Um akshually foids dress like hoes to impress other foids incel.

Yaass tellem:


All moids are homos:

Um yes literally everyone likes girl bussy:

Our new king is clapping back at all the chuds πŸ’…πŸ’…:

Hittem with that insecure move to make them even more insecure:

SOURCE: asked foids

!fashion discuss

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All his posturing as the chud/incel destroyer is so pathetic once you realize he's a fashion writer doesn't seem to have a single picture of himself anywhere online (or at least not easily findable online, I looked for a good 3-5 minutes).

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"erm women are agreeing with my lie to win an argument that makes me right"

:soysnootalking#: yea im sure all those onlyfans accounts and fricking tons of guys is to impress women, who infamously dont judge eachother for what they wear ever

This guy should just cut his balls off and give them to his mom because his bloodline is not lasting

Ive literally never seen a woman try to get attention from another woman and i lived with like seven of them all my life. Twitter will signalboost a lie to own da chuds. Deluded people

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Past a fricking certain amount of effort, clothes and makeup are fricking actually for status games with other women

It's like with bodybuilding. get a fricking bit of muscle to attract the fricking ladies, but a fricking lot of muscle and it loops back around to being gay

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yeah and then women will criticisize men saying "no girl even likes dudes with huge muscles".

Like you think I work out to get chicks?

I work out so I can bully smaller moids with my size and girth.

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i have pronouns disabled as a filter rule so i always forget i have them set as she/her lol

i am a man btw

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Post buttcrack hair to prove it.

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do women not have buttcrack hair?

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The menswear guy is my favorite seethe factory at the moment. He criticizes male fashion but the targets often end up being youngish rightoids who are doing cargo cult dress up like suits that are way too tight (the 2024 equivalent of wearing a fedora) not because he hates rightoids but because rightoids have the worst fashion sense. He's also great at dunking on losers who clap back at him.

This is an especially good exchange bc it brought out all of moid dating twitter, which keeps inventing increasingly unhinged lore about women trying to explain why they can't get laid (it's because they're ugly losers).

I'm guilty of some of the things he hates (my pants are slightly too tight bc I grew up in the era of skinny jeans and wearing baggy jeans feels ridiculous) but otherwise I think I look fine by his standards, if a little boring.

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I wear tight pants but they're like 50% spandex so they fit perfectly.

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What does he look like?

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you should worry less about how you dress and more about sounding like a cute twink

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If I'm already tapping that butt, then what do I care what she wears?

Also, obligatory, show me a woman and I'll show you a man who's tired of banging her.

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Gay menswear guy is right. Sorry not sorry.

Sexual attractiveness is a status signifier for women. So they're dressing to be sexually attractive as a flex on each other and to flaunt their status. They're not, outside of scenarios where there's a specific guy she's trying to impress, dressing to actually attract men. I've had so many straight women try to convince me to dress "nicer"/cuter/more feminine even in all-female environments where there's no moids around, and they generally dress like hoe-a-trons in those areas too, comment on each other's hoe outfits and etc.

Inkwells malding all up and down this thread that not everything is about them :marseysmug2:

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That just sounds like attracting men with extra steps

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Isn't that worse? Yeah it's about status signifying through sexual attractiveness, but that sexual attractiveness is determined through the lens of the male gaze.

Explains the raging you occasionally see towards depictions of scantily clad women in movies, tv shows, videos games, cheerleaders tbh.

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You sound jealous. Is your egg cracking?

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Even if I was born a foid, I would wish to be moid. MoidGODS control foids' status signifiers even when they don't exist... Crazy to think about.

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This is dedicated to you. BE STRAIGHT 4ME.

