I got new poopies born deux, 1 boy and 1 gorl. Gimme poopie names

16  2020-04-17 by HitlerSayTransRights


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Bussy and lmao

Neuter & Spay

based and red pill

Cope and Seethe

What kind of pitbull is that?

woolie hosskey

Name the girl "Dog" and the boy "Hey"

So according to you I am a coward because I post stuff on the dick show subreddit when I dislike Dick (absolutely nonsensical on every level already, why shouldn't I post, why posting be cowardly, why should any post on the internet require "courage"?). After you pathetically failed trying to zing me, I explained to you why I post in r/freefolk and other subs and you still can't get two neurons to fire in your oversized skull in order to put two and two together and deduce a potential answer for your question (very stable genius).

So I'll be gracious now and tell you exactly why I posted on the sub, if you can point me to any of my posts there Sherlock. You brought it up, so you must have a specific post in mind.

Link me the post and I'll enlighten you! Tick tock.


  1. I got new poopies born deux, 1 boy ... - archive.org, archive.today

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13 and 50

gussylover and nigga

Oskar Dirlewanger & Josef Mengele

Radovan Karadzic & Ratko Mladic

I actually wanted to name the boy Miro for my boy Miro Semberac


Deux and chaf

Jeremy-Pascal and Antoinette-Jaqueline


Name the winner of the fight Deuxchad and the loser Deuxcel

Bitch and son of a bitch


Piss n shit

Elliot and Rodger

name it after your favorite deuxjannie or HIL

๐Ÿงน ๐Ÿ˜‘

r/awww and r/chonker