EFFORTPOST Adventures of Pinocchio and mental health

I was going to post this with my skydiving story tomorrow, but I thought I'd get this out the way first instead of making a 10-page post that covers a bunch of unrelated topics. I've also got a manicure appointment for Monday and a trip to the psychiatrist on Tuesday. Maybe I'll wait for Tuesday to cover skydiving, manicure, psychiatrist visits, and gynophobia in one go. But who knows? I was supposed to write a Holly biography months ago but that hasn't happened.

The Adventures of Pinocchio

I recently read this text and it had an incredible impact on me. I don't know why this is the archetypal book about lying because very little of it actually concerns the deed. Minimal scenes feature the whole nose-growing gimmick from the puppet.

The overwhelming majority of the text is in fact Pinocchio getting lied to and repeatedly swindled. Far more than “don't lie”, the underlying lesson is “don't be exploited”. As the book highlights this is a position you can mostly avoid by living the straight and narrow life, and doing as you're taught.

I related to this book a lot because I feel like I made the same mistakes the puppet did and faced some of the consequences. Since childhood you're told that it's pretty simple what's expected of you - get a respectable degree, get a good job, marry, and start your own family. When you're in your early twenties this sounds like SHIT. You gotta put on a button-down shirt and be a normie professional? Heck no, I'm special, I'm asexual I'm going to be a famous novelist I don't need your outdated boomer crap. You're being heteronormative!

I was swindled a million directions by folks promising me happiness and riches through all these alternate paths. It's false. The first thing I was told was the correct one, and if I had just continued doing that I would not be facing none of the problems I'm tangled in now.

This is not to say that no other life will give you fulfillment. There are good reasons sometimes to not be a normie - you're gay, you're incapable of monogamy, you're horribly disabled, you're a genius whose time is better spent on a project. But the truth is that it is exceptionally rare and unlikely that you will succeed with these paths. Being a boring normie will bring you the most happiness in almost all cases.

I'm witnessing this now with my parents. They're not perfect people, but they did the normie road, and they're feasting on the fruits of their labor. They both retired in their early 60s and they're financially well-endowed. My dad buys sports cars for fun and picks up random hobbies like playing the keyboard. My mom gets to enjoy finally resting after a long life, and she has no financial issues to worry about. They also have each other in old age.

Holy frick I want that life. I want to retire at 60 and have a loving wife to grow old with. I don't want to work until I die, I won't want to rent until I die, I don't want to be poor when I'm old - that is all suffering, intense suffering, but you don't even anticipate it when you're in your 20s because your brain's not fully developed. Well, some people are mature enough to plan out their lives. I'm not one of those people.

Ultimately, Pinocchio is a puppet in multiple ways:

a) Physically - which needs no explanation

b) Socially - he strays from the straight and narrow, and refuses to work, and it results in him being a puppet to those offering him the promise of an idyllic life. If he just worked and earned his own money, he would be no slave to those around him, and there would be nothing they could offer him to control or tempt him.

c) Biologically - he is a slave to his impulses. He is lazy and hedonistic. Being a slave to these drives causes him to avoid work and seek pleasures however troublesome they may be. He becomes a human when these impulses no longer control him. This is the point where we stop being puppets - when the base impulses of our brains no longer manipulate us. If you can get angry and not be driven to violence, you are not a puppet. If you're lazy and you still go to the gym, you are not a puppet. You are a real human - the opposite of an NPC.

So I want to be a good boy, a real boy, a human. How much of me has to die for this to occur? Is it a matter of change, or a case of simply finding the right situations? The truth is that it is probably both. I am in need of social skills, but I also need opportunities to be a human, and they don't exist sitting in front of my computer.

My favorite quotes from The Adventures of Pinocchio

1. You scoundrel of a son! You are not even finished, and you already disobey your father! That's bad, my boy - very bad.

2. Woe to those boys who revolt against their parents, and run away from home. They will never do anything good in this world, and sooner or later they will repent bitterly.

3 I know I have been a very bad boy, and that the talking cricket was right when he said, “Disobedient children never do any good in the world.” I have learnt it at my expense, for I have suffered many misfortunes!

4. My boy, never trust people who promise to make you rich in a day. They are generally crazy swindlers.

5. I have learnt that to earn money honestly, you must know how to do it with the labour of your hands, or with your brains.

6. How many dreadful things have happened to me! And I deserved them, for I am obstinate as a mule and deceitful as Lethe himself. I always wanted my own way, and never listened to those who loved me, and who had a thousand times more sense than I had. But from now I shall lead a different life, and become an obedient boy. I have learnt the lesson that disobedient children never prosper, never gain anything.

7. I wanted to be a good for nothing, and a vagabond. I listened to evil companions, so I have always been unlucky. If only I had been a good boy, like so many others - if I had been willing to study and work, if I had stayed home with my poor father - I would not be here now in this lonely place.

8. He was ashamed to beg. His father had told him several times that only the aged and the crippled have a right to beg. Poor, really poor people in this world - those who really deserve help and pity - are those who , by reason of old age or sickness, are no longer able to earn their living by their own labor. It is everybody else's duty to work; and if they refuse to work, and are hungry, so much worse for them.

9. Remember that every man, rich or poor, must find something to do in this world; everybody must work. Woe to those who lead idle lives! Idleness is a dreadful disease, of which one should be cured immediately in childhood; if not, one never gets over it.