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When I :marseyfemboy: wear crop tops, short shorts, skirts, fishnets, etc. etc. I'm not doing it to impress other !femboys (bottoms). :marseysmug2: I'm doing it to get sexual attention from other men (tops) :marseybuff: and to generate seethe from women who wish they had my figure. :marseynails: So both are true. :marseyjustice: Women dress like whores to make uglier women jealous :marseydarkfoidretard: and to get sexual attention from men. :marseynosebleed2:

!fashion !cuteandvalid !lgbt

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>Post !hornyposters bait

>Have private profile


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>too poor for all-seeing eye award


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>too poor to donate the Dramacoins to me


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Aevann killed the ASE

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No he fixed it after it turned out the foids were r-slurred and self fixed not due to people snooping their accts

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I unprivated it :marseyshy5:

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Those are some skinny legs.

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mikumaxxing :marseymikuuu#:

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Ohhhh yeah I remember getting an ache in my phantom balls over that butt plug pic you posted.


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your twitter link is some kind of r-slurred broken that take me to a login screen. miss me with having a twitter account

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Fun fact this r-slur is a malaysian gay incel. If you search back, he has multiple tweets expressing rage at white men for dating asian women. Unironically suffering from homosexual internalized white supremacy.

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Not surprised. I mean, he's a male fashion writer. That already indicates a 99% chance of being gay.

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@K9 could u link examples in exchange for these pics

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>non-white immigrant

>Wah I'm a 135lbs and asian

>Does poorly with women

>Coping about chad

>Seething about white men dating asian women

>Whining about asian peepee jokes

>Seething about white men dating asian women pt2

>Self deprecating small peepee asian bwc joke

His whole account is him indulging his homosexual attraction towards trad white men fueled by racial insecurity, and reflexively denying it by ascribing all the good things in white culture to gay counterculture icons.

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actually le manliness is gay

Why are leftoids like this

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He also seethes when people assume his pfp is him :marseyrofl:

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This guy is hilarious

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He really is. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

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>gook killer


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>Josh Luna


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Lol. "Women dress up in exactly and precisely the way that will make men the most sexually aroused, but they do it to impress other women."

At that point, even if what they think they are doing is dressing up to impress other women, come on, we know what is really going on.

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Tbh they don't do it to please men, that is true, they also don't do it for other women though.

Just like 75% of women's actions, they do it for attention and validation. Hard to even file it under "they do it for themselves" because without other people's attention they would not do it.

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Well, they don't do it to please men. They do it to attract men.

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It's not their fault they lack consciousness enough to understand their own actions

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Nah, the problem is that dressing up to attract men isn't properly #GirlBoss #SlayQueen #Feminism and it makes them look like a huge slut. But they still want to attract men for validation. Deep down they understand, but they've been highly incentivized to tell themselves and everyone else that it's really not at all to impress upon men, to the point where they've managed to convince themselves it's true, at least on a surface level.

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It's just like how foids label repulsive men as creepy so that they can still be considered kind and empathetic without having to actually be kind and empathetic to any uggos. Saying you don't want to talk to the neurodivergent dweeb because he's an neurodivergent dweeb gets you labeled as a mean girl, but saying you don't want to talk to the neurodivergent dweeb because he's creepy makes him into the bad guy.

Women are both experts at these dumb butt language games they're constantly playing and experts at gaslighting themselves into thinking that they're not playing these dumb butt games.

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It's important to note that these are not separate behaviors - foids are just so gullible that they play themselves as hard as anyone who listens

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i dont think its to impress other womxn as much as it is to flex on them.


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The dark truth is that he may be right in a lot of cases, but that these slutty looking girls' trips are a level of psychotic and uncomfortable dominance games beyond the worst testosterone loaded moid scenarios imagined by foid Twitter thinkpieces.

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It's a vaginal jew trick :#marseymerchantfoid:

Yes, technically, they're correct. They (mostly) do it to impress other women.

Thing is, you have to ask, why are other women impressed by you showing more skin in a :quote: fashionable :quote: way?

Showing off s*x appeal.

And you can't show that off if men aren't part of the equation :#marseyserioushatfact: :#taysmart:

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:marseyconfused2: her outfit isn't even that slutty?

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Shorts halfway up your cheeks aren't slutty?

