Neolib infighting

1  2019-12-31 by LeEpicMemerDude69420


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  1. Neolib infighting -,

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I don't understand this meme pls explain:/

Neoliberalism essentially means "the only reason people are poor under Capitalism is because of taxes and overspending, so let's ignore all of history and remove regulations altogether".

So neoliberal Chad must be pro (((conservative libertarian))), i.e. the Ben Shapiro type.

I don't understand this explanation pls explain :/

OP is a neocon who comes to r/neoliberal (the neolib subreddit is overwhelmingly in support of Biden and Buttigieg, likes immigration (hence the "taco trucks on every corner" meme), would back literally anybody over Trump, thinks markets should be regulated (hence the neo- in front of liberal), thinks gay and trans people should be protected under capitalism, and are all-around self-described "woke capitalists".

r/neoconNWO started mostly in alignment with neoliberal except with a greater focus on foreign policy, consisting mostly of hawks. Note the neoliberal subreddit is fairly split between doves and hawks. Nevertheless there was a big overlap between the two subs. Eventually tradcons took over neoconNWO and started worshipping Reagan and the like. OP is one of those tradcons.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/neoliberal using the top posts of the year!

#1: WHY GILLETTE AD HATE MEN | 1250 comments
#2: This country is doomed | 657 comments
#3: Trump has been impeached | 479 comments

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I don't understand this, pls explain :/

Reagan bad

What's wrong with these ppl