10 Boys who study always make those who don't small by comparison, and we don't like it.

11. “What can I do to deserve to become a man?” “It's very easy; you begin by being a good boy.”

12. Children who love their parents, and help them when they are sick and poor, are worthy of praise and love, even if they are not moels of obedience and good behaviour.

Being overwhelmed

Life isn't perfect, obviously. You'll do things you're not supposed to do, either by mistake or on purpose. You also can't control random events around you, or the actions of others. Consequently, disappointment is impossible to avoid.

Knowing this rationally is different from experiencing it. There's a deep pain and desire for suicide if someone hoots at me on the road, or if a social interaction doesn't go perfectly at work. The stress is unbearable, and it fills me with intense self-loathing - imagine a bucket of viscous, steaming hate being poured into a vat, and that's what it's like in my head. It feels like my very essence and core are evil, and my continued existence is an act of malevolence.

I deserve to be punished for my badness, my sinister flaws, and my inability to justify my existence. The perfect punishment - cutting. Go deep, do it multiple times, until you can't take it anymore. It hurts so bad but that's the point. Wide, white cuts :marseycut: :marseycutattention: :marseycutwrist: what I deserve. If you're really filled with emotion you can actually do a nice swipe that doesn't just reach the white meat but also slices into it. You're left with a gaping wound, long and wide. This is pretty much stitches territory, but some improvised first-aid will also work, though you WILL scar for life.

Do it to yourself enough times, and you'll be nothing but dark lines. You run out of space, and you just cut over old scars. It looks psychotic though the act of cutting is done pretty calmly and routinely. You pick a tool, a spot to cut, and what aftercare you'll employ. It's rationally implemented, nothing like a psycho slashing away with wanton abandon. Do it enough times, you'll even have the bandages and antiseptics ready for the aftermath.

In the thick of it, weird psychological shit happens. You can forget you did it at all and wake up with a bloody bed, barely believing what you did to yourself the night prior. It hurts in the morning, but you have no recollection of any pain or anguish, even if you remember the cutting event. I really relate to these lyrics in Stan by Eminem:

>'Cause I don't really got shit else, so that shit helps when I'm depressed

>I even got a tattoo with your name across the chest

>Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds

>It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me

The impulsiveness, the hunt for the pain I deserve, that desire to continue mutilating myself through facial piercings, it is all captured perfectly in those lines. Being depressed and not knowing what the frick else to do, but the razor blade, it promises relief, and familiarity and comfort.

Can anyone relate to the experience I'm describing? Emotions so all-consuming that slicing yourself is inevitable. It's a choice and not a choice at the same time. At that point, the cut represents everything - that ineffable inner turmoil, every past injustice, all the self-loathing, it's all concentrated in this one cut. It stays white for a few moments, then the blood flows and the excruciating pain hits - what a relief! The pain's not scattered all over my brain, it's just in one place.

My GP referred me to a psychiatrist who'll finally be seeing me next week. I've taken a vow of honesty, so I'll have to admit to drug use if he asks, which I do not want to do at all. I don't want anyone telling me to stop vaping weed because the answer is no, and I'm not arguing about it.

I haven't cut in a few weeks but we all know it's only a matter of time.


It's very embarrassing to admit but I want to push radical honesty as far as I can as frequently as possible. I've been on nofap since 26 December for issues I'm not quite ready to delve into yet. Consequently, the thought of ending my inceldom has become an obsessive topic in my head. I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing, but it's driven me into a situation where it's at the forefront of my mind and I'm constantly scheming about how to get around this problem.

It feels like having a dirty house - you can never truly relax until you've solved the problem. With fapping, you're temporarily dulled to the truth. You've tricked your brain into thinking your house is clean. If you fap regularly, you can end up forgetting your house was dirty at all. With nofap, there are no more illusions. I need to clean my house (coom) or else I will find no peace.

Taking advice

I had previously mentioned my desire to get piercings. A few rdrama users warned me against it. You know what? I'll take your advice for now, I'm not unamenable. I desperately want to, however, and I can't promise that I won't eventually. I want to feel pain and disfigure myself. Well, better explained, I don't want to, but I crave it.

Consequently, my fifth courage challenge is to drive a long distance to an unknown place instead of acquiring my first piercing. This will be necessary to do tomorrow because the closest place that offers skydiving is an hour away, which is an hour and a half of driving for me. This will be the second-furthest I've ever driven. The first time I did long-distance driving was pre car crash so I didn't have a driving fear yet.

The thought alone terrifies me. I keep imagining myself taking a wrong turn and ending up on the wrong side of the road on the freeway, or trying to make a lane change and colliding with an SUV. Nevertheless, I'm just pushing through the fear and forcing myself to do it. The Payton Gendron quote is ingrained into my brain: “I'm doing it.”

This is genuinely the part that is the actual challenge and test of fear, far more than skydiving. I've decided to do the drive completely sober - well, almost completely sober, I'll probably vape some weed that morning as I always do but that doesn't count, it doesn't impair me. But no pills, alcohol, or anything to calm my nerves. I'm raw-dogging it.

I will bring my vape and hit it a few times when I get to the location because I do want to be baked when I skydive.

Also, fun fact: I named my car Asuka Soryu because it is orange lol

In case anyone was wondering, the five acts of courage I've committed myself to are

1. go to nightclub (complete)

2. go skydiving

3. get a manicure

4. join hiking club

5. drive long distance to unknown area

After completing them, I can take the word Coward off my mirror. A lesson from David Goggins.


