
Part 1 - He posts his resume


Car selling e-course

Design a online course educating students interested in selling cars.

Course was made using Groomercord software

Part 2 - He humble brags on reddit

I don't get why so many people struggle with getting interviews. I don't mean to boast, but I've only applied to about 10-13 jobs and I've already got 5 interviews in the span of 48 hours. :marseygigachad:

I'm curious what methods y'all use when applying to jobs. Do you just apply and wait? Or do you take initiative call them to follow up ? :marseygigachad:

What is this post even. Ok congrats? Darn. If you're genuinely curious you could have asked how are people approaching their job search, or read through the many posts. Or as others said, share your wise amazing interview-getting knowledge then? :marseyraging:

Bros got interviews with Herbalife, Amway, Mary Kay, Avon, and Primerica :marseyill:

Part 3 - He brags on reddit about his 7 interviews lined up but takes the 1st job he interviews for

based on your recent posts; resume, lots of interviews, quick hire process etc. Sounds like you got a job at an MLM. :marseysmug2:

What is a MLM :marseygigaretard:

Be careful though, research that the company is not an MLM or a devilcorp, they all advertise marketing jobs but it's essentially sales. :marseyreading:

If I were you, I would still try to do the rest of the interviews. :marseyreading:

I researched them, they are legit. :marseyclueless:

Check their name to see if it shows up on /r/devilcorp sub. :marseyreading:

Not on there . And I'm playing shinobi striker rn :marseygigachad:

What company is this? Because honestly this seems really suspicious, particularly given the resume you posted recently that was full of copy-edit errors... :marseysmug2:

Green marketing group :marseyclueless:

Isn't that the group that puts people in Costco to sell electric service and whatnot? :marseyconfused:

Part 4 - We take a quick look at Green marketing group

This is the shadiest website I have ever seen. They literally don't even list what the frick they even sell :#marseylaugh:

The "GREEN" in Green Marketing Group stands for growth. One of the founders quit making 80k a year with 401k and benefits to help start this company that now generates millions in revenue, shares 50% to 60% of the company's profit to employees and hires talented and ambitious people, while providing high-paying jobs, careers, valuable leadership skills, and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Isn't that literally just paying people :#marseyclapping:

GMG has the privilege to work with some of the top Fortune 500 Companies in the nation. Our exclusive clientele and partnerships is what separates us from other companies, while our proven marketing approach is why elite clients come to us instead of the competition and continue to do business.

We have a privacy disclosure with our clients...which means we can not disclose who they are or what we do for them publicly.


An employee doesn't have to pay us anything (except their time and effort).


"posts all the red flags about green marketing whatever"

Alright thank you. What about this other company called unlimited ad group :marseyclueless:

i know you're young but you have to be resourceful and help yourself. thats how you're going to learn. start by looking at their glassdoor for reviews. read their website, what learn about what they actually sell or do. dont just look at their pretty group photos, that means nothing. next just start googling and learning how to identify a good company from a bad one. within 2 min of looking at this company's glassdoor i would easily pass. :marseydab:

look i hate to be a downer, but theres a reason why the job market is bad. i know you're happy bc you got a lot of interviews, but they're at shit companies. Idk how you got them. these all seem to be very entry level, stand outside sales jobs. try to apply at actual companies that exist or if its a start up, then one that can actually tell you what the frick they do. and also look up what an MLM is so you avoid joining one.:marseydab:

you seem like you want to work in tech so why not apply for social media marketing positions, even if they are very low entry level.:marseydab:

or if you have time, study for Comptia A+ certs to help you break into the field. you can get that cert studying materials from for like $15 when they have a sale, take your test and just search indeed "comptia A+" and there are actual jobs that can get you experience being technical support for a small-mid sized company :marseydab:



If you're a non-g*mer, you might want to read this part. G*mers can skip ahead.

Run by the roguishly handsome Todd Howard, Bethesda is a gaming giant known for its immersive open-world games from the Fallout and The Elder Scrolls franchises. Starfield is an upcoming game by the studio. It is set in the 24th century, in a future where mankind has conquered The Settled Systems. The game begins during a period of relative peace between the Freestar Collective and the United Colonies. To say that anticipation is high is an understatement.

