All of you are here because you don’t understand Options Trading enough to post dank screenshots to Wall Street Bets

1  2020-03-22 by CasanovaNova

Listen here you knobgobblers.

You waste your time “REEEEEEE”ing at all you find distasteful, and yet, you don’t find it distasteful to see that every moment you complain about other races, they’re laughing that you can’t see just “green”.

Green as in practicing my trading on PaperMoney because I always had a TD Ameritrade (while YOU guys hide and use ROBINHOOD AHAHAHHA) and I can trade options as long as they see I know wtf I’m doing.

Well, now I’m trying to firesale my drone and camera to focus on YouTube tendies from streaming my hot wife playing Animal Crossing while using income to make AMD calls on a $3 strike come Jan 2022 after holiday sales of XBox and PS5.

While you autists make memes.

/r/wallstreetbets if you have Glengarry Brass Balls, or Trump Tiny Hands.


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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I have rich parents who think my mental instability is way worse than it actually is so I dont have to worry about math and money and stuff 😎

Yeah but when they die you’ll suddenly be a few years back mentally and competitively from your hard working peers and in the markets; we call that a bad strategy.

rich parents

I dont need a strategy 😎

>muh stockerinos


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You don’t break down my similes you fucker. I’m better than you in every way imaginable anyway. The tone you use in your comments is pathetic. It must be quite a touching moment of respite when you reach 100 percent method acting and if just for a moment, truly feel like you’ve accomplished anything of importance in your life. Before reality hits you like a wave of emotions and you realize you’ll never amount to anything more than defending nazis on the internet. I feel sorry for you. By the way OP said he wanted to eat my shit so...


  1. All of you are here because you don... -,

  2. /r/wallstreetbets -,*

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I made 80k from 25k then lost 60k on amazon, now I just have 20k that matured to 200k in oxford solars or what ever it's called

I'm here to flex on the peasants.

Can you give a retard's guide pls? I have $30 ready to invest but absolutely zero economic knowledge. Is it like slots or blackjack?

It’s like playing Russian Roulette with a semiautomatic handgun

$SPY 300 calls. Risk free money

$SPY 300 puts. Risk free money

You used to be cool but holy fuck shut your mouth

Who are you?

My username is written above my comment, learn to read shudroid

No that’s your identity.

Who are you, really?

I don't understand what you want, you are starting to creep me out

What if I touch you inside?


"Learn options"

What say you now to all the immoral looking to profit off of death and despair?

I'm poor from a poor country 😃

I will find you, and I will develop your nation.

based punji, very cool