Well, going to try and get some sleep tonight so I can be ready for skydive tomorrow. I also just want to forget about work where I don't think I did everything the right way and it's stressing me out that maybe I'm a liability. Lastly, I highly advise working out. It feels very good afterward and I think it's played a big role in preventing nofap relapses - just fill up your time, free time is the enemy. You also feel a little more confident at the end even if you aren't brock lesner.

I feel like I'll regret speaking publicly about nofap but whatever. It is done. This is my truth.

Reported by:
  • J : Nope
  • JimieWhales : they're like pringles: once you pop, you can't stop
EFFORTPOST Parents who kill three children at once

Triple Murder Parents

Nobody can truly tell us what the meaning of life is, but we see people around us pursue it daily. For some, it is found in the hunt for religion and spirituality - something that means more than the suffering we face. Others proclaim that pleasures are the purpose of existence, and they follow a life of hedonism.

If you want to look at things biologically, our purpose is to reproduce. That is what life has done for millions of years, and reproduction is evidence of your ability to adapt to the current environment.

This seems to be the answer that resonates with most people. This is perhaps the reason why we are so disgusted by the idea of a parent taking the life of a child. Not only it is heinous, but it is also seemingly deeply self-destructive.

Killing your own child is about the most evil crime one can conceive of. Killing two is unthinkable. What about killing 3? Is there even a word for this level of depravity?

As disturbing as it is, it happens. Today, I'd like to discuss two cases of parents who killed three of their children. This will be an extremely graphic post, so be warned.


In modern internet culture, the name Chad has come to be associated with a successful, attractive male. The fellow we will discuss next is a disgrace to all Chads.

Chad Doerman lived in Ohio with his wife and their three kids, as well as Chad's daughter from a previous marriage. The children's names are Chase Doerman (3), Hunter Doerman (4), and Clayton Hunter (7).

The family had been going through a rough patch. All relationships do, but this time, it seemed like they were approaching the end of the road. Though Chad is charismatic, he has a few problems in his life. You see, he was a drinker and he also had a mean streak. He also had a temper problem prominent enough for his neighbors to comment on it. They had the following to say:

He was angry every day. There wasn't a day he didn't yell at his wife and kids out there.

Laura, fed up with the situation, wanted to break up with Chad. Little did she know that this would lead to pure heck being unleashed.

Abuse and manipulation

You see, Chad didn't like the fact that Laura wanted to leave. It appears he is a possessive individual. This is an abusive mindset, and studies have shown that it is typically men who enact it on women to feel powerful.

>Abusive power and control are forms of violence characterized by their continuity, insidiousness, and common prerequisites of intimate partner relationships. They are a pattern of domination through which the abuser uses coercive and controlling tactics, which may or may not involve physical, psychological, or sexual violence, to entrap their victim

>The tactics deployed by the abuser can comprise emotional blackmail, threats, gaslighting, physical force, surveillance, stalking, insults, and other means

>Coercive control may also be extremely subtle and insidious, and depleted of incidents of physical or sexual violence. It can exclusively consist of psychological tactics, such as gaslighting or guilt-tripping, with the common effect that the victim is constantly "walking on eggshells”

>Understanding coercive control prevents interveners from wrongfully focusing on "isolated" events of physical violence, and enables the understanding of abuse as a general, persistent dynamic in a relationship.

The nature of such abuse can be extremely insidious, moreso than violence, as it becomes harder to pinpoint the crime, leaving the victim to feel as though they are responsible for the situation.

Women, if you are going to leave a relationship, DO NOT LET HIM KNOW UNTIL YOU'RE GONE.

The Murders

One day, Chad came home from work as a sheet metal worker and instructed his wife and three sons to take a nap with him in the bedroom. During this time, the stepdaughter was watching television in the living room. They did so, and when they were asleep, Chad got up and fetched his Marlin Model 70HC .22 rifle from his gun safe.

Pictured above is an example of such a weapon. He returned to the room, put his humanity aside, and shot Hunter at close range. The sinister BANG woke the whole house up, the bang ringing through the hallways. The daughter raced into the room to witness Hunter being shot again, killing him.

She ordered Clayton, the oldest son, to run. As fate would have it, the son, in a panic, ran the wrong way. Had he left through the front door, he might have run into the hands of a helpful stranger. Instead, he ran out the backdoor and into a field where his father chased after him and his stepdaughter. I cannot imagine the horror, confusion, and betrayal Clayton must have felt as he ran away from his own father. No horror movies can capture just how evil this day was. Chad eventually caught up to little Clayton and shot him in the back, causing him to fall. With the stepdaughter as a witness, he then walked up to Clayton and fired a shot in his head at point-blank range. He wasn't done with Clayton just yet. He dragged the body back to the house - Laura had to see what he had done.

The only child alive at this point is Chase, the youngest. Surprisingly, the stepdaughter still had enough wits about her to grab Chase and run away. Chad wasn't done with his demonic deeds, which meant there was still bloodshed ahead. At this point, not even holy water could cleanse his soul. With darkness in his heart, Chad catches up to the stepdaughter, points the gun at her, and firmly demands she place the kid down. She is trembling but she refuses. Not one to be thwarted so easily, he puts the barrel to her head. I'm sure you understand why this was a compelling enough argument for her to do as ordered. She places the baby down, Chris aims the gun at the 3yo's head and pulls the trigger... but he is out of bullets.

