This but unironically

1  2020-03-30 by FukinSukinCukin


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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one day ban for holding unoRAMA's hand you cocksucking piglet


Unironically this.

I joined DeuxRAMA not this time that drama shut down but 1-2 times before that. I remember the sub count was somewhere in the 4,000s. I thought I'd be more excited to see what r/Drama had been up to. I was kinda disappointed after they hyped up how much great drama was being posted only to find out that it was largely the same drama we see here but with the addition of an AutoMod that wants to ban anyone who says "gay" or "girl pussy" or any other "slurs"

So yeah. It's over for Dramacels. The era of DeuxChadcels has just begun.

Realistically, this sub will be banned within 12 months, but at least it remained honest. r/drama is out here spreading its cheeks for the anti-wrongthink crusaders. It’s a “survival” tactic, but the sub died as soon as it embraced censorship. It’s only a matter of time before it becomes SRD 2.0.

Exactly. They have no self respect, their egos are more important than the sub at this point and it's killed all enjoyment.

r/DeuxRAMA has really opened my eyes to how cringe that subreddit actually is. Thank God I'll never have to care about the maintenance of a subreddit, I'd hate to disappoint my father any further.

Don’t quote on me this, but I heard they did it all for free as well. Completely uncompensated. SAD

Clean it up Jannie 😠

Oops did I spill shit all over your thread? 🤭 Piss and cum across your reddit community? 😈


I really hope you're being paid well for your important work! 😜

What's that?? 😳

You really do it for FREE? No! How could such valuable effort go unappreciated!? 😮

You're telling me you put in all this time cleaning up internet messes, and you do it all for free??? 🤯

I'd actually feel bad...

If you weren't a volunteer reddit jannie 😂

Now clean up this shit, Jannie! 💩

It's still spewing out all over your reddit community, and you better get your hard earned $0 🤮

I'd hate to disappoint my father any further.

the fact that you know the difference between drama and deuxrama means you don't need to worry about that.

It is literally not possible to disappoint him anymore than you already have.

That's very true.

Realistically, this sub will be banned within 12 months

Honestly, this is why we gotta keep the fugees out. Basically, right or left, I will take the opposite of whatever stance someone holds just to watch them seethe and cope. That's kinda the basis for all of these drama subs (or at least the good ones) which is why (I think) AHS hasn't actually claimed us as a hate group yet. However, alt-right fugees trying to serious post on this sub is what's gonna do us in eventually.

From the outside, this sub looks kinda fucked up. But when you understand what's going on here, it's some really good drama with quite the developed meta. Not sure how this sub would avoid being banned. Not sure it can. Guess we'll just ride this sub till it dies.

Sorry for the long post. I'll post bussy to make up for it.

AHS don't care they'll ban anything rightwing even if the sub has leftwing to balance it out. See their attacks on political compassmemes

Doesn't matter. Ahs already has their nose on the shit posted here. Reddit admins DNGAF anymore. This sub and watchredditdie are dead in the water

If they can’t take a joke now and refuse to try and understand meta, I can’t imagine they’ll do well when the meta grows a few more layers and their own twisted faces scare themselves when they look in the mirror we hold up for them.

If you go to AHS deuxrama is on the front page twice

What if we just make an offsite? We could implement an easy easy to cross post back to reddit.

So basically, why don't we use 4chan? Good question

So, I haven't been on 4chan since it's new ownership.

Is that even a decent alternative?


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Wait is my comment really still up or are the jannies just asking politely?

I will take the opposite of whatever stance someone holds just to watch them seethe and cope. That's kinda the basis for all of these drama subs (or at least the good ones) which is why (I think) AHS hasn't actually claimed us as a hate group yet.

This is true. Even findarb said at one point that this sub is for trolling and shouldn't be focused on

We need r/troisrama for when deux is banned


If Reddit is going that far down wokecel lane, we'll have to move somewhere else, anyway.


Make it 2

Srdines are akin to chapos. There may be a ton of chapos in drama( and in here too frankly) but neither this sub nor drama will ever become srd, that place is basically ahs lite

They literally ban me on sight in a lot of left wing subs because they see my r/drama posting history. CTH and fullcommunism are the only ones that reliably don't give a shit.

I also inevitably get banned from a lot of defaults because I'm not nice basically.

So much this


Has drama going private inadvertently exposed approvedcels as the boring fucks they are? All that talk of manning the walls when the real rot was already inside...

Unironically I do think some drama users have been posting the same stale shit for too long, but maybe that's just cope from an unapprovedcel

being an approvedcel just shows what a faggot you are for being so attached to an internet community. Open borders deuxchads are based

/gates open cum on in

Exactly. How sad does your life have to be that a reddit community is how you spend majority of your free time

r/ what? I've never heard of that

I’m deleting this app I genuinely can’t stand y’all. I’m not even gonna try to make a point this time I’m done.


  1. This but unironically -,

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We've all been there snappy

i'm staying for the kewler flairs

he doesn't disable subreddit style

That's pretty cringe bro, ngl

But how can I bounce on ma bois bidens dick?

I personally requested the squirrel flair when this place opened up and I'm damn well gonna see it next to every post I make

Deuxchads are finally rising up ✊✊✊✊


They closed the sub during the best time for drama since maybe 2016 election night, now what they have to offer is so underwhelming that it honestly looks like SRD.

Only thing r/drama has over duex is lawlzposting.

What I thought was once purgatory has now become paradise, what I thought had been Jannat Adni I now know as Jahhanam.

I was wrong to question Allah's judgement and am overjoyed at the greatest gift he hath bestowed.

R/ drama is like an abusive ex while R/DeuxRama is your neighbor who let's you tickle her butthole

And smoke meth

Can we ping here?

More importantly, can we ping /r/drama mods to tell them how they're fat fucks?

I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea what this subreddit or r/drama even are

I started on drama but deux is better. It's kind of like being the kid in the cafeteria that's laughing at the other kid who just shit their pants but you also happen to be the kid who shit themselves.

Just retards smearing their own shit all over the walls, it’s fantastic

getting banned from drama has saved me from so much boring serious/agenda posting. thank allah for deuxrama.

Can a deuxchad please tell me what the fuck r/drama even was? I'm just an MDEfugee who comes here for the based posts, I thought r/drama was just a troid hangout for losers to get dopamine hits off meaningless internet drama.

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Sorry sweaty, I don't think you're cut out for this sub

Seethe more incel


Out out out

to downvoters

how are you going to hate this guy for not belonging when you don't even observe deux culture

I just downvoted your comment.


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I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?

Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct.

Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.

They actually like MDEfugees there, you might wanna move

guys who else is here for the based and redpilled posts?

Rapefugees OUT, (((you've))) been kicked out of 109 subs, when will you learn?

It's basically this sub in a parallel universe.