One of my coworkers told me I would have enjoyed growing up black and another one agreed

1  2020-02-12 by XalwaysinbadfaithX

What did they mean by this


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. One of my coworkers told me I would... -,

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I dont think the Y has courses in black childhood, snappy

Did your father abuse you?

Unfortunately my mom threatened to divorce my dad if he kept hitting me so kids at school had to pick up the slack

Glad you could count on your schoolmates ☺️

probably conservative parenting that isn’t pederasty

one word: infinite N-word pass

How did this come up?

Idk we were talking about All Dogs Go to Heaven and he just said it out of nowhere

Do you engage in sports/rapping/dancing/crack dealing/fighting games?

Just sports and fighting games. I did smoke crack once tho

2.5/5 is enough honestly. Maybe you were black in a past life.

Whats crack like btw?

Like 5 minutes of a strong coke high followed by wanting more crack

lmao good bit

This really happened btw, I'm just being ambiguous to make the thread more fun. Also my dad actually has called me a nigger on more than one occasion, AND I THINK HE KNOWS ME BETTER THAN YOU

/r/raceplay is over thaddaway, sweaty —> 💅🏻

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#1: Indian, latina and asian serving bwc | 24 comments
#2: Call me a sandnigger and push your White cock in my mouth | 32 comments
#3: Make America great again! | 31 comments

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dude wigga lmao