Chase took this opportunity to run back to the yard where Laura was trying to administer CPR to Clayton on the front lawn. This is probably the saddest part. The child was so young that all they knew was that home equals safety. They were unable to uncouple that association, even when his siblings were getting shot in that location. That would be the last choice Chase makes.

Chad returned to the house as the stepdaughter ran away. After reloading his gun, he took Hunter's body from in the house and lay it outside next to Clayton who Laura was still futilely trying to resuscitate. At this point, Chad and his wife got into an altercation so intense that Chad had to bite her. She put her thumb over the barrel and he pulled the trigger, injuring her.

With Laura injured, there was nobody watching over Chase. Chad walked up to the defenseless 3yo and shot him twice in the head. It was like blasting a mosquito with a bazooka. Following this he sat by his front door, his rifle beside him, as he watched Laura try to save her children.

Meanwhile, the stepdaughter runs down the road and tells a few neighbors she passes that her father is killing everyone. They call 911 and the stepdaughter eventually stops at a fire department where she sends help to her house.

When the police arrive, they apprehend Chad, who does not resist and has a bloodstained shirt. Laura is heard screaming for her children as some police futilely try to do something for the children and their mangled bodies. The cops are visibly disgusted by him, and when Chad tries to talk to one of them, he is told to shut up. You can watch the bodycam footage here.

He appears in court, looks a little shell-shocked, and cries at one point. Nevertheless, he is entirely lucid.

What is the point of discussing a motive? There can be no excuse for such evil. You can read the police documents on the case here:


When women kill, they tend to go for babies. It is estimated that women kill their own children at the same rate as men do. To understand how significant this stat is, remember that men are responsible for 98% of all murders. In short, women almost exclusively kill babies - their own - and any other types of murders from women are extreme exceptions.

>However, one of the most recent comprehensive national filicide studies in Australia documented 238 cases between 2000 and 2012. This study mirrored trends elsewhere, with male and female perpetrators represented in roughly equal numbers.

>In cases where children are killed intentionally, women are more likely to kill babies and newborns, particularly in circumstances of unwanted pregnancies. Such offenders are more likely to be young and have low levels of social support, although it is increasingly reported among older women.

Jessica McCarty had once been married to Philip McCarty, and they had two children - Phillip and Lacey McCarty. The marriage did not last long, and she eventually divorced and entered a relationship with Christopher Swist. They had one child named Christopher Swist. This might be a hard case to follow because, as you'll notice, we have two Phillips and two Chrises.

Jessica's life wasn't going well. Jessica had a drug problem, and she was poor despite Philip giving her money to help her. Worst of all, Christopher had found a new girl named Brandy! Jessica was filled with burning jealousy and dissatisfaction with her own life. She wanted an out, and she was willing to take her children with her.

One day, while Christopher was at work, he received a phone call from Jessica. She tells him that something bad has happened and he needs to come home. If that wasn't alarming enough, he then sends him a picture of a bloody kitchen floor. Christopher calls his mother who races him home as he calls 911. Nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to witness.

We don't know what order things happened in, but we do know the following:

Young Philip was in the living room with a cord wrapped around his neck. Baby Christopher was found in bed with a cord around his neck. Lacey was found dead in her bed, but she was soaking wet and had cuts on her knees and the back of her head. For some reason, the bath had water in it and the shower glass had shattered, indicating a struggle.

Jessica had cuts all over her, and she was bleeding profusely as she clutched a knife. Upon witnessing this horror, Christopher attempted to rescue his infant son. He could do nothing. Lacey and Philip died that day. Christopher died two days later.

Jessica was intending to die as well. She left a suicide note which spoke about her dislike of Christopher's infatuation with Brandy. She also wrote the following:

>Please remember all of the horrible and disrespectful things you said when you go for the jugular. Those words never leave me, I'm so sorry to put my family through this but I'm not worth living. I suck at life

Fate would not let her escape the consequences of her actions so easily. Though she had attempted to bleed herself dry, doctors were able to save her. She stood trial and claimed mental illness. When asked about the crimes, she claims she does not remember them. This results in a pretty intense screaming match between her and a lawyer attempting to question her.

She was found guilty and received life in prison at age 33 in 2015.


There is nothing more unnatural than a parent killing a child, yet here we are. It is a sad reality that there are so many that will attempt to conceive and fail, or remain incels their whole life. Yet those blessed enough to be given the gift of reproduction chose to make such sordid choices.

I like to end these posts with a lesson that can be learned, but there is nothing to take from this chaos. The world is cruel, and an inordinate amount of love and support is needed for anyone to make it through the evil that we will all surely face. Best of luck and enjoy the rest of your week!

