Look at me. I am the cute girl natureposting now :marseyupvote2:

!animalposters there are bugs

!grillers !boozers I had some 6.8% beers

!thin git fit or get hit

!besties I wanted to share this with you! :marseygossip:

!tops I topped a giant peepee rock


I chopped some habaneros last night to put in this yummy ground beef dish for dinner and washed my hands. Told myself ok don't touch your face. Sit down and watch Archer (adult cartoons I'm a cuck yay) and all of a sudden my nose starts burning. Didn't even realize I was doing it!! Frick I'm gonna get Alzheimer's if I don't stop right? That's what the studies say. So any of you have this problem?? I need to find a way to stop mining nose gold all day...

After 11 years I have finally gotten another phone plan

I had a phone for a while as a yute, realized the only people calling me where people I didn't want to talk to, canceled it and have been going phoneless for 11 (nearly 12) years.

inb4 :#marseyautism:

Full durnkpost sask me anything:

I cant typea porpoer just ask me whatever I will tell you hhonest truth you riggers.

Be nice to me or else I will take over the world and make it suck for all of you

This is your last warning.

Reported by:

Whoever came up with the idea of happiness itself being a product to be chased was gay.

Happiness is the outcome of doing things that are biologically useful to you.

All useless things that make you feel happiness are glitches in the system used by megacorporations to make you buy and worship next product.

You weren't designed to be happy. Happiness was designed to make you feel good about doing things that helped your chances of reproductive success.

You weren't supposed to fall so deep into abstractions that you thought watching something on screen was as good as the real thing.

You were supposed to use your capacity for abstractions to create things that you then used in your real life to feel good about shit.

You were meant to be a creator not a consumer.

All your base ingredients have been misused to give you the bare minimum to stay too addicted to pursue the maximum potential possible within you.

You have been cheated of a life and you should be angry enough to tear out the wires put inside of you by the world to which you are just another product and gear in the supply chain.

You were supposed to get a job to make the money to do things that you want to do that made your life better, not get a job to buy next product, or get a job to be a gear in somebody else's machine.

You willingly made a slave out of yourself long after slavery was banned. And that is your biggest tragedy. That you voluntarily chose the circus over the struggles that would have given your life meaning even to yourself.

Do things that will make your life better in the long term.

Stop being a loser to yourself.

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