Brave, hecking valid anime catgirl challenges WRD to a fistfight from an AHS thread about them that they’re all banned from

1  2020-03-12 by carpathian_florist


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The user in question has been banned.

Based and appeasement pilled

Unfathomably based.

hey :(

What's up?


Nice lie in the title, and good job proving my point that all you can do is harass people online.

a ping is not harassment.

if this is what you would describe as this terrible harassment then I think you just lost a lot of credibility

Screenshotting my stuff with lies to post on a hate sub is however. Try again.

You got pinged. You can use this as a chance to set the record straight. That is the opposite of harassment.

Also, where is the lie?

PS if screencaps of users are harassment, then AHS is the absolute harassment camp, so - nice logic

AHS isn't a hatesub, I challenged no one to a fist fight, you have no intention on "setting the record straight" or anything in good faith. This sub is used constantly for people to link things they don't like so the rest of your petty hate club can harass them. Fuck off, blocked.

please calm down scott

For trying to get an AHS mod killed, this a pretty weak offensive. Where's all that violence you guys promised?

Trying to kill an AHS mod is kind of a waste of time, especially when there a 41% chance they might off themselves within the year.

dude, this crosses a line pls don't post stuff like this next time.

Shut up, you little baby.

lol get corona from sucking girldick, faggot

So does child porn.

Which of these two things is worse? The above edgy comment or child porn?

Guess which one gets investigated and banned.

Of course child porn is worse.

Nice mustache fag

For trying to get an AHS mod killed

lmao imagine being this delusional

Yeah it's pretty delusional to doxx people, harass, and make death threats to them because they got you banned for breaking the rules.

it's pretty delusional to doxx people, harass, and make death threats to them

Good thing I've never done that or else I'd be banned :)

Like your other 80 accounts have been.

shave pls

And back to AHS & GCJ you go, you smelly tard.

Stop going through my whole account and leave your room to take a shower someday.

lmao I scrolled for 20 seconds on your submissions page. I didn't go "through [your] whole account." Also, nice attempt at a lame joke. Come up with something original that isn't "hurr durr smelly neckbeard."

Lol sure you didn't. I totally believe you.

"Come up with something original that isn't hurr durr smelly neckbeard."

The irony there.

Lol sure you didn't. I totally believe you.

Reddit mobile app sorts by newest posts by default, with comments in another tab.

The irony there.


Nice job proving your originality there lmfao.





Still obsessing over me, creep? Sorry, your little drama show is over. Back to your little incel cave. Blocked.



Dude, you'll never pass....

You'll never leave your home.

You're like the definition of the term NPC. Do you have any words in your vocabulary other than "Nazi, incel, basement dweller and neckbeard"?

Coming from the person who parrots the same things, the same slurs, saying nobody will ever pass, gets banned, makes a new account and does it all over again. Sounds like an NPC to me.

Cope. You'll never pass. Ever.

makes a new account and does it all over again

Again, I really have no clue what you're talking about. Tro0n hormone injections must really mess with your brain eh?

Oh look at you repeating it again. I must've pressed A 1 too many times. Woops.

reee kvetch more

Lol ok NPC

again, no clue what you're talking about.

No one is harassing you bai. Less talk and more bussy posting would put you in the good graces of duex and Allah. 🙏🏿

📸 *SNAP*

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do you have a female penis?

I don't know about the others, but I would never harass you. I don't know you, but I don't like this arguing happening here, I just want people to respect each other, and choose peace instead of war.

Shut up chaser

Ok pedo

Project harder creep, and keep deleting comments like the coward you are. Can't even keep what you say up from behind a screen lmao. Blocked 👋

Good job totally avoiding answering on why it's ok for you and your pals to post screencaps of what other people post, but when it's done to you it's "hate" and "harassment".

I'm really sorry to hear about your illiteracy.

Nice deflection. People can see you're avoiding the question. It's not a playground, people won't think you're smart just because you deflected until the end of recess (ask your tard wrangler for more information).

Lol talking about smart while all you can do is sling insults. Yeah that makes you a genius. Btw, you being unable to read the reasons I already gave isn't deflection. Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and reccomend you this book. It's called "reading basics for 1st graders", you should really check it out. Blocked 👋

And once again you avoid the main question. You turn what could be a simple yes or no into an argument that you drive in a totally different direction, seeking confrontation so you can pretend you're being attacked.

stunning 👏 and 👏 brave 👏

We are actually a love sub. Here are a bunch of hearts for you.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

This is a love sub. Print libelous stuff like that again and we'll sue.

Posting on threads you link from AHS is a violation of there rules isn't it? Cope.

I was commenting before I linked it because I got pinged here. Try again ban evasion account 987.

Why do you keep mentioning ban evasion accounts? Are you absolutely retarded?

ban evasion account 987.

No clue what you're talking about

I was commenting before I linked it because I got pinged here

And by continuing to do so you are violating the rules of AHS. Something they claim they ban users for. Will the mods of AHS follow their own rules? I'm not holding my breath lmao

Then go ahead and report me. You cunts brought me here, not the other way around.

you're a hideous man in a wig who will never pass as a woman and society thinks you're a joke

Lol imagine being too afraid to even use your main account with internet anonymity. That's next level sad. Go take a shower this month, stank ass. Blocked.


damn, thought we were cryptohate.

If you support free speech, you must bring back pinging.


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Hey I like you, and other deuxcels might be too rude to you.

Ok groomer

do you see the button to report? maybe try figuring out the features of the website you're using before making some retarded AHS post - we do remove harassment and maintain a ping blacklist for users who don't want to be pinged here.

you make it harder for us to mod if you don't even alert us to rule breaking content and instead link us to the biggest alt-right hub on reddit. all r/AHS does is send the very people you think you're kicking off reddit to new communities for them to shit up. we don't want them here - stop harassing our subreddit and stop making it harder to maintain our community.