EFFORTPOST [Effortpost] Brap farmer and :marseylolcow: u/p_yth is NOT having any luck on tinder :marseydatingprofile:

There's still hope for @Zenzic @COMMUNISTHOMOGROYPER @RACISTFEMBOYGROYPERV3 @MarseyIsMyWaifu (or carp pls pin) and the manlet haters !chuds !besties !groyperethnostate !incels

Let's start with the fact that he has his own and a manifesto :marseylongpost: after a short comparison to @Shreddedmanlet

My prerfences for obese woman developed when I was a kid watching 600 pound life, after witnessing and seeing countless obese woman and shower scenes, one day a particular woman on the show was giving a monolgue, and I remember getting an erection while seeing her. Little later on it developed to googling obese woman fetish videos on YouTube and watching it, and enjoying it without knowing why. Then I started to understand I was attracted to it, and I fully realized I was attracted to big woman. I never even maturbated until was nearly a senior in high school, and by then was already attracted to obese woman Weird thing is while I'm sexually attracted to obese woman, I'm romantically attracted to any woman regardless of size (as long as they aren't black). My reason for not being attracted to black woman romantically is cause I was raised and born in a white area with mostly white people, so my mind is basically a white guy with preferences a white person would have, which means attraction to white woman. However even though I'm only romantically attracted to white woman, I'm sexually attracted to any race a woman is as long as she is obese.

So let's see how his night out with a redditor went

I thought you were talking to a new girl? Like you said in your previous post? So why are you going bar hopping, and expecting makeouts? Asking for genuine curiosity

Nah she's just a friend I barhopped with last night

Friend". Bro she straight up said you were kind of a peepee on Groomercord. She said you were awkward and yelled thug max. You also took her drinks.

I joked about thugmaxxing when I first met she said rest of the night I was normal. And I asked for permission, and the final drink of the night I paid for

:marseychad: can't be all bad if he's chivalrous. The redditor in question self doxed and posted in the thread as /u/cold-salamander5798 with gems such as I don’t have trouble getting matches just would like some constructive feedback :) for reference I am a woman who swipes on women! Thanks! My bio says “masters student pursuing AT super easygoing and down for anything. Ask me why I’m deathly scared of bees”.

Which led to the interesting insight that /u/p_yth has been using AI to change his hairstyle and as many filters as a mid foid on TikTok.

They’re fake. He photoshopped all those hairstyles.

He's also not above wearing sexy high heels to overcome @Shreddedmanlet s limitations

I lookmaxed and even put on shoe lifts that make me 5'7 to 6'2. And while it midly gave me some success, it's not enough to make the claim that woman are picky over dudes that are under 6 foot. Honesty if a woman vibes with a dude and/or finds him attractive, he's not gonna care if he's short unless he's literally 5'2 lol

Let's take one last look at him, surely he's an ogre, and it's not just his personality/needing a shower and some weights, right?

Got rejected by a bunch of woman I've seen on Tinder last night at a bar side party, its crazy how many women in a row reject me, you couldn't do this on purpose, and I'm confident as heck with woman. Eventually, I gave up and wandered into this PC gaming center where I guess society wants me to be](

Assorted gems to scroll through for the interested reader

r/AskReddit - What religion are women most likely to be interested in dating you, or are more obligated to not care about looks?

r/Tinder - Just applied my tattoo, gonna go clubbing again for the first time in two weeks

How I lost my virginity two years ago

Back in January 2021 I was pissed about being a virgin, so I mass messaged a bunch of woman on a fat fetish dating app until one responded. The reason why I use the term "casual encounter" is cause that's she had on her profile in her "preferences" section. It was some chick in her early 30s, i was 21, and she apparently had been through a bad breakup and was really hurting inside looking for some quick s*x. She lived alone with a couple cats as well, really chill chick but she ghosted me after the s*x. It was a good experience tho, I stuffed her with food and a 2 liter of soda during the experience as well. But honestly my favorite part was after the s*x when i was just cuddling with her on the couch watching tv. I thought it was going to be a relationship afterwards and I was living on cloud 9 for a couple days after that, but sadly it turned out she had no interest in seeing me afterwards. I'm happy tho I can't call myself a virgin anymore cause I remember for the longest time being depressed I was still a virgin. Since then I've had s*x once more, and I hope to be able to increase that to once a week once i master thugmaxxing in the club, cause right now I'm able to consistently make out and dance with random woman at the club, but not actually able to take them home with me and have s*x

In finale, we all stan for a truecel

How do you come up with ideas for these posts please teach me because this is some quality trolling

It's because it's geniune and I'm not trolling. You could fill a yellowbook with the amount of woman who rejected me. If I got a dollar for every time I got rejected I'd be a millionare. Everyone's said to me if I put the work I do into getting a gf into something productive I could probably cure diseases or solve world hunger

EFFORTPOST I dont' want social media brain :marseyyikes: and uninteresting nonsense about ancient AC resurrection

Since summer is coming all too soon to !texas I got to work on a project I been needin to do recently: fixing my window unit

A little backstory. I live in a trailer. pulled this circa 2003 ish unit, from another trailer. it sat since the end of 2010

it was 2021 I pulled it out.

when you're a country boy, you make do. why go buy a new window unit when the old trailer's got some sitting around?

actually, I pulled 2 sister units of the same vintage and manufacture at the time. one had a bad refrigeration circuit, probably the compressor rotted out on the bottom and leaked the gas :marseybrap:

a parts unit :marseyexciteddance:

it sat in its new home beside the driveway patiently until it would be needed

lo and behold, just 2 yeears later, its time came :marseynut:

the working unit had served me well for 21 and 22 but the bearings on the fan were shot from sitting 10 years without moving, partially exposed to the weather.

it was pretty loud. :marseyshrug:

and since you need AC at least 8 months out of the year in this glorious state :marseyburn:, it was working pretty hard.