So why the hype for Starfield? Well, a few reasons. Firstly, it is Bethesda's first new IP in over two decades. Secondly, it is a game that has been in development for a very long time. Though the first teaser was shown in 2018, Todd Howard had been discussing ideas for a sci-fi game since the late 90s. In fact, Bethesda had a game in development titled The Tenth Planet, though it was canceled before release. Thirdly, Todd Howard is 53 years old. Due to the length of time it takes to develop modern AAA games, this is almost certainly his last game as head of Bethesda. Starfield will determine Todd's legacy. If it succeeds, he will forever be remembered as a gaming icon who released the archetypal sci-fi game. If he fails, his entire career may be cast into doubt.

Lastly, Starfield will be the first exclusive released by Bethesda since its parent company, ZeniMax Media, was acquired by Microsoft. As g*mers will know, Xbox's main draw has been Game Pass, but it has lacked the first party games to compete with Nintendo and Sony. The recent spree of purchasing studios was Microsoft's way of mending this problem. With a cool $7.5 billion price tag attached to the acquisition, this is undeniably gaming's biggest hail-mary of all time. No competitive move has ever been this major, not even during the Nintendo vs Sega years.

Decades of research have gone into this game, and Howard visited both NASA and SpaceX during development. Developers kept an entire vault of ideas, indicating just how large the lore is. Starfield is set to release on September 6 on Xbox Series X/S and PC. Owners of the Premium Edition and Constellation Edition have early access from September 1.


Review copies were sent roughly a week ago, so it's expected that leaks would spring up. The manner in which it happened is a huge surprise. Earlier this week, shoddy footage of a African American gentleman playing Starfield was seen on the internet. In the footage you can hear dogs barking and a baby crying, but the footage is undeniably Starfield.

Now, there are some legal reasons to not leak. If you've been given a review copy, a leak involves the violation of your NDA, which can result in you being sued. If you illegally obtained the game, you can face charges, as the leaker of GTA 6 has discovered.


None of this deterred Tyrone, who posted a vieo of him smoking a blunt (an emptied cigar filled with marijuana) on his porch. He reviews Starfield stating: "Todd, no offense man, that's a good game."

All his videos have been archived here: As you can tell, in addition to being a g*mer, he is also a gambler. Well, Tyrone is about to get royally flushed.


After finding a little internet fame among g*mers, Tyrone's videos were taken down from TikTok and YouTube. This did not stop him, and he vowed to upload more footage, which he did. He then revealed that he can get more copies of Starfield. He posted a video of himself in his car with several copies of Starfield, including the Constellation Edition boxes which cost a fortune. He also revealed he has an online store, and upon visiting, it was discovered that he sells tons of items in bulk.

Internet fellows bought copies of Starfield, despite not knowing how the game was sourced. It is alleged that he works at a warehouse. Tyrone filmed himself sending copies via FedEx.


Tyrone's antics were wild. They were flagrant. He had no care for the law.

The walls started closing in when his xbox account was deleted and his console was hardware banned, rendering it unusable. Next, netizens discovered that his online store had been taken down. Then... the arrest record. Tyrone, full name Darin Tyrone Harris, is charged with marijuana possession and two counts of theft (one a misdemeanour and the other a felony).

People on Reddit who claimed to have purchased from Tyrone have since deleted their messages.


Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone.

Stealing is wrong. There will now almost certainly be g*mers who will not get their games on time because Tyrone stole them. He could have just enjoyed the game. Heck, he could have just sold them on the low. But no, he had to show his face online and bask in the clout. That is what did him in.

This story has been reported by major publications who all have his face and details. He got the fame he wanted, but I doubt he's enjoying it right now. Forever, he will be known as a thief, and he will never find gainful employment.

Lastly, it is worth noting the following:

  • a Black man named Tyrone

  • he's a weed smoking thief


EFFORTPOST :!platyaboriginal:Voiceposting EFFORTPOST:platyaboriginal:- Full explanation of the Voice to Parliament and summary of all the drama [Burger Friendly :marseymuttpat:]

As many probably know by now the Voice is the biggest drama to happen in Australia in years, and it's pretty much taken over my posting. However, the campaign has gotten complicated and self-referential enough that I would 100% understand anyone jumping in for the first time or even after missing a week's worth of news would be incredibly confused about everything. This is why I present- the FULL guide to the Voice! Below is what will be covered, feel free to skip to 3-4 if you just want the drama without the context:marseydrama:-

1. What is the Voice?

2. Who are the sides?

3. What is the UluแนŸu Statement from the Heart?

4. What are the controversies?

If anything big comes up in the coming weeks/months I'll keep adding to this post, so save this if you want to stay up to date :marseybow:

1. What is the Voice?

The Indigenous Voice to Parliament is a proposed advisory body to Parliament. It would be elected by and presumably composed of Aboriginals, and it would give advice on Aboriginal issues to Parliament and to heads of departments or the PM personally. The election process is apparently going to be weighted, with elders (the oldest members/heads of a tribe) as well as those living in "remote communities" (this is essentially code for still living semi-tribally in bumfrick nowhere) given weighted voting over the mayofied urban Aboriginals:marseymayoface:.

