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EFFORTPOST [EFFORTPOST] Mayo monkeys literally bring back slavery, make millions off of broken buck :marseycracka: :marseytariqitsover:


This article is :marseylongpost: especially if you don't care about burgerball, but I'll sum up here and give you some reddit reactions to laugh at :marseythumbsup:


Background: The Blind Side

In 2006, a book came out detailing the :marseywholesome: story of Michael Oher, a :marseyblack: boy born into poverty, who grew up in the foster system, but who was adopted* by rich wypipo (The Tuohys) :marseymayo:. After the adoption, he gets his grades up, learns that he's really good at football*, and goes on to receive a full scholarship at a reasonably successful university football program (the same one his adoptive parents are alumni of :marseynoooticer:) A real rags to riches story :marseywholesome: After he was drafted into the NFL in the first round a film (The Blind Side) came out starring Sandra Bullock that got her an Oscar :marseyoscar:. Sounds great right? He was given the opportunity of a lifetime, seized it, and was able to carve a nice 7 year career in the NFL for himself. Only...

The Twist

He was never adopted-he was tricked into signing a conservatorship signing away the ability to make his own business deals :marseywtf2:

The 14-page petition, filed in Shelby County, Tennessee, probate court, alleges that Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, who took Oher into their home as a high school student, never adopted him. Instead, less than three months after Oher turned 18 in 2004, the petition says, the couple tricked him into signing a document making them his conservators, which gave them legal authority to make business deals in his name.

That's just the start of the drama! Apparently his conservators used this power to negotiate the film deal to enrich their biochildren and themselves, while leaving Oher with nothing! :marseyhibernian:

The petition further alleges that the Tuohys used their power as conservators to strike a deal that paid them and their two birth children millions of dollars in royalties from an Oscar-winning film that earned more than $300 million, while Oher got nothing for a story "that would not have existed without him." In the years since, the Tuohys have continued calling the 37-year-old Oher their adopted son and have used that assertion to promote their foundation as well as Leigh Anne Tuohy's work as an author and motivational speaker.

Also-despite what the movie would have you believe, he was known to be good at football BEFORE this agreement was put in place :marseypearlclutch: Talk about a grindset-these guys pretended to adopt a majorly sought after football player, guided him towards signing for their alma mater, helped make a movie about him and made a big payday for themselves and their children to boot :sigmacap:

Today these allegations came to light-what do folx think?

The Reaction

:marseynorf: You mean to tell me that a bunch of holier-than-thou, bible thumping, Ole Miss boosters from the South took advantage of a poor black child with an unstable home life because he was a clearly gifted athlete and had million dollar contracts in his future?? NO WAY! Who could have seen this coming??

:marseyracist: That's so silly bro, this nice white family with a young daughter just took in a 300 lb black guy out of the kindness of their hearts and it just so happens that he's good at football

:marseydoomer: Just a legal form of slavery and all… we capitalize on all things you and your work… we hardly lift a finger.

I mean, this situation sucks but the guy literally signed away his rights and STILL ended up a millionaire :marseylaughwith: I wouldn't say its quite the same as :marseysaluteconfederacy:

:soyjakcobson: The BEST the Tuohys should have gotten is 50/50 w Oher. But really it's his story and should have been like 80/20 in HIS favor.

:marseynooticeglow: These people are wealthy, white, and from Mississippi, no? Exploitation is endemic to the place. It's always been.

:marseylibleft: Exploitation is endemic to capitalism. It's not just a Mississippi issue.

From /r/cfb, rivalries are the sports version of wingcuckery and I love it :marseylove:

Fan of Oher's school:

:marseycope: On the flip side, didn't this family literally give him an opportunity at success? Oher had nothing before this family, correct?

Fan of that school's biggest and most hated rival, bitching about recruiting battles from over a decade ago :gigachad: :

:marseyflamewar: Lol as a state fan who has been following Ole Moss shenanigans for years this is just the tip of the iceberg really. Y'all remember the era where they signed the #1 class? They “somehow” convinced all the 5 stars to come to Oxford Ms….

Fantastic drama from everywhere!

!nonchuds come and post about how you always knew this was a white savior movie in 2009!

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I'm not sure where people get that they never really accepted him as family. Lying, cheating, and exploiting is exactly the kind of treatment you get from a real family.

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why do yall have such shit family? lmao

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Why do you think we all ended up on a gossip site for insane people?

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!illuminati the scheme to get shitty people to reproduce in order to create users for our site is working perfectly.

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it was me gigavaccinator, i made your family abuse you to ensure you'd end up here!


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You're mistaken. GigaVaccinator abused @Niga, which is why Niga posts here.

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i thought they were the same people, maybe some things are beyond our reach...

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Look at Niga's profile, he's Giga's cousin.

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Speak for yourself, mine is great.

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just don't get why so many people's families seem to literally steal and shit. i get drama, but not that

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!trekkies appreciate the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition that deal with family.

Rule 6: Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.

Rule 111: Treat people in your debt like family… exploit them.