I had alreaty scrounged the capacitor from the parts unit bc it was going, and every six months or so I had to oil the bearings or they'd start to seize.

and it was getting worse. as 'winter' finally rolled around last year and I only needed the thing some days I could spare time to try and fix it. the seizing was terminal at this point and she would suffer no more :platydown:

this wasn't my first time putting together a frankenstein unit. I had done basically the same thing before with 2 other sister units from another building. these were from 1998/1999, the good old days :marseyboomer:, older than me :marseyzoomer:

they also sat since 2010

well one had no refrigeration and the other had a seized motor right from the get go. so I took the good from each and made one working unit :platygirlmagic:

back to the newer unit... I pulled the fan assembly from the driveway machine and put it in. one uuge problem. It was so fricking loud :marseyhearnoevil:

I couldn't even sleep with it on. these bearings were worse than the old ones, but at least they were still spinnign. there was still some heat to get through before november brought peace so I powered through

but it got worse. the plastic condenser fan, having sat outside, dissembled in the driveway, had been exposed to a bunch of UV I guess and had turned to more or less cardboard. (I could just peel pieces of it apart when I took it out)

the fan blades were breaking and making it go out of balance.

So by the end of the cooling season this thing was an ear bleeding and earthshaking monstrosity in my windowsill.

something had to be done... but its december now there's no need for AC I'll fix it later :marseylaying:

that time was (is) now. ferbruary is coming to a close and with it will go the beutiful cold I've been enjoying. (:marseyflagalaska: can't wait to find home)

I took the seized fan unit that was just waiting for some kind of final solution. I tore that motor open

there they were...

2 easy to replace 608s :marseyskater:

got a 10 pack online for $7

pulled the mfs and pressed the new ones on

spin the thing


so I threw her back together and into the window.

turned it on and there's only the sound of the air (and compressor) now :marseyhappy2:

now you might have read this (probably not :marseywords:) and wondered, what's that title about?

well its about what happened last night when I got the thing in the window and turned it on.

the satisfaction of a job well done washed over me as I sat down at the old puter to browse rdrams.

and then thought popped into my head. the pernicious idea. only for a moment, but made me stop right in my tracks: "why didn't I take pictures of everything to make an effortpost?"

and then I was sick :marseysoylentgrin:

I realised this was the thought of a social media user. this is not me. no. :platynooo:

so no I DIDN'T take pictures. No you DON'T get to see :marseyindignant:

I'm going to enjoy my life with my own dmn eyes :marseyblink: and I'm not going to become a 'gram zombie posting my every meal.

everytime I see a picture of a modern concert or venue where every. single. person. there is more concerned about filming the thing than actually being there, I want to vom.

it's disgusting and I feel ashamed for even the brief moment of remorse I felt about not filming this mundane task for the viewership of what, like 23 r-slurs online.

still felt the need to make the text post albiet :marseyjerkoffsmile:

I should be making marseys like I came here to do but instead I've been gooning to stable diffusion building workflows and exploring advanced generative ai systems all weekend. at least I went outside :marseytouchgrass: and fixed a AC :marseyshrug:

EFFORTPOST Why I don't believe female dog bite victims

I'll admit it - I don't like dogs. They're dangerous, loud, dirty, and they have no place in residential areas. Nevertheless, it is evident that many members of society, particularly women, are exceptionally fond of these creatures. The perception that woman love dogs disproportionately isn't imagined, and it's worth noting that it's a new trend. Many millennial women have opted to have dogs over children, and sometimes even husbands!

>72% of childless millennial women explicitly state that they prefer the company of their pet over the company of children.

>69% of millennial women who have chosen not to become a mother say that having a pet is easier than having a child.

>70% of the women who have chosen not to have children view their dog or cat as their child.

This is all good news for dogs. They're being invited into some of the most affluent homes in the world, and they are being pampered beyond belief. All that money that would have went to paying for a child's tuition, clothes, and other essentials is now spent caring for a canine.

>Sixty percent of pet owners are female, 75% have a household net worth greater than $220,000, and 77% are 50 years of age or older

With this information in mind, you would expect to see women have great relationships with dogs, and for dogs to appreciate their time with women. That is not what we're seeing. Instead, we are witnessing an increasing number of dog attacks on women specifically.

>In general, men are more likely to be bitten and delivery workers are a common victim. Dog attacks on middle-aged women are increasing the fastest

What could possibly explain this trend? Well, I have a theory. It is a drastic one, but I believe I have sufficient evidence to prove it. Warning, it does contain rather vile elements, but these are aspects of reality we cannot ignore. Please, feel free to debunk me where you find flaws, but I am certain there are few.

What causes dogs to bite?

So why do dogs bite? Well, a few reasons. Let's start with the least violent reasons. Dogs use their teeth to manipulate objects in the environment. This is typically known as a "soft bite" and it may be used to pick up a pup, for example. The soft bite is also used by hunters to retrieve fowl.

Some dogs have been bred to have a strong bite instinct to use when herding. This is especially useful when dealing with stubborn breeds of cattle that don't respond to the usual intimidation tactics from dogs. These small bites are known as "nips", and sometimes dogs will "nip" children in an attempt to hard them.

Dogs also bite as a form of communication. You see, dogs don't have words, but they do have barks and growls. Biting can be an extension of that. If a growl doesn't deter an unwanted threat, a bite is meant to get the job done.

