1  2019-11-11 by SaltOverPlow


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  1. BIG THINK 🤔 -,

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The fact that the Jews are involved with the transvestite menace should go without saying.


And then they wonder why they’ve been banned from over 100 countries

“If everyone around you is an asshole, take a look in the mirror.”

Isn’t this one of Reddit’s favorite things to say?

Boy there’s one kaffir that could really use a rajm

being anti Semitic is just being pro human tbh

Oy Vey 🙄

you just can't win with goyim. They go full sexual revolution, so you put on the biggest pride parade in the world. Then they accuse you of "pinkwashing". So you make them their hormones. Then they STILL support the palestinians, despite the fact that they're not exactly the top "allies" of the lgbt community are they smdh.

Can a goyische r dramatard please give us some advice on how to placate your people? Is it more cuck porn? Because we can arrange that.

Even troons implicitly recognize the JQ

Yikes, there is a whole lot to unpack here. First of all, Muslims can never do anything wrong. Yes, Islamic countries don't believe in women's rights and execute gays, but our cognitive dissonance is powerful enough that we can simultaneously be progressive feminist lgbtq+ activists and support Islam, solely because of our unwavering devotion to identitarianism. If you weren't such a blatant Islamaphobic bigot, you'd accept that, but frankly your privelege is showing.

Did you know that a joo that converts to islam is not a muslim and thus eligible for a number of financially valuable subsidies?

you just can't win with goyim. They go full sexual revolution, so you put on the biggest pride parade in the world. Then they accuse you of "pinkwashing". So you make them their hormones. Then they STILL support the palestinians,

That is not goyim. That is the gayim.

Around goys never relax your purse-strings.

Ah those pesky jews making hormones i need and that sodastream that is so damn tasty.

Jews: Everybody needs to be heteronormative.

Also jews:

hormones I need

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo.

All it takes is a thread like this to bring all the antisemites out to play in this sub

pro humans*

Do not talk about the Group That May Not Be Named

Lol its a chapo libertarian. Centralized pedophilia is based tbh. I think ((they)) would approve

It's over for femcapcels.

But wait, there's more!

Ita Segev’s new show confronts the “giant lie that I was told about who I am and where I come from and how they’re deeply interconnected.”

Because (((they))) have been teling her the (((lie))) that she was a (((boy))), this stunning and brave woman finally submits to the Palestinian cause, which used to be called the German cause, but it's not en vogue, anymore.

Performance artist Ita Segev’s work all centers around one subject: the intersection of her identity as both a trans woman and an anti-Zionist Israeli. Born and raised in Jerusalem, Segev was “indoctrinated into being an Israeli man,” which meant joining the Israeli army at 18. Segev’s exploration of her trans identiy happened in tandem with her Palestinian solidarity work, something she sees as a natural connection. “When you’re from a society that raises boys to be soldiers, trans femininity is inherently a betrayal of the state,” she says.

I don’t think so. That’s funny. [In the show] we call the persona that’s saying [“What’s being trans without a photo shoot?”] “trans-salesman.” He sort-of represents the sleazy, neoliberal identity politics —like a trauma-porn-hungry monger.

Ita realized that a (((part))) of her is still (((sleazy))) and (((neoliberal))) and therefore needs purging. The Palestinians have promised Ita special trans-goyim "treatment" which will get rid of the (((problem))). Ita is still not sure what that means, but transitioning away from her previous (((occupant))) identity is takes precedence over the other transition.

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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Israeli women join the army too.

Is Ita going to deconstruct that next?

Palestinian women have no equality rights and wouldn’t be allowed to serve as soldiers.

So much to deconstruct!!!!?!!

Someone needs to get yahweh on the line and tell him we need another deluge. His chosen people are acting out again.

So the Jews want to weaken the West by turning men into Reddit mods 🤔