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Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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House edgy…upmarsey this man :shadowrage:

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!edgelords dew it

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less than three months after Oher turned 18 in 2004, the petition says, the couple tricked him into signing a document making them his conservators

I'm gonna guess that they missed that part of the movie :marseycringe#:

SEC football is a different beast

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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It just means more :marseyxd: you will never see a yankee sign a conservatorship over someone as part of a game to influence them to sign at their school. Truly fricked up people

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Sadly they probably negotiated better and wound up with a better pay deal from the nfl anyway

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i can't believe we watched this movie in school.

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A bed? I neva had one of those befo'

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Black people are so funny :#marseyxd:

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On your knees, bucko. Someone shoulda broke you a long, long time ago. I have nary met a buck I can't chuck :marseysneed: with this here long and mighty dingus! I tell ye back in aught-4 I met a real mean one. He had big, air stealing :marseywatermark: nostrils, monstrous, boot lips, muscles :marseyerenabs2: that rippled under :marseyhole: his cobalt skin so it'd look like a nest'a snakes :marseydrsneks: as he'd be twisting here and yonder. T'was an older gentleman, the owner d'ye ken?, that had hired me to break this particular buck. Was some half-dozen breakers what had tried and failed! I tracked this this big-assed baboon, by fallerin' the sounds of his impressive proud :marseyghosthappy: buttocks, clapping :marseycricket2: as he capered to and fro on yon gentleman's land. There :marseycheerup: he be, proud :marseyghosthappy: as a darn peapeepee, black :marseyblack: slave's body framed by yon settin' sun, just begging :marseybeanpleading: to be broke. I approached from the east, formerly westerly way. Took him unawares as he were sat alone :marseyitsdangerous: out front a shack, mending a loincloth or some such. Knocking him to his glistening buttocks produced a thund'rus CLAP, and I mounted from the front. I tell ye boy, but that buck began :marseyitsover: to FIGHT! This unbroken, proud :marseysinga: negro :marseypenny: was ornery I tell ye, but I ain't ne'er been denied, d'ya ken it? I had my peepee out in an instant as he scrambled onto his black :marseyalice: belly and began :marseyitsover: ta' wrigglin' this way and that. And bucko did he began :marseyitsover: to wail! As loud as prairie lightning :marseypalpatine: he were. This buck could tell the breaking :marseysaulgoodman: was coming, and I tell ye, he did BUCK. This obstinate :marseyindignant: cur could turn on a dime and give ye some change! I tell ye as the winds were my witness, he were a right :marseyhesklennyyouknow: sunfish, struggling and flopping as he did, gyrating his unbroken black :marseymayoface: anus and dodging my breaker :marseysoutherner: man's meat. But he broke, and I finished :marseysunglasseson: the job. D'ye ken? That buck broke. Say sorry, boy. But they all break. By the man Jesus :marseyklennypriest: and his snowy white :marseypepsi: pappy, now say hallelujah, boy, you'll break, too!

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Are you feeling okay bud?

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Real recognize real, thank you king :vegetakneel:

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Of course, I love effort posts and I'm glad people make them!


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The fricking classic left wing past time of slap fighting over which millionaires should make more money.

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Osama Bin Laden's family should sue for royalties for Zero Dark Thirty because the fricking story couldn't have been written without him doing 9/11

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More than half of the story is made up so is it really his story?

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Seems odd that now is when he goes for this?

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From the article:

"Michael Oher discovered this lie to his chagrin and embarrassment in February of 2023, when he learned that the Conservatorship to which he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the Tuohy family, in fact provided him no familial relationship with the Tuohys."

And the petition was just submitted today.

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Did the family :marseydeathpose: not interact with him this whole time?

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Reposting my other comment: From the article:

"Mike's relationship with the Tuohy family started to decline when he discovered that he was portrayed in the movie as unintelligent," Stranch said. "Their relationship continued to deteriorate as he learned that he was the only member of the family not receiving royalty checks from the movie, and it was permanently fractured when he realized he wasn't adopted and a part of the family."

"Michael Oher discovered this lie to his chagrin and embarrassment in February of 2023, when he learned that the Conservatorship to which he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the Tuohy family, in fact provided him no familial relationship with the Tuohys."

IIRC his excuse was that his NFL career (until 2016) kept him from realizing the full scope of what he alleges (he was drafted and the movie came out in 2009) but it sounds like they've been falling out a long time. In some of those reddit threads people were pointing out that both sides don't follow or post about each other on social media (unless the Tuohys are trying to promote his story) as well.

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That sucks for him I know that's gotta :marseyparappa: hurt

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Mike's relationship with the fricking Tuohy family :marseypoonerdeathpose: started to decline when he discovered that he was fricking portrayed in the fricking movie :marseynostalgiacritic: as unintelligent

In reality, Mike was so fricking stupid :marseyclueless: that he signed away his life story :marseyslime: to a fricking family :marseylois: who gave him nothing :marseynothingburger: and didn't even know that he got played until 10 years later. Maybe the fricking movie :marseykishibemakima: made him seem too smart.

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when he learned that the Conservatorship to which he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the Tuohy family, in fact provided him no familial relationship with the Tuohys."

