Guys I just stopped myself from linking some grade A lolcow shit because it came from a sub that unironically take seriously because about a shit subject I unironically respect and relate to. The sub, that is, not the post. The post is fucking hilarious

3  2020-04-14 by XalwaysinbadfaithX

I dont deserve my username. I thought about posting it under an alt and even signed into it but I backed out. Guess you gotta ban me now😭


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this is less drama, and more pathetically sad

he has such an undeveloped set of social skills and lack of awareness of the size of things it's piteous


  1. Guys I just stopped myself from lin... -,*

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words words sentient words words

No one cares faggot


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Pun intended in retrospect

Fuck it was literally deleted between the time I posted that and this

No one cares




If it makes you feel any better I got a good chuckle at the name of the thread you linked.

It was seriously ther when I copied the link. Remove reddit it or whatever, it's worth it

Do I even want to read that....