
We even had a 'p scare and all he could manage was a pithy unrelated comment.


!spacechads Polaris Dawn is just a few months away and the spacesuits for the EVA are ready :marseysoylentgrin:



I can answer in a single sentence, based on observing my coworkers talking about it.

"Everything is more expensive since Biden became President."

That's it. That's why everyone's gonna frick this up.

You should be grateful your groceries cost double, chuds!

People are still stupid


With democracy itself on the line, the 2024 election will almost certainly be the nation's most consequential since 1860.

The most important election in history!

Vote Blue

... no matter who! :npc:

Rest of the world is watching america like it's the wierd uncle at the family barbecue about to dip his peepee in hot sauce - again - despite being hospitalised for doing exactly the same thing before

I thought the rest of the world was too busy importing migrants and wondering why their own populations continue to chud out.

Because illiterate rednecks feel stupid around anyone with half an education and want to be in power. They however are just tools for a wannabe dictator.

Dear subhuman filth

Because he's not in jail for treason yet.

Any day now!

Racism. Christian Nationalism. Uneducated. Wealthy people

He said the buzzwords!

Because having a black man as president 15 years ago broke something in millions of people. A lot of things simmered for a long time, but that was it.

This is why those same people have adopted a 100% or nothing approach to politics and their view of a conservative way of life: any shift, be it minor, is blown to epic proportion and fought against vehemently.

Teaching acceptance of others? It's indoctrination.

Just let the child cut off his peepee, chud.

A modicum of regulations for guns in the form of a background check or waiting period? Coming to take all guns .

lol We already do background checks.

immigration reform? Open borders

That's what we have now.

police reform? Defund the police.

This is literally what Progressives said and if you asked for clarification they were happy to confirm that's exactly what they meant.

marijuana and drug reform? Drug dealers and junkies will be on your porch.

He needs to read @911roofer posts.

fair taxes/tax reform? The U.S. hates job creators.

Define fair.

You get the point.

Any attempt at creating equity is seen as tipping the scales against them, and from that aspect, they are correct to an extent. The scales have been so lopsided for so long that it probably does feel that way.


TLDR: When You're Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression.


Why "cheating" on a dusty isn't really cheating



Reported by:
  • NO : !math
:marseygigaretard: : "1*1=2", Joe Rogan: "Its entirely possible"

Chief Idiot Joe Rogan has blessed us with an interview with the dumbest gorilla r-slur yet, Terrence Howard!

Joe, who claims to have a great bullshit detector (, lets Terrence babble off nonsense about frequencies and straight lines, never making a clear point or providing any evidence.

Here's a sample of some of the dumb shit he said.

1. 11=2. Why? Because he says he feels like it should and goes through implications like sqrt(2)^3 = 2sqrt(2) which for some reason shouldn't be that way.

2. Multiplication is broken because straight lines don't exist. Ok Terrence well nothing in the real world is 1 inch exactly either (although your tiny peepee comes close) so are numbers broken as well?

3. Statically charge balloons picking up dust disproves gravity.

This is clear evidence that only Jurnos should be allowed to have a platform. "New Media" morons like Joe have all the audience and none of the responsibility that CNN has. It seems even after Joe's earliest guest Hanpeepee was exposed as a crank in front of him Joe still doesn't get that he is a simian r-slur who has no idea what is real or fake. Now some idiot drama tards are going to say something like "oh are you implying that jornos are perfect?". HEY R-SLUR SHOW ME A JURNO THAT HAS A TRACK RECORD HALF AS BAD JOE ROGAIN!!!

Free thinking of the kind found on the internet is a belief that you know better than all the experts on a topic just because you drooled through a couple of podcasts. It is hubris and should be beaten out of the American population cultural revolution style.

Upmarsys to the left, thank you

Recreation of a Game I Played as a Kid - What is it? - YouTube


Eric Adams' swagger is super effective on Twittoids
Surf Mesa - ily (i love you baby) ft. Emilee - YouTube
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