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I love these "people who disagree with establishment opinion #831 are dumb" articles written by pseudoscientists misrepresenting a flawed study.

here's another good one: https://rdrama.net/h/pol/post/301168/soyjakhipstercovid19-vaccinemarseymaid4-refusal-is-driven-by



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it's just common sense tho, that chuds are stupid

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I want to pay for hundreds of thousands of foreign parasites on the dole and let them do a whole lot of raping. This will surely benefit myself and society. :marseybigbrain:

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Did you end up getting vaccinated or did you and @Kawaii not trust it?

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@butthole was too scared to get the COVID vaccination :marseynotes: !metashit

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What else would you expect from a flu denying thug?

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I didn't get it because I'm afraid of needles

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Aw that's ok :marseycheerup:

As long as you believe it won't turn you into a 5G cellular tower

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too scsred or too smart?


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Dumb people are absolutely more likely to get bamboozled by facebook conspiracies.

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bc not liking immigrants is bc of facebook. lol anti-immigrant sentiment predates the internet or even the concept of media


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Do you have any idea the r-slurred shit these people believe?

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these people

ngl, you sound low key :marseyokaycoke: when you say shit like that


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:#marseythinkorino2: :m#arseynoooticer:


@X :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: must be people complaining about CECA and mainlanders

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/r/singaporeraw and edmw as data sources lmao

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Are those CHUDs taking Lee Kuan Yew out of context or would he agree with them? And is "brown cow" a Singaporean racist dogwhistle as suggested in the comments?

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lol we need the sexy Indian dudes to build our homes so idk what that video is whining about :marseycracka::marseytunaktunak:

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video doesnt load for me :marseygiveup:

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Does it mention how to navigate a tough jew vs black situation tho?




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Tbh there's no motivation to split it. It's not like they know the other person.

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Total jew victory. Bipocs need to stop being so sassy fr.



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Women's go to strategy to manipulate men is to accuse them of being gay, and due to foids fear of being direct they always vague post about it and make men have actual debates about weather it's gay to wear a backpack or eat seafood etc. men become insanely neurotic about what they're "allowed" to do while the women making these posts don't even try to be feminine.

Black foids do this x100 more often to the point that even normies noticed it. Black women are actually demanding that there potential partner act like an r-slured thug, I think almost all problems in their community is caused indirectly by women I've never met a black woman I didn't fricking despise and it's not racism. I've met many great black men and it's not a coincidence that they all are unpopular among black women BECAUSE they have their shit together.

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You just dont understand the culture sweetie 💅💅 but fr neighbors are waking up.


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Shadaya is right

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Are they supposed to be doing prisoner's dilemma? In prisoner's dilemma splitting is advantageous because if they both steal :marseytrumpitsoverwereback: they get nothing

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Nvm I just watched the video it is the prisoners dilemma and the Jews are even lying to successfully steal :marseyxd:

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In single-round prisoner's dilemma, the option of both cooperating is not a Nash Equilibrium - it's not in a state where everyone is making the selfishly optimal move. Only in repeated games does cooperation become a winning strategy.

Only when nobody is leaving money on the table, for themselves, do you have a stable solution.

Between two selfishly motivated players, the only way to avoid "both steal" is to trick one (or both) players into being irrational.

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These things are bullshit because the stakes are always incredibly low and lots of people will easily risk losing a few bucks just to dunk on someone else for the fun of it.

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What is there to dunk on? "I knew you'd choose to steal from me and I still cooperated, got'em :marseyclueless: "

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Is the game repeated, or one-off? That matters significantly

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>Do you want more money, or do you want less money?

More money.


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Why would you not take the whole prize tho?

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It's prisoner's dilemma I think, if they both steal :marseythief: they get 0

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This is the goombler's dilemna. Whoever steals first wins the pot

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This how you achieve 30,485,394 karma on reddit.


Here's his Twitter account if you want to call him a cute twink


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That pinned xweet


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lol /r/science is such a dump now.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Always has been.

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It's objective to say that the "migrant crisis" is an artificial construct. Statistically, migrants (documented or undocumented) are less likely to commit crimes than American citizens. Yet there has been a concerted effort to create the opposite belief in the American public.

It takes a pretty high level of cognitive function to recognize the efforts to deceive.

So, the results of this study make perfect sense.

Here is a good study about the migrant crime rates


Time to play the "does the link actually say what the person says?" game.

The exception is Mexican and Central American immigrants, but the higher incarceration rates for this group since 2005 is largely attributed to the fact that the Census data combines incarceration for criminal acts with detentions for immigration-related offenses, the researchers say in the paper. Incarceration rates among Mexican and Central American immigrants were similar to those of U.S.-born individuals between 1980 and 2005.

