A true hero πŸ˜”

1  2020-04-20 by roi_larry


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Truly a man we should aspire to become πŸ˜”

Based beyond belief

fuck you karen. if you cared so fucking much why didnt you speak up when it was happening? fuck this finger wagging bull shit. and fuck you for implying that only new witches would want to do something like this. theres always a downside to weather magic but im NOT gunna hesitate to help when people and animals are fucking DIEING.


  1. A true hero πŸ˜” - archive.org, archive.today

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I noticed you dropped 5 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place.

Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second.

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Fuck off you fucking uppity fuckhole of a fucking fuckbot, fuck you

I know you’re a bot but shut the fuck up with your token positivity bullshit you retard

Holy shit lmfao if this was made ironically, extremely based

wouldn't drinking water create even MORE steam?


Good bot

Make them seethe harder

Stop downvoting the bot, you’ll hurt his feelings ;0;

Unironically he should be the sub's official bot. He makes retards SEETHE

u/nwordcountbot u/residentofclowntown

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Well damn that is some epic level seethe

God imagine being so fucking based

Nothing based about coping, son.

Caring about downvotes = seethe

i'm not seething youre seething

Cope seethe etc

bussy πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚


Unironically downboating = seething ledditor



Lol if you think I vote you absolute retard


Based username brother

How much will he run if it was te repeal the 19th amendment? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Let's organise a woman's march.

Obviously a man of conviction he'd run forever to save America from the foid menace


Fucking based

Yoo how based would it be to just repeal all the ammendments

Keep the 2nd

Fag amendment for fentanyl-americans

>"b-but i n-need to protect myself from the gubmint!"

>Gets drone striked anyways


You will not survive the big igloo

Any day now Cletus

drones can not execute search warrants and gather humint

Goy boy got rekt

Only a day? What a libtard

Real human bean

This just goes to show that if you let hate into your heart nothing is impossible.

Wow! an in shape, healthy, clean cut Southern racist asshole! They don't make bigots like they use too. They are all fat, out of shape neck beards that nobody wants to fuck. Sure the Third Reich were a bunch of ass holes that needed to die, but at least they knew how to carry themselves.



Duke and Fuentes are pretty hot though.

Fuentes isn't white though, so he doesn't count.

Hm, true.

Thank you aryan andy very cool



IIRC this is actually nazi propaganda and didn't happen... but what if

Yeah ok jew.

me on the right