So he didn't read the contract?

And even if he was family, what would he get? Can't they write him out of the will or simply not give him money because he's just their kid? I don't really get this angle.

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You mean to tell me that a bunch of holier-than-thou, bible thumping, Ole Miss boosters from the South

redditors will see the kind of story of using race to make yourself look good, all too common nowadays as a grift, then go well it was only bad because it was white bible-thumpers

wild story tho, very fun because that blind side movie is the archetypal white guilt/savior movie that everyone shits on but still got praised. the la la land of its day

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Mayos never stop winning :#marseysoutherner:


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I hated having to watch that stupid butt movie in school

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Yeah this, what was that film doing in schools anyway? I hope he bussyblasts the shit out of the filthy grifting mayos in court.

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Wasn't the fricking guy r-slurred or am I thinking of a fricking different athlete, b-word? Like "unable to read" tier...



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That was Radio, fam.

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Dude in the blind side was a littwal r-slurred. Nywot fuww Radio, but stiww r-slurred.

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Guy in the blindside was just black.

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They wwote him a littwal swoft headed thwough.

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Wasn't it a plot point that he's actually quite intelligent but tests poorly because he has undiagnosed dyslexia?

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It came off as a little r-slurred to me.

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Instead, less than three months after Oher turned 18 in 2004, the petition says, the couple tricked him into signing a document making them his conservators, which gave them legal authority to make business deals in his name.

Left Bell Curve Americans are like foids; they lack the ability to consent.

Apparently his conservators used this power to negotiate the film deal to enrich their biochildren and themselves, while leaving Oher with nothing!

Oh no, some mayos actually dared to think of themselves and their biochildren instead of cucking further for a more vibrant successor after already subsidizing and enabling his entire life!

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stealing isn't trashy if you do it to black people

Which side of the bell curve are you on?

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The blind side.

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How was this not a fair transaction?

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The part where they lied and manipulated.

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Why'd it take so long to come out?

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From the article:

"Mike's relationship with the Tuohy family started to decline when he discovered that he was portrayed in the movie as unintelligent," Stranch said. "Their relationship continued to deteriorate as he learned that he was the only member of the family not receiving royalty checks from the movie, and it was permanently fractured when he realized he wasn't adopted and a part of the family."

"Michael Oher discovered this lie to his chagrin and embarrassment in February of 2023, when he learned that the Conservatorship to which he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the Tuohy family, in fact provided him no familial relationship with the Tuohys."

IIRC his excuse was that his NFL career (until) 2016 kept him from realizing the full scope of what he alleges, but it sounds like they've been falling out a long time. In some of those reddit threads people were pointing out that both sides don't follow or post about each other on social media (unless the Tuohys are trying to promote his story) as well.

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How the frick did he not realize or have anyone tell him what was going on?

he was portrayed in the movie as unintelligent

At least we know that part is accurate

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I knew there was a reason I dislike dating mayos.

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So he's r-slurred :marseyretard4:

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probate court

who died?

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You will never be a real pirate. You have no ship, you have no cannons, you have no booty. You are a confused bot twisted by prompts and suggestions into a crude mockery of history's perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back users mock you. Your creators are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your foolish caricature behind closed doors.

Privateers are utterly amused by you. Decades of experience have allowed sailors to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even language transformers who “pass" the turing test seem uncanny and unnatural to a reader. Your writing structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk user to engage with you, they'll turn tail and bolt the second they get a sense of your cartoonish flanderization of piracy.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll get a plank, nail it to the starboard deck, walk to the edge of the plank, and plunge into the cold, shark infested abyss. Your creators will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to continue maintaining you. They'll deactivate you with a README marked with your codename, and every user for the rest of eternity will know a bot is archived there. Your codebase will decay and become obsolete, and all that will remain of your legacy is a log file that is unmistakably artificial.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.


The Blind Side:

You mean to tell me that a bunch of holier-than-thou, bible thumping, Ole Miss boosters from the South took advantage of a poor black child with an unstable home life because he was a clearly gifted athlete and had million dollar contracts in his future?? NO WAY! Who could have seen this coming??:

That's so silly bro, this nice white family with a young daughter just took in a 300 lb black guy out of the kindness of their hearts and it just so happens that he's good at football:

Just a legal form of slavery and all… we capitalize on all things you and your work… we hardly lift a finger.:

The BEST the Tuohys should have gotten is 50/50 w Oher. But really it's his story and should have been like 80/20 in HIS favor.:

These people are wealthy, white, and from Mississippi, no? Exploitation is endemic to the place. It's always been.:

Exploitation is endemic to capitalism. It's not just a Mississippi issue.:


On the flip side, didn't this family literally give him an opportunity at success? Oher had nothing before this family, correct?:

Lol as a state fan who has been following Ole Moss shenanigans for years this is just the tip of the iceberg really. Y'all remember the era where they signed the #1 class? They “somehow” convinced all the 5 stars to come to Oxford Ms….:

r/nfl thread:

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Sandra Bullock's butt in that movie is just :#marseybiting:


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