
When I made this contest I was expecting :marseypreg: the typical gross :marseywall: strag bullshit. I was totally caught :marseyflirt: off-guard by the abject poverty :marseylouisiana: that many of you seem to exist in, as well as the absolute invisibility :marseypredator2: many of you seem to incur within our healthcare :marseydoctor: system. Y'all are fricking :marseytom: dirty :marsey911roofer: and have all sorts of weird :marseyautismdisconcerting: birth :marseychestburster: defects and shit. YOU SHOULD :marseynorm: GET THAT CHECKED OUT (and stop being poor).

Ignoring how depressing :marseydoomer: your life is (which is "very") let's dispense our award :marseybadgejew: for most highly voted :marseyridin: foot on!!!

FIRST :marseywinner:

The winner :marseyspongebobsmug: is : @CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM_fan30

  • If you could afford to see a real dr your foot wouldnt look like that and you MAY be literally :marseyme: dying :marseycutwrist: BUT you atleast have 10kMB in your wallet if you survive WHATEVER :marseyjerkoffsmile: this horribly disfiguring ailment you have. We are praying for you. AMEN.


Barring the death :marseyhammersnoo: of our front-runner - the second :marseygunnut: place :marseyminipixel: winnner is - @Lv65_Slime

There's no reason this won. It's not visually interesting :marseylaying: and not fricked up in any way. It's just a boring :marseypaintdry: photo :marseyjourno: of a healthy/normal foot. You obviously cheated or blew someone for this award. I'll give it to you anyway.


Let's check in on some previous posts from @Poj's Ex:

Disney should pull out of Florida

Some choice quotes:

They totally considered moving their entire empire out of Florida guys just trust me.

They're also totally going to own DeSantis in court.

Oh, wait

Oops, Desantis just keeps winning.

Maybe he had better thoughts later:

Texas totally begged them to come and gave them a totally real offer!

Oh wait.

It wasn't texas, it was some random tweet from some county judge (really). This might surprise you but Pizza didn't even attempt to defend this one further.

Other random sneedfests he had over Disney totally owning DeSantis:


On May 9, during an earnings call, Warner Bros. revealed that it was taking a $200 million :marseysamhyde: loss on Suicide :marseyobamarope: Squad โ€” making it one of the gaming :marseybulbasaur: world's worst blunders.

One of the biggest issues, said people familiar, was that the battles, levels and bosses in a live-service game needed to be designed so players could tackle them over and over again, while Rocksteady was accustomed to telling stories that were only experienced once. Hampered by bloated code, the team struggled to find ways to make these activities feel less tedious :marseybrokenrecord: and repetitive.

Many of the studio's employees are now helping to develop a new โ€œdirector's cutโ€ version of Hogwarts :marseychudhermione: Legacy. At the same time, according to people familiar, the studio leaders are looking :marseyinsane: to pitch :marseyhearnoevil: a new single-player game, which would :marseywood: return :marseymonke: Rocksteady to its roots.


Xex - Kitty
China is not out of the game yet. Chinese exports surge by 7%

That's 1% higher than expectations.

The economy of China grew 5.2% in 2023.

It is expected to grow 4.6% in 2024.

4.5% in 2025.

3% in 2026.

3.58% in 2027.

3.38% in 2028.

3.31% in 2029.

3.5% in 2030.

Putting in all those numbers we get:

A total GDP of 22.88 trillion USD by the end of 2030. Far lower than the US is today.

In conclusion:

China will never catch up to the US.

China is going to get stuck at a Chile tier quality of life economy.

USA number 1!


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