Upvote to ban Masterlawlz from r/drama

79  2019-02-16 by Momruepari

link this there. it's time someone put this nerd of of his misery. one more sticky and I will declare fatwa on this piece of shit


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shut up

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Dude. lawlz.


Yeah that guy’s had it coming for a while!

fuck you master lawlz you degenerate suck my average 5.3 inch wang

no thanks

ok retard

I thought 4 inches was average

in glorious canada it is 5.3

Man is it really that low? Lmao

That’s what one Facebook page I’ve seen wants me to believe anyways

maybe if you include East Asians

no thats just cope

honestly fuck that guy



that's cause ur addicted to Xan

No that's my jersey aunts

nuke the east coast

I miss momruepari. Why did you get banned? And when's ur ban up?

hopefully never

That's rude. What would your granny think?

what a fag lol

  • shoob's grandma, 2019

Fair. My granny would have used the nword.

my granny died

Mine too. I miss her unnecessary racist comments.

sometime in May I think. It was a 90 day ban

oh and it was for "keep yourself safe", it was right after a 30 day ban for exposing Lawlz's ugly ass face

You exposed how face? How he posted it himself

super sekrit 4k quality version

PM it to me if you can

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nerd of of his misery


no u

No you both

no u 3


no u

He baited Wil Wheaton, he deserves a shitpost pass.

oh yeah forgot abt that

He serves a good purpose, there are too many self-diagnosed autists there. It's healthy to have a real one around.

good point

u/MasterLawlz vs. u/momruepari in a flaming stone circle death match when? Starting buy-in bet is $5

I'd beat his ass. no contest

I dunno, dude, Lawlz has retard strength just you do but his autism is of a different caliber

his autism might be more powerful, but I can outbox that manlet any day of the week. Dude can't be much taller than 5'6" judging by the pics out there


Fuck you im 5’7”


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u/Masterlawlz eternally btfo

6'2" master race here

get on my level literally unironically

Okay cool just let me get my stool first


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Good. Then I'll pull a Million Dollar Baby on your ass.