day69: update on the state of rdrama

64  2019-04-12 by trappysaruh


dont post mean things or be rude tho. just an update.

Lmao I caught a 2 day ban the last time Ann posted to r/ModSupport for calling bardfinn a fart huffing hobosexual. It was worth it.

bardfinn a fart huffing hobosexual

his comments make it apparent that he's v butt-blasted w/r/t /r/drama

I'd really like to see her so called research. I suspect it's on the level of Time Cube, but with more feminine 🅱️enis.

call them glowniggers next time.

Worth it and true. I got a ban too but all I did was ask a question, I wasnt even rude.

Questioning the glorious state appartus is strictly forbidden.

They deleted that one too now. What a fucking joke.

It's over for us 😢

Let just open the sub, ping and use mean words until they ban us, there’s nothing else to do, the admin minds are already made up.


When it’s the head mod you know shit is real.

It's over for uncels.

LOL the only thing that thread is going to get is the self righteous mods of other subs pointing and laughing and talking about how /r/drama has been harassing, doxxing, stalking, threatening, kicking puppies and sacrificing babies to Satan.

Yeah, I can't wait for the power mods to appear and get their dab on, lol.

GB is going to enter the fray because he asked to be let into /r/Drama and got muted. He will talk about the emotional distress he got for not being able to read or follow instructions and how the mods are intentionally harassing him.

That brief minute where he was a meme-mod was a lot of fun.

Who was worse at taking a joke though, him or Jewdank?

yep, maybe the admins will ban them too. redtaboo can do his "remember the human" ban.

That's the funny part though. Last time like 3 lol mods came in and they were using their 2m subs to show how much better their sub is.

Haven't we though?

Drama mods might be faggots and pathetic losers, but they are Gods among all other reddit mods.

user was banned for mod worship

Is the standard for god among reddit mods really that high?


The showers🚿

Now 👉⌚

Seriously though, the only times we have big boy levels of activity is when there’s a happening like the Gillette ad. The sub is extremely tame compared to other brigadiers like CTH and AHS.

rest in pibble pieces 😭😭😭😨😨


Cutest novelty account ever. 😍

Mr.Pibble just wants to give you kisses.

Awwwe cute and babykillinbases

Awww 🥰

Most shocking revelation is that Apparently one admin is part of the #yanggang.

lol not surprised at all.

spez is literally a libertarian doomsday prepper, along with most of the bay area tech scene being filled to the brim with tech-bro libertarians who think they'll be spared when the apocalypse happens

yang gang is lolbertarianism with a few extra steps except with 'wow, epic win over 9000 narwhal bacon 1k a month without rent or food controls'

Spez is #redpilled

Spez accept the mod position in /r/loliesports please

Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.

Lmao this guy became the general of the minutemen in Fallout 4 so he thinks he'd rule over a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

spez is a pretty big lolcow

Hahaha is that really him?

Lol if you search “Spez” the top images of him that pop up have “cuck” on his forehead, bigot in another, and another photoshopped as Hitler.

Also that picture is a nicer one

libertarian that wants neetbux

yeah, no.

Huffman has been a frequent attendee at Burning Man...

Stopped reading there.

Assuming they're all living in the valley, this wouldn't surprise me. Sorry Ann, it really seems like they've decided to target the sub; was really well done.

I mean we are actively trying to compl.

That's not what they want. Hell, they've never wanted anything other than to fuck Iver the sub. We're the last real bastion of free speech on the site and the antithesis to pretty much almost every sub. Ironic, right?

I don't think they care enough to want to fuck over the sub. its a blip on their radar tbh.

They want to eliminate "harrassment" subs, we've been labeled unfortunately.

Hey, WeWuzKANG5, just a quick heads-up:
harrassment is actually spelled harassment. You can remember it by one r, two s’s.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

Hey /u/CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up:
Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word".

And your fucking delete function doesn't work. You're useless.

Have a nice day!

Save your breath, I'm a bot.

Hey BooCMB, just a quick heads up: I learnt quite a lot from the bot. Though it's mnemonics are useless, and 'one lot' is it's most useful one, it's just here to help. This is like screaming at someone for trying to rescue kittens, because they annoyed you while doing that. (But really CMB get some quiality mnemonics)

I do agree with your idea of holding reddit for hostage by spambots though, while it might be a bit ineffective.

Have a nice day!

Wow autocorrect was wrong then....

How the fuck do you deal with these unethical jackasses? I mean honestly, it’s clear they don’t care about standards or rules. Why follow any of their rules if they are going to behave in bad faith like this?

The admin team of peace strikes again

Of course there’s dick girl whining in that thread, because every Reddit post needs to be about dick girl oppression

Hey now, bardfinn vs 40-pc-of-dat-assukas fight is good content. Be glad we get it.

HONestly power moderators deserve the gulag

FWIW I find you pretty obnoxious but that's probably part of the reason why you can bait so many people into being mad on the internet, and I can appreciate that.

as i have told trappysaruh, i don't know how i keep getting away with it. i am the leftist, transgender sam hyde, and i keep getting away with it.

i put zero effort into my posts. i put zero effort into my bait / shitposts, yet i get so many epic upvotes, and i manage to piss off dozens upon dozens of people

people just can't handle an intelligent- an attractive trans woman- being superior to them- and being smug about said superiority

Thanks for the instant demonstration.

and being smug about said superiority to them.

