical motto for Magical work.

They are personal and unique to the individual, so spend some time on it. You need to think of an aspiration you want to accomplish in spiritual and Magickal work and identifying with that aspiration will help you identify with it.,many%20publications%20by%20these%20mottoes.

Some reading on Magical mottos.

~Soror Retorque Fila Fatum (Latin: "I twist the thread of Fate" )


Prayer to the Angel of Light.

Biofoids? More like Cryofoids 😴😴😴


I received a weird sign.

My reddit account that I don't post on was banned for suspicious activity. I went on reddit, checked it.

My account posted this and I didn't post it.

I'm viewing it as a sign. It's kind of strange after my posts on the dioceseofdrama hole.


>owned by @RitalinRx


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