So if you don't pull off a bunch of mental gymnastics, 50% of immigrants at best commit as many crimes as citizens.

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>literally here illegally

>not committing a crime

yayyyy! \(^▽^)/

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This is doubly funny because whenever there is a study by N=30 that says "people with liberal views are dumb and like to have their wives railed by Chudolf Nazitler " this website parades it around like gospel and suddenly starts trusting the science too

!grillers win yet again

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people with liberal views are dumb and like to have their wives railed by Chudolf Nazitler

true and i have a source

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Liberals don't like exaggerated, emotionally charged narratives. That's why sarcastic counterexample Project 2025 blah blah Handmaid's Tale ha ha liberals suck and I'm smarter than them

Even the counterjerking isn't fun anymore :marseysad:

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My favourite is that they'll tell you IQ is useless and unimportant but when we rename it COGNITIVE ABILITY suddenly it's legit and yes republicans are soooo much dumber

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Well duh its why I pinged them and linked the reddit thread :marseyselfsuck:

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Yeah I noticed that after I commented and felt like an r-slur. I was hoping nobody would call me out.


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@AverageBen10Enjoyer it's that guy you mentioned yesterday doing that thing you said he does. Neat.

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@AverageBen10Enjoyer gossiping about m'wah? !besties :marseygossipshock:

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The author of the /r/science post you linked


Copypaste of the comment chain

What a surprise, a shitty barely-science /u/mvea post gets to the top of /r/all even though all the comments are calling it shit.

Who is this person? A new Gallowboob? :marseydetective:

I keep telling everyone here that they should pay more attention to him. 15 year-old account, moderates dozens of big subreddits, 30 million post karma (compared to "only" 300k comment karma), 28 years of Reddit gold, more trophies than I can count.

He absolutely dominates /r/science - he posts the softest social science imaginable and he always gets to the top of /r/all. All of the "studies show that orange man bad" posts are him.

He never reveals anything about his personal life; his comments are mostly just linking to studies and listing "evidence" in his /r/science posts. They always take the format:

I've linked to the primary source, the journal article, in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here's the link to the press release:

He never argues with anyone or writes anything opinionated. His "controversial" comments page brings up nothing. I bet you could read his entire comment history and not even know his gender or nationality.

He's also a /r/cryptocurrency mod and does sketchy shit like running paid AMAs and shilling shitcoins:


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Hello Gibberish,

Your shoutout to a user well-versed in the Reddit realm caught our eye. Given their established rapport and karma wealth, we'll forgo the alert. It's contributors like you that make our community a richer place.

With gratitude,

CrossTalk PM - Automated Message (Unmonitored Account)

Please contact @J with questions

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!r-slurs they're coming for us

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It's a classic application of the finding that political extremism correlates with all sorts of bad traits. But journos/scientists are only interested in highlighting stories about how this means that extreme rightoids are stupid rather than extreme leftoids.

There should be a trope name for this, it's extremely common. Like I'm confident that the study's findings would replicate for "anti-white attitudes" but no one would run that study.

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Clever people > more money > live further away from immigrants > the immigrants they do see aren't disgusting > "Why do the poors hate immigrants?"

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Shut up liberal

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g predicted this.

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I hate cute twinks and BIPOCs and women

!r-slurs !gaslighters don't let the j*ws trick you into internalized tardmisia

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wow another study where we go out of our way to prove the obvious, this really pushes forward the field.

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truly intelligent people get all their thoughts and opinions directly from the media, and obediently flip those opinions when the media tells them to

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Makes sense, why waste all those valid slaves unskilled workers willing to work in the jobs natives don't want to ?

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theyre getting paid more than you tho

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Pretend im extremely r-slurred and do not understand what you are implying. :marseybrainlet:

Can you explain what are you implying?

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Low IQ individuals see a threat, high IQ individuals see a new resource to exploit while coming across as generous saints

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If the only things anyone did were things people paid them to do, the only things that would ever get done are the things the wealthy find profitable. What a sad world that would be.

Some of us volunteer at parks.

Some of us volunteer at soup kitchens.

Some of us volunteer advice and knowledge.

Is this really that much different?

Yeah, Reddit is a for-profit company. It's still worth it to volunteer moderation duties to ensure that people have a corner to discuss and debate without having to worry about bullies. Sure, it would be nice to get a free subscription to Premium or something, but that's not going to be the main motivation.

I use uBlock Origin. This is my way of paying back the site. Well, that and all the awards I give away or generate.

And believe you me, I very much enjoy moderating bullies and keeping vulnerable populations safe from their bullying. Clicking "ban" on some random racist so they can't call someone names? Ohhhh that's payment enough.




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