It is important to note that the Government of the day both a) gets to frick with the Voice's composition, powers and process at will and b) can ignore any "advice" they get, HOWEVER they would not be able to get rid of it entirely. This is because the proposal is to put it in the constitution, which also means the Parliament can't actually just vote it in- the constitutional revision needs to be passed by referendum, and then the corresponding legislation setting it up gets legislated in afterwards. This does mean we have to talk about

1b. Referenda in Australia

Referendums in Australia do not pass by a simple majority vote. They pass by a) a majority vote and 2) a majority of Australia's 6 states (so 4/6). Territories count for the first count but not the second, so sucked in Canberra.

The proposed change is worded as follows-

In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia:

There shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice;

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;

The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures.

To which when the referendum day comes you can answer Yes or No. So remember- YES means nonchuds :platyaboriginalpat:, NO means chuds :platyaboriginalgenocide:.

We still do not know when the referendum day will actually come, although there are some considerations. Albanese (the Prime Minister) has to call the referendum for early 2024 by the latest, and has committed to holding it in 2023. Voting in September/early November is presumed to be out because that's when Aussie sporting finals are, which means all the :cunt: will be too busy watching footy and drinking beers to care about the Voice. By law elections and referenda have to be held on Saturdays so that also narrows it down. Pundits generally say October 14, but it could well be in November.

2. The Sides

2a. Yes

The Yes campaign is headed by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Labor Party (the centre-left party). In Parliament he is also supported by the Greens (left), the "teal" independents (rainbow capitalists) and a few members of the Liberal party (centre right, also known as literally fascism). Albanese brought the Voice as a policy to the 2022 federal election and won, although he mostly won because the PM at the time (Scott Morrison) had become for good reason despised by most of the population as a corrupt smarmy happy-clappy r-slur.

Albanese however is pretty much a fairly inconsequential career politician who has only ever rocked the boat with the Voice, and that was because it wasn't all that controversial a year ago lol. His Indigenous Minister who is currently doing most of the work to push this is called Linda Burney, who apparently isn't drunk when she talks despite the fact that she really sounds like it. She has essentially for the past few months been brought out for damage control whenever something goes wrong for the Yes campaign.

There are also a series of :platyaboriginal: activists who are working towards Yes under the banner of "Yes23", of which I'll highlight two. Noel Pearson is the activist who is meant to get rightoids on board with the Voice, because he says things like "look if you pass the voice and nothing changes you can blame us Aboriginals for it" and "just give us responsibility for our own problems". On the other side there's Thomas Mayo:marseymayo:, who's a communist who hates Australia which is why rightoid :marseyjourno: have been focusing on him despite the fact he really isn't all that important, and I only mentioned him because he gets brought up a lot.

2b. No (chud)

The mainstream No campaign is headed by opposition leader Peter Dutton of the Liberal Party and his coalition partner the Nationals (rural rightoids), and supported in Parliament by fringe parties such as One Nation (gigarightoid lolcows). Peter Dutton is a former cop who became leader of the Liberals after they lost the election, and pretty much leads the rightoid wing of that party. Some state Liberal leaders are actually pro-Voice, so he hasn't gotten his party in line as much as Albanese has.

2c. No (:marseyblm:)

A fringe No group is the "Blak Sovereignty" movement, with its parliamentary head being Lydia Thorpe (a lolcow who I made a post about months ago). Their deal is that the Voice would surrender Aboriginal sovereignty to the colonial Australian government so should be avoided. Lol.

3. What is the UluแนŸu Statement from the Heart?

The UluแนŸu Statement from the Heart is a document published by a bunch of Aboriginal elders and activists in 2017 under a bipartisan program, that called for the Voice, plus Treaty (we admit the authority of the Crown in exchange for gibs) and Truth (a commission that's meant to tell all the bad things that happened during colonisation). The controversy here is on whether or not to count the meetings and notes that went into the signed first page- the meetings and notes call for reparations and all forms of other gibs, which the first page omits. The characters involved in the Statement from the Heart have also been scrutinised (this is where Thomas Mayo comes from for example). Albanese has committed to implementing the Statement in full.