Yeah that's pretty much it, kinda like SRDines, the difference is that if you dropped 10 SRDines into a minefield they still wouldn't be able to trigger anything.

Thanks for the instant demonstration.

it was intentional, i insist 🧐

kinda like SRDines

they're asspained enlightened centrists who think everything said on the internet is a Big Deal ™ and use smugness to hide how totally not mad they are about what people say on reddit

if you dropped 10 SRDines into a minefield they still wouldn't be able to trigger anything.

they're redditors, of course not.

If you dropped 10 /r/dramatards into a minefield 3 would die instantly due to drop and their mass, 2 would become pregnant (ironically both male), 3 would start a religion, and the remaining 2 would have sewed themselves together into some sort of bizarre human centipede donut.

See this is why /r/drama is good. Nobody gets hurt in SRD, sure, but who wants to watch a group of boring cucks yikes around doing nothing? Now the situation you described, that would be an entertaining B movie D movie plot.

If we picked the cream of the crop we could probably get to a B-.


SRDines are definitely not centrists of any kind. They are smug moral posters who want to police everyone else.

And like O'Shea Jackson Sr. said fuck da police!

I am thankful the mods are trying so hard to protect r/drama from being banned.

does r/drama make the admins money? no? yeah they're not gonna give a shit.

So let's sell Official "Bussy LMAO™" t-shirts.

I tried to make Lawlz pillows a thing but the reaction to them wasn't that enthusiastic. I'd show you the drama thread but it's down so here's a picture instead.

/u/masterlawlz let's whore out your dog for the good of /r/Drama

but why


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^ that's why

IDK why not. Also I'm retarded.

Post ur furry boi

I'd fuck that pillow so hard bb

Make them with a built-in fleshlight and we're good to go

So basically they're just continuing to swing their dicks without saying a word. Meanwhile, the rest of the site's unironic, thin skinned, and pants on head retarded smugposting continue to circlejerk about how evil our sub is

I just want to make fun of everybody and have them all make fun of me because that's my fetish is that so wrong?

No! It seems a very common fetish. When did you last say something stupid? I REALLY want to make fun of you 🤗

Probably yesterday? I do it a lot.

Meh. I’m too lazy to look through post history. I’ll wait until I see you say something stupid in real time 👍🏼

Can't wait for the admin non-answer n°242!

The answer was basically "We already answered" and "Each time you post here you are mean so we are shutting it down" and the best answer I could get from the thread the admin linked was "yeah we should make our rules clearer"

Epic non-answer from the admins.

lol "Anti-Evil Operations", I mentioned it in (allah forgive me for my transgressions) srd that reddit has probably outsourced mean comment removal to some Bangladeshi computer farm that moonlights as an IG follower factory. Reading that post and some of the ones linked to it I'm even more convinced. Reddit admins will never admit they're doing this.

About a year ago I said in drama that this site will end up just as r/politics and r/the_donald. Every day that looks closer to reality.

Already removed lmao

Removed for Rule 2:

Please don't call out other users or subreddits. If you need moderator support regarding another user or community please modmail us instead.

That... makes so much sense.

"pls don't speak about anyone, ok? "

I wonder which other user and sub we were talking about 🤔🤨

moderators of the sub in a factual and approved manner per their wishes?

This feels like the final Seinfeld episode where they’re all on trial for being shitty local citizens.

YA’LL CANT BEHAVE - Admin level

Wow they actually removed the thread lmao

honestly ED

Wow the thread is already gone. Nothing like hiding your head in the sand.

It's gone too

If I click the link I can see the thread but if I go to ModSupport the thread isn't showing up

Mannnn admins really hate drama.

They removed it again lol

Yeah that’s what I thought. The response is great. “Check the other thread we answered there” and the response is basically “yeah we should make the rules clearer”

gone lol

yeah, it's kinda shitty they are ignoring the mods.

I think the person who threw out the idea that these people are outsourced to india/pakistan/bangladesh is not very far off.

Fuck the admins. Seriously, fuck the admins. They don’t give a shit about most users, and just randomly remove stuff if it’s bad PR. What they’re doing is on par with Tumblr removing porn.


Aaaand... the new thread was already removed lol

Removed again because y'all can't behave. 😠😠😠

It's been removed

Calling it now, internally it will take a designated number of anit-evil removals before a sub is canned.

Admins versus jannies admins versus jannies everybody wants to see this happen

Um, what is up with the mod's patreon link in the message on drama's private page? Is xe seriously saying there aren't enough trans people in speedrunning? Tell me this is a joke.


sweetie, representation is no joke

Hun, that might be the case if there were few to no trans speed runners. It's like saying furries need more representation.


Trappy you should do speedrunning

im already a stereotypical tranny


Don't say that, that implies you're not special 😎

lol, well if a drama mod represented anyone, it would probably set their cause back 50 years.


Yes it's an obvious joke by JC.

The striped sox were a nice touch. 👌

For a long time I couldn't tell if the whole JC trans thing was ironic or not. But I guess it's real.

I dont understand. Can someone explain this nonsense to me in < 15 words



It’s over for dramacels

I just got back from my 3 day ban for that comment... Apparently the admins are pro mayo?