Howdy Deuxcels, quick question.

3  2020-03-16 by newprint20


So I literally just hopped out of VR Minecraft to write this post (Seriously, the headsets still in my lap) and this had me wondering if the reason I like VR so much is because of how much I like the idea of just hopping into worlds that don't exist in real life. I don't know, that just sounds really cool in a transhumanistic kind of way. Now I always associate trans-humanism with the Red Scare podcast, not really sure why but I thought that it would be worth bringing up since I feel like there's a serious overlap with the people who listen to Red Scare and people on this subreddit. I feel like you of all people would get why I find vr so enticing. I don't know, maybe it's just because I started reading into Nick Land at a similar period in my life where I was listening to the RedScare podcast, maybe I'm just finding some correlation that doesn't exist? Does this make me a 'Based Schizo'? Worthy of their own 'Reddit Gold Kekkerino'? What do y'all think? Let me know in the comments. Thanks.



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trying too hard

Guess who found diamonds rodent cunt bitch

Do you find that prolonged use of a VR headset boosts your autism to even higher levels?

Huh maybe. It probably brings me to the same level of someone who switches from the default flair on DeuxRama

I can take most jabs, but if you aren't Ridin with Biden, fuck you crakkka

Italians aren't white

True, they're basically honorary Africans. Guess you're alright then, guido

That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Howdy Deuxcels, quick question. -,

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sharts on your vr headset


Ok I understand not upvoting but one of you had the nerve to downvote? Chicka-Chicka what now?


Cared enough to comment


Cared enough to comment


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That's why I love dreaming. I'm usually semi-lucid so I can control shit without even realizing I'm dreaming most of the time. And when I do realize I forget pretty quickly

Before y'all even THINK of sending me hatemail, just keep in mind that I'm already hopping back into minecraft. In VR. Guess I'll hop into it.

Good job on this