4. Controversies

Controversies so far include but are not limited to-

  • the Voice becoming increasingly unpopular

  • Yes campaigners being communists

  • No campaigners being racists (some really were, some weren't really)

  • No ads showing Thomas Mayo begging for gibs (this is racist obviously)

  • National carrier Qantas putting vote yes on their aircraft

  • Other big corps supporting Yes

  • The mining industry supporting No (except it never did)

  • Whether the chud No or the Blak Sovereignty No would make the No official argument in a state-funded information pamphlet- chuds won

  • Whether the wording of the amendment would accidentally give the Voice power over the government of the day (it doesn't)

That's pretty much it, dramaussies tell me if I've missed anything big


If you are a dramatard of a certain vintage (though there are news reports of this scam still appearing in 2023[1]) you have likely received some spam mail about some secret society or secret method or an anecdote about someone using said tactics to become rich and famous. This mail offers you some sort of free pamphlet which will divulge these secrets in exchange for your mailing address. Do this and you will get a pamphlet which just make more promises and tell you to buy more books for absurd prices. You will then continually get more male selling books at very inflated costs of 150$ to 700$ a book.

This spam empire is built off the back of one schizo named Frank R. Wallace, real name Wallace Ward, and is being continued by his son Mark Hamilton, real name Wallace Ward. F Wallace was a research chemist at DuPont until he quit over a declining stock price he blamed on bad ideology. He then moved into self help publishing with [Poker: A Guaranteed Income for Life by Using the Advance Concepts of Poker] a book where F Wallace purports to teach you how to win every poker game without cheating via lying, hypnosis, and picking the proper opponents.

This would later be expanded into a philosophy called Neo-Tech/Neo-Think/Zonpower which is an unearthly mix of Objectivism, Scientology, and Posadists. F Wallace has written tons of books of the subject many of which have been renamed, combined, or rewritten alot of times. At least in the 90s the primary text of the movement seemed to be The Neo-Tech Discovery[2].

The core of Neo-Tech philosophy is pretty standard objectivism but with more technobabble. The central idea is about neocheating which is just a fancy way of saying lying. So capitalism is based on reason and reason is truth and all forms of mysticism are "neocheats" to trick people into giving away money ("Give me money and authority because I am holy and God says so" "Give me money and power so I can help the poor" ect ect). To counter this you need to follow "fully integrated honesty" or just not lying. He adds in a bit of Dr. Julian Jaynes Bicameral mind theroy to explain why humans seem so drawn to those neocheating mystics. The only real interesting chapter is chapter 4[3] where he talks about how Dupont's stock prices fell due to them chasing altruistic ideology over creating valuable products (or in modern chud language "go woke get broke"). This is mostly just randian pro capitalism but F Wallace has some first hand business experience which gives him perspective Rand doesnt have. Chuds may also like learning HR woman nonsense is a universal problem among business. he is also very obsessed with humans becoming scientifically imortal. He also puts this very funny table at the end:

There are many more neo-tech books like Neothink which teaches you how to think outside of the Bicameral mind and Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control by Mark Hamilton which outlines a future business model which removes neo cheating bosses and HR women. The model was used for Wallace and son Wallace's Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP) Company called Integrated Management Associates which basically runs on MLM on principles where everyone is their own boss and probably explains why neo tech affiliated people send so much spam.

The true magnum opus of the Neo-Movement is Zonpower where he reveals that following neo-think will let you become an all powerful Zon and also that any civilization that has nuclear power and space shits has to follow Neo-tech as any non neo tech civilization will nuke itself. He also rants about "goy politics" and criminal minded goyium [4]

Neo-Tech became somewhat popular in the early days of the internet and usenet groups with users having their own email list and group with members frequently spamming other groups with :marseylongpost: posts[5] and also causing so much shit on the objectivist and philosophy groups that all talk of neo-tech had to be banned [6].

Why Neo-Tech Sandbagged the Objectivist "Leaders"

As previously done with selected officials in government along with certain white-collar-hoax businesspeople, Neo-Tech sandbagged various self-proclaimed leaders and strutting authorities on the Internet as part of the world's biggest poker game. On the Objectivist newsgroup (apo), Neo-Tech sandbagged its flamers along with many ersatz Objectivists. Thus, through those sandbagged dupes, Neo-Tech achieved its apo agenda. ...The results of that agenda will be published in the forthcoming book titled Flame-War Justice to be released in 1997 by Neo-Tech Worldwide.

