Criminal mastermind Berniebro literally tells Reddit that he’s considering assassinating 💀🗡 Ice Cream Joe.

1  2020-04-10 by Can_The_SRDine


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  1. Criminal mastermind Berniebro liter... -,

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REEEEE these links never work

"Ocean ecosystems likely to collapse in 2020s and land species in 2040s unless global warming stemmed."

Don't they say stuff like this, like every ten years?

Yeah but this time they really mean it

When I was a kid top scientists said the ice caps would be gone by 2012. The ocean raised half an inch. Now in 2020 the pandemic deaths predictions have been lowered several times already. Top scientists can't even predict a month in advance.

Help meteorologists can't even predict tomorrow, and that's with some of the fastest supercomputers known to mankind.


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Also a decent point. I don't deny climate change but honestly ocean pollution and over fishing seem like far more dangerous things to go down and far sooner.

Do you know what a forecast is?

Do you know what science is?

Irrelevant. You're a dipshit that doesn't know what a forecast is.

You're Irrelevant because they're all forecasts, retard. Climate change is a climate forecast. They're all fucking wrong too. Humans aren't controlling the climate any more than we're controlling the weather you gullible fucking dipshit.


You were retarded for not knowing what a forecast is, but now youve gone off the deep end by denying man-made climate change. How many times does "well they cant predict tomorrows weather so they cant predict anything else" have to be debunked?

LOL you almost got me, I mean I get there is people in /r/chapo and /r/politics and /r/sandersforpresident that are as loony tunes as you... but you really put on a good show. 9.5/10

sorry retard, but it appears youre the loony on the fringe of the spectrum (in both autism and politics)

Yikes, sweaty.

Looks like there’s a lot to unpack here.

It's what a Mohl bites off.

Yeah genius, the death projections have been lowered because people have been following instructions to self-isolate better than the experts had hoped.

No, the projections were lowered to BELOW the lowest estimates at the time based on full quarantine AFTER people already self-isolated, by one third of the original estimate. That's a significant original over estimation. It's like saying okay how many soldiers can you see, the person says 100 but when they get to the battlefield it's actually 30.

Only for the USA, and deaths in New York are probably being undercounted right now, and in public health when your intervention works it’s inherently going to look like an overreaction.

Yeah they're dragging people out of their homes in body bags people just go home and die jez

people just go home and die jez

This would be safer, actually.

Holy shit this is levels of cope I didn't even know what possible. Hasn't been a very good week for you what with Bernie dropping out and all has it?

I never supported Bernie, Grandpa.


This isn't /r/drama, pointing out my previous accounts doesn't get me banned here since snally isn't a mod here.

You have no power here, kiddo.

Go back to cope and seething over Trump curing Coronavirus when the chinks and the eurocucks couldn't.

You have no power here, kiddo.

Fair enough, but do you even have power anywhere?

In the real world, yes. You'd be surprised.

I was told in the 1980s that I and everyone I knew would starve to death by 2000. And that didn't happen until like 2007..

maybe dont believe all the fear mongering on the news and then claim "wow, scientists are, like, totally wrong, bro" you retard

Big brains know the solution is to move to sustainability regardless of how true or false it all is. Cut the labcoat funding and give it to architects so they can remake cities green.


But it's totally not a hoax.

Lots of local ecosystems have collapsed like the great barrier reef

That's why trump wants to build the wall........ Duh

Eco systems collapse in 2020

So like... it already happened or

Manhattan's already under water.

If any Berner even THINKS about hurting Aryan Joe I will personally jump in front of the bullet