I dont understand why people think I'm a piece of shit for living my life as normally as I can right now instead of quarantining. The only people I can infect are other dumbfucks who aren't taking the proper precautions anyhow

6  2020-04-08 by XalwaysinbadfaithX


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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  1. I dont understand why people think ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Ugh 😑 why do you want to go out in the first place? People do people shit outside. Chew too loud, smell bad and invade your personal space. Feckin hell some actually try and befriend you!!! 🤢

You should be rejoicing in the fact that this Easter Sunday you don’t need to eat shit chocolate, shit food made by family you don’t really like or visit family/extended family because you’ve got the best excuse ever and it’s backed by the WHO and your government. I 💗 quarantines now.

Please have my children

How many?


people do shit outside

Not all of us live in India.

Some people live in San Francisco unfortunately....

You are such an Alpha Dog with huge cocku OwO

Thanks, I really don't understand why more people dont tell me this