Is part of the Neo-Tech agenda to "convert" apo Objectivists into Neo-Tech Objectivists? No. Such an agenda is much too narrow and minor -- a waste of time. Neo-Tech instead sandbags self-appointed leaders and false authorities who are harmful to advancing Objectivism.

It seems like Neo-Tech planned on ever publishing a book about these flame war tatics.

Other drama came when F Wallace was tried for 3 charges of tax evasion and insisted on using his own custom oath which replaced mention of truth with his own term "fully integrated Honesty" while he was intally denied this and charged on all 3 counts in 1991. He appealed on the basis of being denied his first amendment rights to religion (but F Wallace I thought religion was neocheating!) and was allowed to use his special oath in a 1993 re trial. He was again convicted on 3 accounts of tax fraud. [7] It turns out saying "I agree to tell the fully integrated honesty and nothing but the fully integrated honesty" doesn't make you innocent.

Other classic Neo-Tech moments include when Batman writer Alan Grant and artist Norm Breyfogle created a 4 issue miniseries about the villain Anarky who originated as a leftist ancom but in this miniseries became a neo-tech supporter due to Alan Grant being very into the philosophy. Neo-Tech was a popular ideology online and comic people were more likely to be online then. In an interview with some neo-tech people Grant laments that

for political reasons, Batman had to, well being the hero, had to beat Anarky who is looked on by the DC people as being a villain. So Anarky was wrong and confessedโ€ฆ[8]

Breyfogle seemed less interested and simply looked at it as a modernization of objectivism: [9]

I had more input on Anarky than many of the other characters we developed because we spent so much time on it and because we were involved in discussions concerning Anarky's philosophy - which is really Alan Grant's philosophy. I learned a lot from those discussions and of course I see lots of truth in objectivity (Anarky is an objectivist); I'm a modern western male, after all! Alan was calling his philosophy โ€˜Neo-tech' but it's basically a modernized version of Objectivism, which was Ayn Rand's philosophy.

Now, I think the very term โ€˜Objectivism' implies an outlook that's kind of one sided because there's also Subjectivism, and they're both true in their own realms; they both exist. In our discussions I was always trying to balance Alan's arguments with the opposite point of view, which in my view also has merits. That did feed its way into the stories to some degree, especially near the end when I had more ideas for Anarky's life.

The rational wiki falsely claims that introducing Neo-Tech ideology into the book caused sales to dip and for it to be cancelled after 4 issues which is disingenuous as it was solicited as a 4 issue miniseries and Anarky was so popular in the 90s he ended up getting his own ongoing monthly series in 1999 off the back of a highly successful trade compilation of his past appearances.

Following the death of F Wallace, his son Wallace Ward Jr., became the face of the organization using his trademarked nick name Mark Hamilton who is really playing up the trashy pimp guru vibes of the organisation.

Hamilton continues the spam empire under the neothink society and the 12 visions party. The political party of neo think which takes its name from the book The Nouveau Tech Package of Miss Annabelle's Secrets: Neo Tech Secret Society, Earth's First Immortals where a woman named Miss Annabelle has super smart kids that solve all the worlds problems and rule america using a 12 visions vanguard party. The whole party blatantly calls itself a get quick rich scheme that will make everyone rich! [10] Other products by Hamilton include a 7400 page book for $196 [11].

Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales used to be a usenet Neo-Techer so he made a cry post about how trolls were desecrating the memory of his great father on wikipedia! [12]

>I challenge journ*lists and bloggers to go beyond their low-effort, safe-and-easy cheap-shot โ€œevil businessโ€ attacks on our marketing and pricing ($139 for our 1200-page gold-embossed leatherette library-edition Neothinkยฎ Manuscript) and instead put out effort, read my father's Neo-Techยฎ Discovery or my Neothinkยฎ Manuscripts, and then let us see what they write about us. Most will write nothing. They accuse and convict us of being a scam without so much as glancing over the product that they label a scam!

In the comments here we can see a ride of die 2023 neo tech Trumper named ted hosfer

Let no one ever forget that it was the Neo-Cheating owner of Wikipedia (Jimmy Wales) who made it his mission to suppress conservative viewpoints โ€“ especially during the Donald J Trump years.

His frequent request for โ€œdonationsโ€ is met (at least with me) with non-participation. How he can ask for money, while simultaneously spit on contributors is pretty outrageous. Lack of donations and support is the consequence of ALIENATING more than half of your audience.

Who thinks magatards and neo-tech believers make up 50% of the wikipedia user base LOL.