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It is slutty to a certain extent but it's not something you would hold out as the definition of slutty.

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>Booty shorts?! :marseyscream:

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shoes ankle

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I learned all my dating strategies from women.

Lying, and especially convincing others to go along with an outrageous lie, is a sign of intelligence.

Women love to be gaslit. Convince your foid today that sharks are not real, blue used to be a different -forgotten- color, ghengis khan existed in this century, youll vote for Kamala, your dad invented the question mark.

They love that shit.

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So if I present my 3 weird coincidences of stuff I found in Bulgarian history as "evidence" that the 400s BC were really the 900s AD, women will immediately become aroused.


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Convincing her youre a feminist before you murder her entire family is a great bit.

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Women and men both have vast sets of unspoken and mostly unacknowledged impulses related to patriarchal tendencies.

A lot of popular media would have us think that patriarchy means "men bossing women" but that's not really it. Patriarchy means higher-status men bossing everyone, including lower-status men. There are tons of studies about how women and men both innately trust taller men, for example,, and there are all kinds of rituals and signals of respect and deference that people don't even think about, across cultures.

But anyway, one of the things about patriarchal systems is that they don't just benefit high-status men. Patriarchy also advantages the women and children who are attached to those high-status men, especially in a cultural context that enforces strict marriage covenants and that advantages "legitimate" children over those born to single mothers.

So, when men compete for status with other men by wearing a fancy watch or by trying to get better at sports or get a better job title or whatever, it's not just about trying to land a date with a discrete woman, and it's also not just about trying to impress other men, it's about trying to signal a status-position in a complex web of cultural perceptions. Because, frankly, women rely on men, in many ways, to sort out male status. A man who has the respect and admiration of other men is one of the most attractive features, in a patriarchal system.

Similarly, but in different ways, women use fashion, makeup, and general appearance to signal their status and desirability, to and among other women. In a patriarchal system, a woman's social status is not terribly important to her ability to get laid, as it might be for men, but it can be extremely important in determining whether she is "for the sheets or for the streets" as internet-slang puts it.

Much as men sort themselves in a sort of feedback loop where the best way to impress women is often to impress other men, women sort themselves based on performative attractiveness to reassure themselves and others that they can attract and retain a high-status mate. Women also filter the competition by damaging the self-esteem of competing women, which makes them more likely to "settle" or to end up "for the streets"--they might still be able to mate, but they won't be "wife material". N.B., this is one of the ways in which tradwife and redpill/PUA/incel are weirdly aligned, and it's also why these kinds of weird movements are all sort of obsessed with rigid and conservative gender roles and family structure, even if they are also s*x-obsessed and trying to have as much extramarital s*x as possible.

In a patriarchal system, the biological imperative pressures men to compete with other men for status, as judged by other men, while pressuring women to compete not for sexual access but sexual exclusivity or at least primacy ("wife" status) with the highest-value men. This causes women and men to compete with each other in weird and impulsive ways, especially among those who are not great at self examination. People do stuff and get irrationally angry, possessive, jealous, or insecure, and they don't know why, and they don't really know what they want, because their motives are not just contained within themselves and the boundaries of their own body, but are interacting with countless overlapping systems of other people and other social systems.

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There's entire dimensions of female-female conflict that I wouldn't dare even try to understand. In the US and Western Europe we haven't had this for a few generations so it's been forgotten, but in most societies women live with their mothers-in-law and there's all kinds of bizarre and downright scary power dynamics going down. You can still this in first world countries like Japan and Korea that only adopted the whole nuclear family thing recently. The only reason why we don't have this in America is because we have (or at least we had) enough cheap land that you could just move away from your mother, but that doesn't mean the exact thing won't crop up again when we have to go back multi-generational families.

This is probably one of the primary reasons for the dramatic drop in birth rates. Once people can afford to move out to their own place, they do so they can get away from weird mother-in-law vs. daughter-in-law catfights. The only problem is this dramatically increases the demand for housing and child care, the two immediate causes that everyone cites for not having as many kids as they want.