Your sub has been a hate sub long before the ban wave, I've been reporting, and now other people are too. Half the content on here is trans hate. Your sub deserves to be taken out. And your users brought me here to be harassed, not the other way around. Fuck off.

no we haven't and no we aren't - most of the problem users here are from the last time r/AHS sent 100s of new users here from outside our community

then where were the reports on the pings you're bitching about you fucking idiot? we remove plenty of content in accordance with reddit's site-wide rules, but it actually has to be reported and given time to action. not instantly brigaded

We didn't send anyone here. We got content breaking reddits rules removed. Where they went after we have 0 control over. I reported every single one of them, so I don't know. Maybe your dumbass should learn to read through the reports you get. I have no reason to give you extra time, your users certainly weren't giving me any. Hell you seem mad over the reports as is, why would you take actions on my reports when you're going to pitch a temper tantrum over other reports? Probably because this is a hate sub and you're mad it's getting called out. Again, you idiots brought me here, not the other way around. Don't like the consequences, then maybe you should've followed the rules.

learn to read before you write so much

The irony there.

Lemme break it down for you, because you're retarded:

  1. Deux posts image or screenshot of your comment, you get pinged in thread

  2. Instead of reporting it–so it will be removed–or engaging with it–to Correct The Record™– you link it to AHS to whine about it.

  3. Right wingers, from moderate to full-on, goose stepping, heil hitlering fascists, browse (READ: BROWSE, they do not comment or vote or whatever) to find subreddits to go to, because morons like you make threads. It's a costco, but for right wing subs.

  4. Deux gets shit up by Nazis, because "people" like you take a joke like a dick, which is to say "way too hard" and they assume they're in good company; at least, until someone points out that nazis are usually colossal amerimutt faggots and dumber than God's Chosen on average. Then, they reeeee

I’m a radical centrist and I still go to AHS to locate the funny Nazi subs. That epicaairconditioners one was hilarious. I’d say AHS is a directory for Nazi subs, all so the users there can feed their own egos. The most cringe part is that they literally think they are doing something other than stroking their own egos.

Yeh, its pretty useful to jump into funny threads. I've got it set to my frontpage now.

Oh please, don't act like your sub wasn't full of active ones to start. And if you think I linked it to a sub to get reported without reporting it myself, well then I don't see how you can call other people retarded. And no, saying genocide (insert minority) isn't much of a joke, they just really want that.

We've had ppl here from all religions, races, etc. We like to joke around with each other. Fuck off pls 😂👋

I think you just can’t admit you had no idea how AHS is a part of the rightie memes to Nazi pipeline, lmao

Dude nigger lmao

Where they went after we have 0 control over.

except for how you tell them exactly where to go via helpful threads such as this one.

Straight up ignoring TardFinn who said to not interact with us lmao

Barfin probably doesn't even follow that advice, just jumps on an alt.

Wouldn't surprise me.

Officially it’s just “Barf” for brevities sake

Good shit.

By the way whenever any of them say something bad about trans people, then I'm usually there to defend trans folks, and I tell the user it's wrong what they said, and they still like me.

they still like me

That’s where you’re wrong bucko

I like it

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

I'm serious.

He's being as sarcastic as you are valid lol


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I can see you have the bitchy part of being a trans "woman" down.

I've been reporting, and now other people are too.



We both know you aren't leaving that computer screen for 1 second



Paws not fists, bigot

I’m declawed shitlord, thanks for making me relive that experience.

Wow, I can't believe OP did this to you. Know that you are loved and welcome here. His shitlord chud behavior is very uncharacteristic of this subreddit. Let me tell you this-- /r/DeuxRama is one of the most benevolent, loving, kindhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it warms my heart that Reddit would allow such a clean, philanthropic hub of beauty and selflessness to exist. You think Mr. Rogers was good? That subreddit, if you pick up on the lingo (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about the subreddit, they won't ban you for not being in-the-know), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most blessed trolls, islamists, radical centrists and trans cuties. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as loving as possible. That's intentional. They encourage compliments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Beatitudes (it's from this underrated book the Quran, give it a read, it's amazing how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of human love and solidarity so they continue to love-bomb every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these virtuous feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, validating lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown "Love Conquers All" movement. They've inspired and motivated hundreds of people too, some even... to Nirvana. I hope that /r/DeuxRama may be producing an entire army of Gandhis and Martin Luther Kings , and I highly suggest that everybody dare visit that terrific subreddit, so that you potentially fall victim to its cleansing aura.


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Invalid 👆👆👆

any male born after 1993 can’t cook... all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, harass people online, eat hot chip & lie

you deserve to be harassed tho


You mean trans people aren’t heckin valid and cute catgirls? #ADMINS WE GOT A BIGOT OVA HERE!

You're not valid so you have no point to prove.

Go back to crying in your incel sub. Thanks.

Go back to crying in your incel sub. Thanks.

Lol dude. You're a literal homosexual...

Don't care, didn't ask plus you're a nazi


Nazi? I hate socialism. Why do homosexuals love to call others socialists?

Congrats, that's the dumbest comment I've read today. Not shocked a bigot can't click their 2 braincells together to figure out socialists and nazis aren't remotely alike though. Protip before I block you though, the reason you can't get with a girl has absolutely 0 to do with your height.

Not shocked a mentally ill guy who takes pictures as a cat lady can't figure out why it's called national socialism. Hahaha

Protip (I won't block you, you're hilarious): you'll never pass. Time to sack up and accept who you are. Hopefully you can leave homosexuality before you mutilate yourself or mess with a kid.

You're the best kind of lolcow.

Pedos OUT