In 2023 Hamilton did an interview to some journos doing a basic scam callout on the secret society stuff with some pretty funny lines [1]

Ward told me that he believes his critics haven't taken the time to study his materials.

In our interview he acknowledged that it's inappropriate to send such letters to the elderly, and he vows that he's trying to cull the mailing lists he buys to attract a younger audience. But the lists, he says, are mostly populated by the elderly. Old school.

โ€œI haven't been able to figure out how to market this online,โ€ he confesses. โ€œI've tried over and over again to target younger people, but I haven't been able to make that work through direct mail at this point in time.โ€

In his prime, he sent out 20,000 letters a month. Now, he feels lucky if he can get 2,000 out each month.

:marseysurejan: you can only make money via stupid old people yet you arent trageting old people via this scam.

That is the funniest thing about Neo-Tech is that it has some sort of strange rabid fanbase/bot army/alt army to defend it. On any video, even recent, ones talking about the scam you find atleast one r-slur saying how actually the 300$ book that says lying is bad totally changed their life.













Other Sources:

!effortposters trying something a little different with the effort posts make it a little more casual and more interetsing let me know if its good


This article is :marseylongpost: especially if you don't care about burgerball, but I'll sum up here and give you some reddit reactions to laugh at :marseythumbsup:


Background: The Blind Side

In 2006, a book came out detailing the :marseywholesome: story of Michael Oher, a :marseyblack: boy born into poverty, who grew up in the foster system, but who was adopted* by rich wypipo (The Tuohys) :marseymayo:. After the adoption, he gets his grades up, learns that he's really good at football*, and goes on to receive a full scholarship at a reasonably successful university football program (the same one his adoptive parents are alumni of :marseynoooticer:) A real rags to riches story :marseywholesome: After he was drafted into the NFL in the first round a film (The Blind Side) came out starring Sandra Bullock that got her an Oscar :marseyoscar:. Sounds great right? He was given the opportunity of a lifetime, seized it, and was able to carve a nice 7 year career in the NFL for himself. Only...

The Twist

He was never adopted-he was tricked into signing a conservatorship signing away the ability to make his own business deals :marseywtf2:

The 14-page petition, filed in Shelby County, Tennessee, probate court, alleges that Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, who took Oher into their home as a high school student, never adopted him. Instead, less than three months after Oher turned 18 in 2004, the petition says, the couple tricked him into signing a document making them his conservators, which gave them legal authority to make business deals in his name.

That's just the start of the drama! Apparently his conservators used this power to negotiate the film deal to enrich their biochildren and themselves, while leaving Oher with nothing! :marseyhibernian:

The petition further alleges that the Tuohys used their power as conservators to strike a deal that paid them and their two birth children millions of dollars in royalties from an Oscar-winning film that earned more than $300 million, while Oher got nothing for a story "that would not have existed without him." In the years since, the Tuohys have continued calling the 37-year-old Oher their adopted son and have used that assertion to promote their foundation as well as Leigh Anne Tuohy's work as an author and motivational speaker.

Also-despite what the movie would have you believe, he was known to be good at football BEFORE this agreement was put in place :marseypearlclutch: Talk about a grindset-these guys pretended to adopt a majorly sought after football player, guided him towards signing for their alma mater, helped make a movie about him and made a big payday for themselves and their children to boot :sigmacap:

Today these allegations came to light-what do folx think?

The Reaction

:marseynorf: You mean to tell me that a bunch of holier-than-thou, bible thumping, Ole Miss boosters from the South took advantage of a poor black child with an unstable home life because he was a clearly gifted athlete and had million dollar contracts in his future?? NO WAY! Who could have seen this coming??

:marseyracist: That's so silly bro, this nice white family with a young daughter just took in a 300 lb black guy out of the kindness of their hearts and it just so happens that he's good at football

:marseydoomer: Just a legal form of slavery and allโ€ฆ we capitalize on all things you and your workโ€ฆ we hardly lift a finger.

I mean, this situation sucks but the guy literally signed away his rights and STILL ended up a millionaire :marseylaughwith: I wouldn't say its quite the same as :marseysaluteconfederacy:

:soyjakcobson: The BEST the Tuohys should have gotten is 50/50 w Oher. But really it's his story and should have been like 80/20 in HIS favor.

:marseynooticeglow: These people are wealthy, white, and from Mississippi, no? Exploitation is endemic to the place. It's always been.

:marseylibleft: Exploitation is endemic to capitalism. It's not just a Mississippi issue.