Lastly, dogs bite to destroy. Like us, dogs can be angry, vengeful, and scared. In such situations, they may seek to destroy whatever is causing them upset. To do this, they maul. It is actually very rare for dogs to maul. Firstly, many dogs don't have the mauling instinct. They simply bite and release. Secondly, when dogs attack, they are typically scared. They don't want to spend more time near you than necessary. Mauling puts them close to their attacker, which is dangerous. Lastly, dogs are typically naive regarding humans, as we have bred them that way. There is very little benefit to biting a humans for a dog, unless they are defending themselves. This is not to say that dogs never bite for no reason. Of course not. However, they almost never maul for no reason.


Quite frankly, I don't consider pitbulls to be domesticated dogs. They're feral animals. There's nothing domesticated about a pitbull. For normal dogs, mauling for no reason is exceptionally rare (usually such instances are due to old dogs suffering from dementia).

So what's my theory? It is simple: Many cases of dog bites involving women are instances of self defence. The dogs weren't attacking. They were defending themselves from women. I will take things a step further, and I know this is where I will lose most of you. The dogs are typically defending themselves from sexual assault or rap. No, I'm not joking in the slightest. I'm aware of the seriousness of my statements. I express them publicly because of the conclusions I have drawn.

A Case Study

Jacqueline Durand was a 22 year old girl who loved dogs, was in the University of Texas, had a boyfriend, and would dog walk in her free time. She was hired to walk the dogs of Dr Bishop and his wife Ashley. It was two dogs, one a German Shepherd and the other a Boxer (according to some reports it was a Boxer and Pitbull mix, though this hasn't been confirmed). What's important to note here is that Jacqueline had met the dogs prior, and even she admits they were sweet and showed no signs of aggression.

On 21 December 2022, she arrived at the house where she was to meet the dogs. According to Jacqueline, as soon as she opened the door, it triggered the alarm, causing the dogs to attack her for over an hour. During the attack, she sustained over a hundred bits and lost love 30% of her blood. She was terribly disfigured, and she will be facing for the next two years, as she stated in an interview earlier this year.

There are a few points I'd like to highlight. If they attacked her at the door, why was the main location of the mauling at the beds of the dogs? So did they drag her from the door to the living room because they wanted somewhere private and secluded to ensue the mauling? I struggle to understand why dogs would want to drag someone into the home. Dogs are territorial. If anything, they'd be trying to get her out of the house.

Secondly, she was found completely naked. COMPLETELY. You can see a snippet of the bodycam footage here, but be warned that it is extremely graphic.

How do dogs take off clothes? They haven't any hands. Are we supposed to believe that dogs took off her clothes? Everything, including bra and panties?! Here's my big question: for the facial reconstruction surgery, they took skin from her buttocks. How did the dogs take off her underwear without ripping the skin off her buttocks as well? So they were vicious enough to rip off her underwear but delicate enough to leave the skin of her buttocks intact to the point where it could be used for grafting. Bullshit. Yes, it should be clear what I am implying - she entered the house of her own according, found the dogs alone as she was anticipating, and proceeded to remove her own clothing.

These dogs were in the home of a doctor, who lived with a child, and none of them had ever been victimized by the dogs. Why did they then, out of the blue, decide to chew on a human being for the next hour? Something triggered them. I put it to you that these dogs were provoked, and you know how.

Since then, she has tried to press charges on the Bishop family. The only evidence that the dogs showed any kind of aggression prior was a sign warning visitors not to press the doorbell or else it'll get the dogs going. Nothing at all abnormal about dogs reacting to the doorbell. Plenty of dogs go nuts when the doorbell rings, including friendly dogs anticipating visitors.

The clothing is the most darning piece of evidence for me. The second most darning evidence is the fact that Jacqueline still loves dogs. She still owns dogs (large ones of course), and she wants to work with dogs. This isn't a normal love of dogs. There is something else going on here, a deep attraction to these beasts that goes beyond anything rational. I will not overlook the fact that one of the worst dog attack victims in recent memory still can't keep her hands off dogs. That's not quirky, that's paraphilia.


Think about how many dogs have been put down following a dog attack. Oftentimes, we don't know what happened and the only people around to give an account are the victims and any potential survivors. Do you think we know the whole story? So many cases of mothers home with children who claim the dog suddenly snapped and ate the kids. We've been so quick to assume that the animals were acting wild. Never have we asked whether the dogs were the victims.

Self-defence is not a crime, especially against unwanted sexual contact. Next time you hear about a woman who was alone and suddenly got attacked by dogs, think twice.

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  • RWBY : Sneedman don't open your parachute
EFFORTPOST Trying to be normal diaries 2 (mini post) - skydiving, sobriety, and Stan

You will never be Holly's son.

!biofoids where can we find you? To date. For guys 5/10 or below who can't use Tinder.

Fear of driving

In previous posts, I made it quite clear that driving there was the primary challenge. In this case, I realized I'd have to deal with ramps, which terrify me, as well as the freeway which involves driving fast.

Like a little b-word, I missed my first ramp but I think I subconsciously did it on purpose because I was scared, but later on, there was another ramp that I entered. Sweaty hands on the steering wheel, I had to push my car faster than its ever been, at some points reaching higher than 140km/h.

To my surprise, the fear subsided once I realized that on high-speed roads, most people are extremely forgiving, and generally are just trying to get home. I overtook a lot of slow cars, which is something I seldom do. I also saw a car hit the curb, as well as a car. As sinister as it may sound, these things proved to me that I'm not the only one who can get involved in a car accident - it's pretty much unpreventable if you're going to drive.

