all hail the new DeuxRAMA spirit animal

318  2020-04-12 by SureKale2


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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We’re doing drugs. If i wanted to hear “don’t do it man” or any other sort of social stigma about wanting to put meth in my ass I would have asked my mom what her thoughts were. Obviously if I’m ready to put meth in my ass and I want to know whether or not I should take a shit first, I’ve already made up my mind. It’s going up there.


  1. all hail the new DeuxRAMA spirit an... -,

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Based, that's got to not only be fast but efficient

You mean effective. If it was efficient it'd be fast, as well.

thats not what efficiency is

Did you guys know that snails are the same sex and they have literal sword fights where they stab eachother with their penises in an attempt to impregnate the other?

God I wish that was me

I'm pretty sure you are combining facts about snails with facts about flatworms.

No u

Those two cells are named “based” and “cringe,” just like the only two emotions of all true deuxcels.

You sure it's not cope and seethe?

the two genders

Where does dilate fit in?






Have sex

>posting a snail to French subreddit

You know what's gonna happen to this cute little nigga right?


W-what ?? F-French sub ? My ancestors would kille me if they heard that I was in a French community...

Oui! nous les cuisinons souvent ici en france, nous faisons des plats délicieux, je vais personnellement au restaurant le plus chic avec mon fiancé pour manger un bon plat d'escargots


He is above all of us


Literal Gad-tier

why did no one tell me boipussy was just a mans shitty asshole

RIP Platy 😢

Petition to add "rarded snail" or "cute sticky snail" user flair to the sub

I had a conversation with a lassie about snails years ago and mentioned how bad I felt when I accidentally stepped on them in my garden at night. She said she enjoyed the sound of their shells breaking so much she would intentionally go out when it was raining and step on loads of them. :(

(InB4 'you've never had a conversation with a lassie', etc.)

women are disgusting and inherently evil

ur an unironic mra dude

Even worse, I used to be a feminist. SMH

life is very long

If you're indecisive, does that mean you're dumber than a snail?

it me