From /r/cfb, rivalries are the sports version of wingcuckery and I love it :marseylove:

Fan of Oher's school:

:marseycope: On the flip side, didn't this family literally give him an opportunity at success? Oher had nothing before this family, correct?

Fan of that school's biggest and most hated rival, bitching about recruiting battles from over a decade ago :gigachad: :

:marseyflamewar: Lol as a state fan who has been following Ole Moss shenanigans for years this is just the tip of the iceberg really. Y'all remember the era where they signed the #1 class? They โ€œsomehowโ€ convinced all the 5 stars to come to Oxford Msโ€ฆ.

Fantastic drama from everywhere!

!nonchuds come and post about how you always knew this was a white savior movie in 2009!

Reported by:
  • Dude : Don't report this user they take it personally
  • Assy-McGee : I hate tabletop games so much it's unreal
  • smolchickentenders : This user is a khaoskid alt
  • uwu : Why would you willingly post this big of an L?

I can't take this shit anymore. I've been playing online RPGs with this guy for three years now and yet, somehow, EVERY CHARACTER HE EVER MAKES IS ATROCIOUS. There's bad characters, like obvious fetishes. Khaoskid's characters are something different. They are inspired in their awfulness. Let me go over some of my least favorites with you.

Sans Undertale

  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: DM

Sans Undertale was a Bone Creature template Dwarf. His class was Truenamer. For those of you who do not know, Truenamer is the worst class Wizards of the Coast put to paper. Rules as written, it doesn't work. The difficulty of use for their truenaming powers grow exponentially as they level. Sans was optimized to heck and back in order to be even slightly useful. Outside of his ridiculous character name & art, he was actually a useful member of the party. I am simply amazed that this man played as a solo-classed truenamer for multiple years over the course of a level 1-20 D&D 3.5e campaign, and survived. Also he carried around a body pillow of Shinji's Right Hand everywhere he went.

Kasan Eteto

  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: Player

Kasan Eteto was a succubus, using the Savage Species monster class. She had taken the Vow of Nonviolence and the Vow of Peace feats. This means she was forbidden from fighting any living creatures. She was an extremely talented diplomat, at least. She also went into Apostle of Peace once she finished Succubus' progression. Like Sans, she wasn't so much disruptive as she was shocking. Using Savage Species is insane. Using Apostle of Peace is insane. Combining the two is even more insane. In a strange act of self-awareness, Khaoskid realized he hates playing female characters and had Kasan kill herself. This is the only time he's ever played a female character. Her art has been lost to time, but she was literally just Kasane Teto.

The Mathemagician

  • System: GURPS 4e

  • My status: Player

The game was a light-hearted fantasy game. When we got into our first fight, the Mathemagician cast his first spell: Math Beam. We all asked him how it worked. He told us how much damage it did, and said "math." It wasn't terribly strong so we shrugged it off. Until he told the GM that he was casting it again, on the same turn. Then again. Then again. It turns out, he took Lightning Calculator, a trait that lets your character perform math instantly. Since Math Beam is cast by solving an equation, he could cast an infinite number of Math Beams per turn. The GM ended the game after that first fight.

John Matrix

  • System: GURPS 4e

  • My status: Player

The game was a Jojo's Bizzare Adventure game. John Matrix was a high school IT guy who thought he was a hacker. He had a Wildcard skill called "The Matrix" that could do anything. Literally any roll the GM asked for, he would simply use The Matrix in place of the normal skill. His stand was "Fear of the Dark." It was the creature from the album's cover, and it was extremely physically powerful. It also projected an aura of darkness that no light or sight could penetrate, not even John Matrix. It was also an independent stand, and evil. He could not de-manifest it. Against all odds, he made it to the end of the game. Khaoskid then warned me that if I ever ran Mage: the Ascension, he would play John Matrix as a Virtual Adept.

Jimmy Hoboken

  • System: GURPS 4e

  • My status: Player

The game was a Zoolander X JJBA game. All of our characters had to be male models. Jimmy Hoboken was a body positivity model. He was fat, r-slurred, and useless. His stand was Fat, which could eat any material and did a ton of damage with its bite. It ended up being very useful, as it could eat holes through walls and ruin the GM's dungeon designs. He ended up growing 30 feet tall and turning into a woman after playing a cursed game show. He died after rolling a nat 1 on the Die of Fate.