The only bad thing that happened wasn't my fault. Some inattentive minibus driver throws on his hazards and stops in the middle of the road to pick up his passengers. It was the first time in my life I literally swerved and if I didn't reach fast enough I could have potentially been a mass murderer because it's always your fault if you rear-end someone.

Needless to say, the fear of driving has subsided, and dare I say it, with some good music and a nice view, it can be enjoyable. I recognize how deadly it is, and I don't know if the car accident flashbacks will stop, but driving 3 hours for the full trip and back is something to add to the cookie jar.


Quick notes from Holly!

The cookie jar is a concept from Dave Goggins. Basically, you collect your best moments in life, your achievements, the times you proved to yourself that you're capable of something, and you add them to a mental cookie jar.

Far be it for me to make assumptions but I doubt any of us here are Navy Seals or ultramarathon runners. Still, we have our small achievements. Getting a job, a promotion, having the courage to break up with someone toxic - these are all cookies.

During your hardest moments, pull out the jar, and have a nibble. It'll give you the motivation you need to keep going.


At first, I felt like I could only drive places I was familiar with, and in the morning when there's no traffic. Now I know I can handle the streets like the OG I was born to be. Send me anywhere and anytime and I can get there.

Lastly, truck drivers are based. They'll literally stop on the side of the road to let traffic pass to prevent lines from building up behind them. Support your local truck driver!

The Skydive

I arrived at the skydiving location. All the staff was gregarious, and I tried to match their energy. For example, when one guy asked about myself, I also asked him the same question. There was a secretary named C. And I made sure to call her by her name when we exchanged words.

There is a moment I'm particularly proud of, even though it's minor. So I wasn't the only diver. I was accompanied by a young girl, probably in her twenties. Gorgeous 9/10 white girl with braids.

She stood beside me and our equipment as we waited for the instructor to return. I turned to her and greeted her. She said hi back but she was very shy. I then told her my fricking name. She shared hers. I forgot what it was but it was a Nordic-sounding name beginning with a G. This is the first time in my life I've gotten this far in a casual conversation with a woman.

I could tell that she didn't want to chat so I didn't badger her any longer (I don't think she was pissed, just introverted) so I left her alone after that.

We then got on the plane. What do you think the most interesting thing on the plane was? The gorgeous girl? The equipment? The view of the coast below? Nay, none of this is what sticks in my mind.

What has captured me is the sense of camaraderie I saw between all the workers. I don't think you can call it friendship. A different kind of love develops between people when they're risking their lives together. I'm sure I'd see the same thing in the military. These weren't bros. They were brothers.

Far less interesting but still notable was how it was obvious that the girl was scared of jumping. Doing this was overcoming a fear as I said prior. This didn't really activate my fear response. On the other hand, talking to everyone there, telling her my name, far more terrifying moments for me.

The plane flew higher, ascending like an albatross in the late afternoon. This time, the door was wide open so I could see more of just how high we were. Again, what scared me the most was not following instructions and pissing my instructor off.

When we reached the right altitude, we jumped - and that was it. I hurtled to the ground but I felt nothing. If anything, it was peaceful. I could feel the change in temperate as we descended, then when it felt like we were headed for certain death, he opened the parachute.

Still, the ride wasn't over. He could do loops with the parachute like a rollercoaster. That part I liked. We eventually landed and I was left with the looming thought of “why the frick did I do that?”.

I want a gf.

Being an advice takercel

So many of you have told me to not get a piercing and to slow down with the benzos. Okay, I will. I will only take my medication as instructed and I will not pierce my face for now at least.

Benzos don't kill you automatically. They frick with you if you abuse them, which I have been doing because I got prescribed so darn much. Correct usage can be extremely helpful in ceasing panic attacks, reducing anxiety, and preventing self-harm compulsions. Benzos are medicine. The devil is in the dosage.

Some skydiving advice - wear gloves. it felt like my hands were freezing off!

A toast!

As I was hurtling from the sky, it became obvious that while physical activity is important to prevent fatness, it doesn't challenge me. The things that make me suffer are social. That's the direction I need to go in.

So I'll still join the hiking club, but that's more for cardio. Instead, I want to join the local Toastmasters society near me. I want to master public speaking, control a room with my words, and learn how to have a presence. Toastmasters is the way.

Plot hole in Stan by Eminem

In the last verse, Eminem plays himself and speaks about a news story he saw (obviously about Stan). However, he states the following:

Well this is bullshit. It did say it was to you. the tape mentions him multiple times, even quoting his lyrics.

1. Hey Slim, drank a fifth of Vodka, dare me to drive?

2. I loved you Slim, we could have been together

3. See Slim (screaming) shut up b-word I'm tryna talk

4. Hey Slim, that's my girlfriend screaming in the trunk

Gee, I wonder who the guy with Eminem's name tattooed across his chest was addressing. The only was this makes sense is if the tape was water damaged or something, preventing the contents from being heard.

You're in denial, it was always obvious it was addressed to you.


My only question is what time frame am I looking at? Months? Years? How long does it take a 156cm man trying to improve improve himself to find a gf. If I had some idea, it would give me hope.

I hope you've all had a great week. I know we're all battling our own demons and I want you to know you're not alone. We will suffer together, and we will find the light together.

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