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The only reason why we don't have this in America is because we have (or at least we had) enough cheap land that you could just move away from your mother

America is also a country where, in a lot of places, it is still possible to simply exit the most-patriarchal socio-cultural systems, to a great extent.

If a woman can realistically expect to support herself with her own earnings, then finding a high-status man and binding her life to his is no longer a survival pressure. If she can even expect to successfully raise one or more children on her own or with a partner of ordinary status, then even the biological imperative is no longer desperately tied to the status of her partner. She can marry someone who is kindhearted, or good-looking, or great in bed, or nobody at all. Or she can have a series of shorter relationships over the course of her life, and not see herself or her children forced into slavery or prostitution, etc.

Similarly, outside of patriarchal systems, the pressure on men to statusmaxx in order to gain access to s*x is greatly reduced. A man who has other virtues can date and get laid and even have happy marriages to a woman who earns more than he does, or a series of different women.

This is also why the whole redpill/incel/tradwife world is so incensed by things like no-fault divorce, abortion, birth control, hookup culture, and why they are like obsessed with nuclear families, etc...if you are a man whose only appeal is a paycheck or inherited wealth, or a woman whose primary asset is your ability to look good, then a patriarchal society is where you want to be--one where men are forced for life to take care of the first girl they fall for, and where women compete for the attentions of any man who has a nice a car. A world where hoes who might catch a wandering eye will still never take your man's paycheck away from you and your kids, and a world where the most dangerous thing that can happen to a beautiful young woman (married or single) is to get knocked up by someone who is not "husband material". Patriarchy enforces a set of rules about sexual economics that is bad for most women as a class, but is good for a sizable minority of men and women, who also overlap heavily with people who have historical power and status.

A world where a lower-status man with dreamy eyes and a romantic soul could knock up a string of vapid, pretty girls, but then go on to marry a woman who makes a lot of money...that's a worse world to live in, if you are either a vapid, pretty girl with not much else to offer, or if you are a guy who doesn't have dreamy eyes or a romantic soul, but who wants access to all those vapid pretty girls, just for belonging to your dad's fancy country club.

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If she can even expect to successfully raise one or more children on her own or with a partner of ordinary status, then even the biological imperative is no longer desperately tied to the status of her partner.

This isn't what happens in reality though. Women who are high-earners just compete for an ever-shrinking pool of men who earn even more than they do. Women do not date down. Ever. Not even liberated #girlbosses who supposedly exist outside of this patriarchal system of courtship.

A world where a lower-status man with dreamy eyes and a romantic soul could knock up a string of vapid, pretty girls, but then go on to marry a woman who makes a lot of money...that's a worse world to live in, if you are either a vapid, pretty girl with not much else to offer, or if you are a guy who doesn't have dreamy eyes or a romantic soul, but who wants access to all those vapid pretty girls, just for belonging to your dad's fancy country club.

This is a worse world to live in for everybody because it creates more single mothers. Life outcomes are worse for children of single mothers across the board. There's a reason humans have been mostly monogamous since we went from living in tribes to building civilizations.

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Women do not date down. Ever.

I'm sorry that you live in such a sad and bitter reality, but you are factually wrong.

Both of my sisters are married to men who earn significantly less than they do, and so are at least three of my close friends. It might be that if you feel trapped in a highly-patriarchal social or cultural world, that everyone you encounter or interact with adheres to rigid gender stereotypes, but I swear to you, there is a whole other world out there. And if you want to, all you have to do step out of the world that you feel trapped in (assuming you are privileged to live in an urban part of the West, I can't speak for other places).

Life outcomes are worse for children of single mothers across the board.

That's because if you only control for single mother vs married mother, you're collecting all the data from people trapped in patriarchal systems without support networks and economic mobility for women. A mother making six figures is going to produce children with much better life outcomes if she is single, than if she stays married to a meth head or a s*x predator.