John & Monkey

  • System: GURPS 4e, Call of Cthulhu 7e

  • My status: GM

The game was initially titled "Black Friday Shopper Simulator 2021," and was in GURPS. The party's goal was to get the last Game Bronus at their local shopping mall, and to kill anyone who got in their way. Eventually, the game morphed into a Call of Cthulhu 7e game where the party were special agents for the United States Department of Unusual Incidents, and were stealing anomalies from the SCP Foundation. John is just an ordinary guy who is really, really good at biking. He knew special moves like "Bike Jump" and "Bike Spin." His skills impressed Jeff Bezos, who hired him to babysit his pet monkey, Monkey. Monkey is incredibly rich and has a smart phone. Somehow, the two are an effective duo, are still alive, and haven't driven me to end the campaign. Like Sans and Kasan, they are insane character ideas, but surprisingly functional.


  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: DM

The game is set in the Eberron setting. Scholar is a warforged artificer. He's mostly functional, but has made some deranged magical items. Most notable is his Wand of Locate Bars. It does exactly that: magically locate nearby stores that serve alcohol. Also he's useless during fights, as his signature move is to use a Scroll of Tree Form to turn himself into a tree for an hour. Mercifully, last April Fool's Day, I let all of my players draw from the Deck of Many Things. Scholar drew "Donjon" and was sent to the Lair of the Keeper.

Thrikeepagh Dhakaan

  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: DM

To replace Scholar, Khaoskid made Geldrin d'Kundarak. Geldrin is actually a good character. His cohort, Thrikeepagh, is not. Thrikeepagh is a blue (psychic goblin subrace) weretoad. He has no class. Every time he levels up, he takes another toad hit die. Toads fricking suck. They have no attacks. Their movement speed is 5 feet. In order to move faster, Thrikeepagh took the Speed of Thought feat, which increases your movement speed by 10 feet if you are psychic. This is why he's a blue. He has no combat ability, and his only support traits are being able to turn into a toad. At the very least, he's relatively tough since werecreatures resist damage from non-silver weapons.

Gary Ryals

  • System: Motholam

  • My status: Player

Motholam is an AD&D retroclone. Gary Ryals was a fighter who refused to use weapons, and fought with his bare hands. Motholam has no martial arts system, so he sucked. While we were exploring the swamp, Gary picked a fight with a friendly giant toad. It swallowed him whole then swam away.


  • System: Motholam

  • My status: Player

My character in the Motholam game we were in was Utumar the Somniferous, a wizard.

Khaoskid thought Utumar was really cool, so after Gary died, he made his new character Utyronimar.

Tavish McBane

  • System: Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition

  • My status: Player

Tavish' clan was McBane and his Generation was 1st. He was not a vampire. He was a 1st generation Scottish immigrant. He did not use any supernatural powers. He just cut vampires limbs' off with a claymore. Khaoskid would constantly speak in a shitty Scottish accent and pretend to be drunk, and would constantly pick fights with the other players and random bums on the street. The campaign ended when the party broke into the local Tremere's chantry. We had a few newbies playing with us. The newbies thought they were badasses and died horribly. Tavish and my character survived. The newbies quit the game, and the GM didn't feel like running for two insane people.

Yukio Noguchi

  • System: Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition

  • My status: Storyteller

When Khaoskid proposed playing as a Kuei-jin in a V20 game, I knew it was a bad idea. I didn't realize just how bad it was. Yukio Noguchi was a Devil Tiger, meaning his dharma required him to make people suffer. He was an expert martial artist, so he would just pick fist fights with people, beat them up, then torture them. He was also an overweight Japanese salaryman. I ended the game after zero (0) of my players came up with even slightly reasonable characters.

Nikolas Heidinger

  • System: Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition

  • My status: Storyteller

The follow-up game to the game with Yukio Noguchi, I instructed my players this time to come up with reasonable characters. Nikolas is so, so close to being one. He's a 10th-generation Tremere. He's loyal to the Pyramid. He doesn't breach the Masquerade. So what's the problem? He has dementia. The Tremere found him too late, and Embraced him while he was in his nineties. Now, he can learn Thaumaturgy, but still forgets his name. He is perhaps the most destructive character Khaoskid has ever played, because he's the most subtle. He's not literally Sans, nor does he run around with a claymore in the streets of Chicago, but he's still terrible. Like a real demented old man, he wanders away from the coterie while they're preoccupied with something. Whenever he gets a chance to talk, he rambles for minutes, if not hours. If this character was my first experience with khaoskid, I would fully believe he is a demented old man in real life too. His ability to waste time is unreal, and can only be truly understood if experienced first-hand.

!enemiesofkhaoskid This is why I hate him. He sucks so much.

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