Guys does coronavirus make your asshole bleed?

1  2020-04-19 by XalwaysinbadfaithX

I have had respiratory discomfort and a slight fever for like a week now and I wanna make sure that wont happen because it definitely isn't something that's already happening


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Bruh you dead yet?

No but I'm working on it

Cool tell me when you do

I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.


  1. Guys does coronavirus make your ass... -,

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great i see 3 comments and i come in here expecting a duexcels comment here and its just bots.. great.


I read somewhere Digestive symptoms can be a part of it so might wanna stock up on antivirals

Good idea, I dont want that to be something that actually happens

Here, nausea and vomiting are also signs but the main ones still breathing issues and a persistent cough

So a bleeding asshole could be entirely unrelated? That could be very concerning to someone who has both coronavirus and blood on their toilet paper

Quite possibly but im no doctor, get it checked out

You have hemorrhoids

Also, the respiratory discomfort goes way when you're kinda drunk. Protip

The virus probably migrated into your asshole and caused hemorrhoids. Stop sitting on your bussy so much and eat more fiber.

Stop sitting on your bussy

What's the alternative?

try and lay on your back for a few days instead of sitting on a chair.

I dont even have hemorrhoids tho