A loving, stable home with two incomes and two parents is almost always going to produce better outcomes than one adult and one income, but the number of parents is not as important as the "loving and stable" part. Many part of the world and many American regions and subcultures purposely make being a single mother precarious and unstable, for the reasons described above. A homeless prostitute who didn't have access to abortion care is likely to see better outcomes for her child if she can find a spouse with a stable income, even if he is awful and abusive. In a structure that forces women to depend upon husbands, fathers, patrons, pimps, or paypigs for survival, then yes--women with husbands will generally have better parenting outcomes that women with pimps or paypigs.

But in a world where women can afford groceries, rent, gas, after-school care, school supplies, etc, then having a second grownup in the household is a positive influence, so long as that individual grownup is actually a positive influence.

The point is not that single moms are good and married moms are bad, the point is that patriarchal social hierarchies and economic power structures are bad for everyone overall (both men and women and children), but good for the people at the top of those specific power structures (both men and women and children).

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You speak as if this is not the way humans naturally organize themselves, which is incorrect.

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Humans don't "naturally" brush their teeth. Humans "naturally" lose all their teeth by about age 30 and then die.

Humans "naturally" mostly die in early childhood, because humans are born grossly underdeveloped and dependent upon adult caregivers not just for food but to act a prefrontal cortex and sensory system.

But that slow, outside-the-womb, socially-dependent development is also what makes humans human. Humans have the ability to change their nature, and to change the nature around them. Every single "unnatural" or "artificial" thing that exists, from the screen you are looking at, to the chair you are sitting on, to the shoes that you are wearing, to the appliances humming in the background, to the bus you take to work...all of that was made by human beings, of stuff that was either grown up or dug up out of the ground. None of that is "natural". That's what makes us human, that we can choose to change "nature".

You may as well say that it is unnatural for humans to use potty paper, or toenail's not just irrelevant, it's nonsensical. What does "humans naturally_____" mean or imply that matters one whit to anything about anything? Humans don't "naturally" shit in pottys, nor stop at red lights, nor wash their hands with soap and water. Should we stop encouraging people to do those things, or throw up our hands and say it's impossible to change the "natural" state?

A bobcat with a broken leg is a dead bobcat, it just doesn't know it yet (or maybe it does). It will not eat, because it cannot hunt, and it cannot scavenge efficiently enough to compete with other scavengers. Even if it had a way to make its leg heal straight, it would not survive long enough to remove the cast.

A wild horse with a broken leg is a dead horse. Its best hope is to die before it gets eaten, because it's going to get eaten.

A human being with a broken leg is almost always going to get better, especially in the developed world, thanks to the social networks and support systems and technologies that humans have developed to care for and look after one another. But even stone-age humans recovered from broken bones, which we know from the archaeological record. And that could only have happened if other humans were helping them.

What humans "naturally" do, is to change nature. Both their own nature, and the nature around themselves. That's what makes us human.

If you want to go live in a hole and eat raw things that you can kill or scavenge with your hands, knock yourself out. But that is not more "naturally" human than being a plumber or an airline pilot. It's also stupid.

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Man's ego deludes him into believing he can change his own nature. A tale as old as time.

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I know it might be hard to believe, but I stopped pooping my pants before I was even two years old. You can do it, too!

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I'm naturally going to r*pe your bussy

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For some reason, this post sounds like it's coming from a squeaky little voice, about knee-high.

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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TL;DR in a patriarchal system, both men and women compete to impress both men and women with their attractiveness and status, because desire and attractiveness is not purely atomized between discrete individuals but is also based on social network effects and signals. Women do in fact gain status among other women by presenting as more attractive and desirable to men, which reinforces their attractiveness and desirability. Men gain attractiveness to women by being respected by other men, which reinforces their attractiveness to women, and their respect among other men.

So the answer to "are women in a patriarchal culture dressing to impress men, or to impress other women?" is yes.

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Patriarchy good, actually.

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I don't get it :marseyconfused:

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